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Harry Potter

and the

Legend of Horus

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: The Valiant Potter Estate

Chapter 2: Advancing On One's Own

Chapter 3: Mastering the Mind

Chapter 4: To Admire From Afar

Chapter 5: Professor Potter’s First Lesson

 Chapter 6: Pansy’s Detention

Chapter 7: The Warning of the Merpeople

Chapter 8: Eyes like a Hawk

Chapter 9: Expect the Unexpected

Chapter 10: The Pied Piper of Hogwarts

Chapter 11: Godric’s Hollow

Chapter 12: The Return of the Dark Days

Chapter 13: The Vampire and the Serpent

Chapter 14: Doing What Is Needed

Chapter 15: Mask, Sword and Shield

Chapter 16: A Big Wedding

Chapter 17: The Beginning of the End

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