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Curriculum Vitae

Leeanne Marie Laughlin
Marine Biologist
California Department of Fish and Game
4665 Lampson Avenue, Suite C
Los Alamitos CA 90720
Phone: (562) 342-7167
FAX: (562) 342-7139


Queensland University, Brisbane, QLD Australia:
Marine Biology coursework 1988
Humboldt State University, Arcata CA:
B.S. Biology, specializing in Marine Biology 1987
B.A. Zoology 1987
Minor: Music
Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA:
A.A. General Education 1984

Professional Experience:

California Department of Fish & Game:
Biologist: Coastal Pelagic Species Unit, 1992-present
Scientific Aide: Sea Survey, Pelagic Species Unit, 1989 - 1991
Manomet Bird Observatory (now Manomet Center for Conservation Science):
Fisheries Observer, 1991
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
Albacore Sampler, 1989
Oregon State University - contracted to National Marine Fisheries Service
Foreign Fisheries Observer, 1987
US Forest Service:
Trout Stream Reconstruction, 1986


2001. Ridgeback prawns (revision). In California’s Living Marine Resources: A Status Report. The Resources Agency, California Department of Fish & Game.

1999. An observation of blue shark parturition in the Southern California Bight. Leeanne Laughlin and John Ugoretz. California Fish and Game, 85(2):83-84.

1995-1996. Shark Tagging News – newsletter distributed to Shark Tagging Program volunteers.

1994. The California Department of Fish & Game’s Shark Tagging Program – Helping to Solve the Mysteries of Sharks. Outdoor California.

1993. Live-fish trap fishery in southern California 1989-1992 and recommendations for management. Melodie Palmer-Zwahlen, John O´Brien and Leeanne Laughlin. California Department of Fish and Game, unpublished issue paper.

Contributor to:

2003 CalCOFI Fishery Reviews (Ridgeback and Spot Prawn)
2002 White Seabass Fishery Management Plan
1995 Spot Prawn CEQA Document
1994, 1996 Mako Shark CEQA Document

Preparer of semi-annual and annual Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act reports, monthly updates of Coastal Pelagic Fisheries landings for internal and public distribution, cruise plans and reports.


2000. A review of the California Department of Fish and Game’s shark tagging program, 1983-1999. J. Ugoretz and L.M. Laughlin. American Fisheries Society California/Nevada Chapter 34th Annual Meeting, Ventura CA.

1997. Results of the California Department of Fish and Game shark tagging program, 1983-1996. L.M. Laughlin and M.L. Larson. American Fisheries Society, 127th Annual Meeting, Monterey CA.

1993. A review of the California Department of Fish and Game’s shark tagging program, 1983-1992. L.M. Laughlin and M.L.Palmer-Zwhalen. Southern California Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Long Beach CA.

Presentations also given at workshops and management team meetings. Informal presentations on the Department and biological careers given to public groups such as the Pasadena Daughters of the American Revolution and American Association of University Women’s Conference for Eighth Grade Girls.


1995. Recent Changes in the Management of California’s Spot Prawn Fishery. M.L. Larson and L.M. Laughlin. California Cooperative Fisheries Investigations Annual Conference, Lake Arrowhead, CA.

Field Work:

California Department of Fish & Game Manomet Bird Observatory> Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Heron Island Research Station QLD Australia Oregon State University

Other Experience:

Updated 16 July 2003