Title: "A Brand New Day"
Author: Rebecca Bradstreet
Rated: NC-17
Archive: Sure
Summary: Grayson, TJ, and Methos celebrate the defeat of Horton and His Hunters, and Kronos and his virus.
Warning: Sex, sex, sex!  God that feels good to say.  *vbeg*.
Disclaimer/Notes:  I don't own Grayson, Methos or any of the other Highlander characters in this story.  They belong to Panzer/Davis.  I do own Theresa Joy "TJ" Grey.  This story is set in my version of the To Be/Not To Be timeline... after well... everything.  I use  // as thoughts, and ** as emphasis.
Special Thanks to: JoLN for beta reading this.

"A Brand New Day"
Rebecca Bradstreet (c) 2000

Seacouver 1998,

Joe's... Dawson hadn't wanted the bar.  It was too much of a gift.  Amy and Robert promised they'd count it as a Watcher property instead as long as he ran it.  Certainly, the trio that had given it to him hadn't cared if he kept it -- only that he took.  They'd done so much saving the world, themselves, and Joe.  Whatever they were going to do next they were going to do it together.  Joe wasn't sure how he felt sitting with Robert and Amy, and talking about rebuilding the Watchers, but it did feel good to be doing *something*.  And watching the trio leave the bar arm in arm in arm had felt good.

Sometimes Grayson laughed with TJ and Methos, and sometimes he was quiet.  His blue eyes held humor, but they also held a gentleness -- a melancholy that left some distance between him and the other two.  His eyes were a pale wintry blue, and his dark blond hair curled around his ears.  TJ's grey eyes were so bright with her joy that they flashed like silver.  Her long brown hair swung from sided to sided as she looked back and forth between Methos and Grayson.  Methos occasionally ran his hand through his short black hair, and his grey-green eyes were full of his contentment.

When they stood once more at the door to their rooms they had to stop and remember who had the keys.  They'd spent the night with Robert, Amy, and Joe celebrating the rebirth of the Watchers.  Oh, it was Watchers and Immortals mixing, but Horton had changed what the Watchers were.  Now Watchers and Immortals would have to set new boundaries.  Grayson worried that Robert might not be up to the task.  TJ trusted Amy to make him rise to it.  Methos knew if the kids couldn't set things right Joe would.  Not everything was right with the world yet, but it was getting there once again.

"I don't have the keys.  Search me!"  Methos protested to TJ's playful pout.  Grayson nodded.  Methos couldn't have the keys since Grayson had had them when they left.  He *had* to have the keys.  Grayson loved TJ and Methos so tonight he'd spared them both the simple responsibility of keeping track of the keys.  TJ scowled at Grayson for a moment then her face filled with a wicked grin.  She turned to Methos, taking up his invitation to search him.  TJ slipped her hands in under his coat and ran them over him, making him laugh and squirm.

"Hey, hey, even if I had the keys they wouldn't be there!"  Methos caught TJ's roving hands as Grayson finally found the keys.

"Ah ha!  I knew they had to be here somewhere!!  Let's get inside and hang our coats up for the night."  Grayson opened the door with a flourish, and ushered TJ and Methos in.  Methos kept his hands on TJ's herding her through the door ahead of him.  Grayson came in behind them and closed and locked the door.  Inside Grayson set the keys on the table by the door and hung up his coat.  TJ stood perfectly still staring at Methos as he tried to decide what to do.  Finally he asked, "Let me hang my coat up?"

Grayson picked TJ up and told Methos, "Don't worry, I'll keep her hands out of your way."

TJ squirmed in Grayson's arms but she couldn't convince anyone she was seriously trying to get away.  She giggled too much.  Methos hung his coat up next to Grayson's and took off his shoes.  TJ took inspiration from it, kicking off her shoes in Grayson's arms.  Though TJ's shoes didn't hit anyone Methos protested, "Watch were you're throwing those things!"

"I can't see anything from here," TJ giggled into Grayson's chest.

Methos stood and observed to Grayson, "TJ's the only one still wearing her coat."

"So she is," Grayson agreed.  TJ stilled in Grayson's arms and looked from one man to the other.  Theirs was a tight little family, and TJ was sure the boys were up to something.

"We really should let her take her coat off."  Methos came to stand in front of Grayson and TJ.

"Mmmh.  We should... but how can we trust her to keep her hands to herself?  They seem awfully roaming tonight."  Grayson set TJ down between him and Methos.  He held onto TJ's hands.

Well... *we* could take her coat off of her."  Methos slid her coat off her shoulders.

"That might be problematic but we can try."  Grayson let one of her arms out of his grip and Methos slid the coat sleeve off it.

"Hey!  Come on... I can be good!!"  TJ whined even as she grabbed a handful of Methos shirt with her free hand.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk.  That's not the best way to prove it."  Grayson whispered to her as Methos removed her hand from his shirt.

"I can be very good!"  TJ leaned back against Grayson and smiled up at him.

"All in good time."  Methos returned her freed arm to Grayson.  Then he took her other arm and slid it out of her coat.  The coat free, it fell to the floor under TJ's feet.

"It's off!  Now you're going to hang it up right?!"  TJ challenged Methos.

"Maybe."  Methos stood in front of TJ just looking at her giving nothing away in his grey-green eyes.

"Maybe?!"  TJ demanded, renewing her squirming in earnest.

"Hey, hey!"  Grayson lost his grip on TJ.  She picked up her coat, and slipped away from the boys to hang it up.

"Well, we've lost her.  *Now* what shall we do with ourselves?"  Methos asked Grayson ignoring TJ completely as if she'd vanished from the room.

"I don't know I imagine we'll think of something."  Grayson kept his face straight though he couldn't keep the twinkle out of his blue eyes.  TJ leapt on Methos from behind, clung to him, and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I'm not lost I'm right here."  TJ purred in Methos ear.

"So you are."  Methos squeezed her legs and walked over to the couch.

"I thought I might make us some coffee when we got home but..." Grayson shook his head making his blond curls bounce.  Methos dumped TJ on the couch, and pinned her under him.

"You don't think we need coffee?"  TJ asked in her most innocent tone before Methos began to peel her shirt off of her, kissing her stomach, and licking her belly button.

"Not particularly."  Grayson said heading for the bedroom instead of the kitchen.  He didn't quite make it.  At the sound of his moving to retreat from the living room TJ slid out from under Methos to catch him.  She stopped him in the doorway, putting her hands on his chest.

"You seem to have lost something," Grayson observed, looking down at TJ's uncovered shoulders, breasts, and belly button.  She'd lost her shirt, and she hadn't been wearing a bra under it.  TJ shrugged, and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Oh, it isn't exactly lost."  Methos twirled TJ's shirt on his finger as he sat on the couch watching TJ strip Grayson's shirt off of him.

"Now who's still wearing their shirt?"  TJ asked tossing Grayson's shirt at Methos.

"Methos I think."  Grayson stood looking down at TJ, not turning to look at Methos on the couch.

"Yup, Methos!"  TJ nodded enthusiastic agreement.  She dropped to her knees, crawled between Grayson's legs, and back across the floor towards Methos on the couch.

"Not that easy!"  Methos laughed climbing over the back of the couch, putting the piece of furniture between him and TJ.  It slowed TJ down, but Grayson came back from the doorway and caught Methos behind the couch.

"Not that easy for who?"  Grayson smiled.

"Me!"  TJ climbed up the couch and leaned forward to pull Methos' shirt up so she could kiss his stomach and lick his belly button.

"Can't exactly take my shirt off one sleeve at a time."  Methos tone was distracted.  TJ had moved her tongue south of his belly button though she hadn't unbuttoned his pants yet.

"No... not one sleeve at a time."  Grayson grabbed Methos' shirt with both hands and pulled it off in one swift movement.  They stood blue eyes and grey ones locked for a moment, before TJ spoke up again.

"No coats, no shirts, now what comes next in the list?"  TJ asked as she began unbuttoning Methos' pants.

"Pants?"  Grayson responded wearing his best blank expression.  TJ nearly fell back on the couch laughing at him.  She didn't let the distraction last more than a moment.  TJ swung her legs over the back of the couch.

"Pants!"  She shouted sliding down the back of the couch, pulling Methos' pants down as she slid.

"No underpants?"  TJ asked checking the pants she now had between Methos' feet for underpants.

"No.  No underpants."  Methos rolled TJ onto her back pinning her on the floor much as he'd pinned her on the couch.

"Pants, shirt, shirt, shirt, shoes, shoes."  Grayson moved away from Methos and TJ picking up the clothing they'd already begun to spread about the room.

"Come on Methos pants are supposed to come off next!"  TJ coached Methos, wiggling her legs under him.

"Of course, must do everything in order."  Methos unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down her legs.

"No underpants," TJ told him before he could ask.

"No.  No underpants."  Methos agreed tossing her pants up on the couch.  He slid his hands up her legs as he leaned forward to explore the tender place between them with his tongue.

"Gray... Grayson."  TJ tried to remind Methos that Grayson still had on his pants.  She put her hands in his black hair and whimpered at all the sensations he was making.

"Grayson?"  Methos' tone was mildly curious as he climbed up her, on her, and thrust his manhood into her.

"He... still has... his pants... on."  TJ panted getting into rhythm with Methos.

"We'll just have to get them *later*."  Methos reassured her as they approached climax.

"Yes!"  TJ shouted a promise to get Grayson's pants later, and approval as they reached fulfillment.

Methos grabbed TJ's head in his hands and kissed her hard.  They held the kiss a long time then broke up laughing.  Methos slid out of TJ, off of her, and flopped on the floor next to her.

"Must_get_Grayson's pants."  TJ growled as she got up on her hands and knees and started to crawl away from Methos.

"Happy hunting."  Methos said sleepily, and patted TJ's butt as it passed.

Grayson had collected all the clothing they'd shed and placed it in the hamper in the bedroom.  He sat on the edge of the bed waiting for the others to come to him.  TJ looked up at him when she crawled through the door to the bedroom.  The only piece of clothing he was still wearing was his pants.  She crawled to his feet and kissed his toes.

"That's not taking my pants off."  Grayson told TJ as he played with a handful of her soft brown hair.

"I'm working on it."  TJ stopped kissing his toes, and sat up running her hands over his legs to the top of his pants.

"That's certainly closer."  He leaned forward and kissed her.

She unbuttoned his pants, "I can't take them off of you if won't stand up."

Grayson stood and let TJ slide his pants down his legs.

"No underpants?!"  Where TJ's voice had been one of mild surprise studying Methos pants, it was pure shock looking up at Grayson.

"No.  No underpants."  Grayson pulled TJ up off the floor and laid her down on the bed.

"But?"  TJ ran her hands over his chest still looking for an explanation in his blue eyes.

"But, but, but.  You think you two are the only ones that can go without underpants?"  Grayson kissed TJ's belly button, her stomach, and her breasts.

"Oh, Grayson..." TJ's voice was a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

"Yes, TJ?"  Grayson kissed her shoulders, her neck, and her lips.

TJ brushed back the hair from his ears.  She looked at him quietly for a long moment, then she told him, "Make love to me, Grayson."

He climbed on her, and slid his manhood into her.  She wrapped herself around him, and pressed herself to him.  They rocked together slowly at first, then building, building to climax.  They reached fulfillment in a silence as loud as any roaring, moaning, shouting would have been.  They kept their eyes on each other as they relaxed.  They lay together in silence.  Touching each others faces, and smiling softy.

Methos stirred in the living room.  He got up off the floor and walked to the door of the bedroom, "Room for one more in here?"

"Room for you anyway," TJ said rolling over to look at Methos, but keeping one hand on Grayson.

Grayson propped himself up on one elbow to look at Methos over TJ, and smiled, "We missed you."

Methos padded to the bed, sat down on the edge of it, and laid his hand on TJ's side, "Miss me terribly?"

"Just,"  TJ assured Methos as she rolled onto her stomach.

"Thoroughly," Grayson agreed with TJ, sliding away from TJ on the bed.

Methos climbed on to the bed.  He ran his hands down her back, squeezed her buttocks, and climbed on to TJ.  Methos slid his manhood into her.  TJ held her breath waiting for Grayson to join them.  He slid his manhood into Methos.  TJ moaned.  They rocked together as one.  They climaxed in the same ringing silence TJ and Grayson had.  They relaxed as quietly, and they kept some measure of physical contact with each other at the end.

"Good morning," Methos said to TJ as he began to fall asleep.

"Good morning... it is a brand new day isn't it?"  TJ asked the question, not of the already sleeping Methos, but of Grayson squeezing his hand as she said it.

"Yes, TJ, it's a brand new day.  Now get some sleep."  Grayson answered with a tired smile.
