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Chapter 6: Pansy’s Detention


     “Animagi”, Hermione was saying.  “I really think that you should consider it.”  She told Harry as they sat in the Great Hall at breakfast one fall morning.  Harry had the sudden urge to glance away at the staff table.  As he did so, Snape caught his eye.  He beckoned Harry to the table as Ginny, Ron and Hermione stood to go out onto the grounds. 

“Aye, I’ll catch up with you guys by the lake.”  He told them, motioning towards Snape. 


     “You wanted to see me Professor.” He said as he sidled up to the Potions Master. 

“Yes, you will need to bring your Dragon hide gloves and meet me in my office tonight at eight o’clock.” He whispered.  Harry nodded and turned to walk away from the table.  As he did so, Karlovan was jogging towards him wide-eyed and pale faced. 

“Poison”, hissed Karlovan. 

“What, what are you on about?” Harry asked him. 

“Poison, you need to watch for it Harry.  I’ve seen you deteriorate.  It was brought about by poison”, the boy said his eyes very serious. 

“Where did you get this information?” Harry asked.  Karlovan just looked at him trying to decide whether or not he should tell Harry about his gifts. 

“I saw it, in my minds eyes.” He admitted, trying to sound nonchalant.  He looked at Harry as though he dared him to laugh.  Harry didn’t think anything was funny. 


     For some reason, he fully trusted Karlovan’s warning.  He turned to him and asked.  “Did you happen to see any distinctive features on the person in the vision?” he asked.  At this Karlovan brightened to see that Harry was taking him seriously. 

“No, it was only shadows, but I plan to do a ritual tonight at my Mesa to see if I can’t call up more dreams.  I need some Mugwort though and Professor Sprout won’t give me any, she thinks I’m trying to make Dung bombs.” He said defeated. 


     “Don’t worry, I have to meet with Professor Snape tonight, I’m sure he would give me some.  Can I meet you after my meeting and do the ritual with you?”  Karlovan looked quite pleased. 

“Oh wow, that’s brilliant, I’d be honoured!” he yelped.  There was a look of total admiration on his face.  Harry, who wasn’t too good with the compliments, just ignored what Karlovan had said and just began the planning.  He told Karlovan that he would meet him in the common room and they could go to the classroom together.  “Halloween is only a week away.  There is usually something that happens around then.  I wonder if it will likely happen then.” Harry stated mostly asking himself. 

“Alright, that sounds good.  I’ll meet you tonight then, nine o’clock?” Karlovan asserted. 

“Sure,” said Harry.  “See you then.” 


     Harry thought about how tonight was going to be.  He would have Quidditch practice at five, tutoring with Pavarti from six until six thirty, Snape from eight until eight forty-five, then Karlovan at nine.  He missed joking around with Ginny, he only saw her in classes these days and it made him feel like he was neglecting or avoiding her.  He knew that she had to study for O.W.L.’s but it seemed like she was in the library more than Hermione was during fifth year.  He was almost sure that she was missing him just as much.  She’d sent him a note by Hedwig just the other day.  It was an animated picture of her blowing him kisses.  It was very cute.  In the note, she had complained about girls being were mean to her on account of jealousy. When Harry saw her he told her that he would take care of the situation if he could figure out a way how without breaking up with her.  She didn’t seem too convinced.


     Harry met with Snape that night so that he could learn how to block thrown potions.  He taught Harry that there are dark wizards who draft potions that work through the skin.  You would need to have a very powerful potion to instantly counteract or even block unfriendly potions.  The dragon hide gloves were for handling the anecdotes as they were to be smashed on the floor in front of you to protect from the potion that was thrown by an attacker.  Most of the potions could cause damage to the skin.  After a few duels with Harry wearing the gloves, which also kept Harry from being able to use wandless magic, he finally got used to the fact that he couldn’t use his new gift and became quite efficient at duelling while blocking unfriendly potions.  Before he knew it, he was able to do the wandless magic through the gloves as well.  After forty-five minutes, Harry had improved dramatically.


     Harry left Snape feeling quite proud.  He had been able to perfect the spells and the blocking.  He was in the third floor corridor on his way to meet Karlovan with a spring in his step.  He wondered what would happen when he got there.  He came around the corner ran into Peeves, the poltergeist.  “Potty wee Potter the teacher, I’m here to clean your erasers for you.”  He said, clapping massive erasers in front of Harry so that he was covered in chalk and coughing. 

“Peeves don’t make me find the Bloody Baron”, Harry shrieked.  Peeves just floated above him and blew loud raspberries at him, cackling madly.  Harry broke into a run and Peeves just hovered above Harry, shouting hysterically, “Potty wee Professor Potter!  Ooh you’re such an awful rotter.  Heee he he he he heeee”

“HEY PEEVES!  GOT SOMETHING FOR YA!!”  Harry bellowed at the top of his voice. 

Harry swung his wand around the area muttering,


Peeves expression never changed from one of mischievous amusement when Harry heaved a great breath of air puckered his lips tight and blew out a strong gale of wind.  He twirled his head round and round making Peeves spiral rocket through the air in its jet stream.  All the while, Peeves was shrieking his head off.


     Harry left him rocketing somewhere in the first floor corridor not far from the Great Hall.  When Harry arrived at his office, Karlovan was sitting on the floor in front of the door with his eyes closed.  He looked up at Harry and handed him a sack of material that was slightly heavy.  It was a silky material that was smoky red and gold and had a swirling print design.  Harry took it and led them into his office after checking his schedule and saw that it had been enchanted to flash ‘Potter Stink’.  He assumed since it was grammatically incorrect, that Crabbe and Goyle were the culprits.  Harry removed it from the door and stuck a new schedule up with magic.


     “I don’t know why people have to be so cruel.  I’ve been finding a lot of that here.  Can we possibly open some windows?” he asked in a business like tone.  “Sure,” Harry said and went flicked his wand opening some windows.  Karlovan began setting up for the ritual.  He conjured a small fire in a small shallow bowl made of some kind of metal.  Next, he placed his material on the floor in front of him, instructing Harry to do the same.  Harry opened his material, inside of it was a single phoenix feather, a red and gold candle, three smooth stones that looked like jade and serpentine and Amethyst and one large conch shell.  Harry looked over at what Karlovan was doing.  He put his eagle feather at the top-centre of the square piece of material, the candle at the right-centre, the stones across the bottom and the shell at the left-centre.  Then he lit the candle, took a deep breath and said in a slow and steady voice, “Pa-cha-ma-mahhhhh, Ma-Maaaa-Ki-yahhhh, Wirrr-Ahhhh-Kooo-Cha, Iiiiinnnnn-Tiiii, Kuweeee-Cheeeee”.  Wind rustled all around them, even though they were indoors.  Then Harry heard his invisible advisor speak, “hold your hands over the centre of your material, concentrate on knowing who will try to hurt you.  When you are ready for the next phase, ask your gatekeeper to lead you across the dimensions.  Prepare yourself to help your family; they will come to need you soon.”  The voice faded and when Harry opened his eyes again, Karlovan was looking expectantly at him.  “I was told that your guide would lead you to the answer.  I was just the gatekeeper.  What did you find out?”  He pressed. 


     “Nothing actually, she told me that I would learn the answer when it was time.  How often do you do this?”  Harry asked the young boy. 

“Every Wednesday at ten o’clock usually, but you can’t come into my dormitory can you?” 

“I’ve never tried to go into another boy’s dormitory before, but if Hermione can come into ours, then we can surely go into the others.” Harry finished. 

“Thanks again for letting me come with you.  I’d like to do this again sometime.” 

“I’d be honoured.” Karlovan said, bowing.  Harry sent him to his dormitory once they were back in the Gryffindor common room; they each bid each other farewell and went to their separate ways.


That night, Harry had dreams of Penelope and Aunt Petunia.  They were going on about interior decorating and Dudley sat next to a fireplace trying to start a fire with a wand.  Hermione was there too, she was knitting something; it was an emerald green jumper with little golden snitches all over.  He woke in the morning more befuddled than he had been in quite some time. 




     The week ended sooner than Harry expected.  It was already time for Pansy Parkinson to serve out her detention.  Harry had set it up so that Pansy would have to wash, without magic, all of Dobby’s socks and hats by hand.  The tricky part was getting her into the kitchens without her knowing how to get back in later.  He decided that he would have her brought to him by Ron and Hermione while he waited there with the pear tickled and the door opened.  They arrived on time, having taken the route Harry had planned through the secret passageways. Harry was surprised to see that even Pansy Parkinson had joined the Harry Potter fan club.  She was wearing a skimpy school uniform skirt and a white blouse that she had tied into a halter-top.  She of course wore her robes open to show it off which disgusted Harry.  He was glad that he had made certain that neither the punishment that he had for her would be something that she had anticipated nor, something she would want to be subjected to again.


She strode up to him with Ron and Hermione trailing behind her, looks of disgust on their faces.  The three of them stopped in front of the door to the kitchens.  Pansy peered inside.  “What do you want me to do Professor Potter?” she drawled maliciously. 

“You will be doing a bit of housework, muggle style.” Harry explained jovially. 


     Dobby came forward from the crowd of house elves right on cue.  His giant green golf balls like eyes were glowing with excitement.  “Harry Potter sir, I’s is getting my clothes together for you sir, is this is the student who is being naughty sir?” Dobby asked his face stern and disapproving. 

“Yes, Dobby, this is Pansy.  She will be washing your things by hand, if you can just show her to a wash basin and provide her with soap, I’m sure she will want to get started.”  Harry asserted looking at Pansy and motioning her to follow the house elf.  She looked quite beside herself with humiliation and rage, but she recovered quickly asking Dobby, “Didn’t you use to work for the Malfoy’s?”  Dobby nodded,

“Yes, Miss, I is not very happy about it though.  But I is a free elf now miss, Harry Potter is setting me free and now I is working for Hogwarts.  I is very happy about working for the likes of Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter most happy indeed.” Dobby said smiling widely, his ears wiggling.  Pansy was livid but since she was bound to finish her detention she couldn’t do anything about it.  Professor Snape had given Harry his approval when he told him what he wanted to have Pansy do for her detention.  So she was stuck.  She stomped in after Dobby without a backward glance. 


     Later after he had tea with Dobby he sent Pansy to report to Snape to tell him she had completed her detention. He decided to go out into the courtyard before going up to the common room.  He’d just walked out onto the grounds when he spotted Ginny, Ron and Hermione in their usual spot by the tree.  He had begun to walk toward them, catching Ginny’s eye and smiling at her when Pavarti came up to him behaving as badly as she had after the start of term feast. 

“Harry, you know we have a study session tomorrow night, I hope you’re ready….” 

Harry stood and starred at her in amazement.  He looked around and there were a few groups of people who were snickering at them and a few girls by the peony bushes were glaring at Pavarti. 


     Harry tried to keep striding towards his friends when she stepped in front of him making him stop short. 

“Don’t you know how long I’ve liked you?”  Pavarti simpered. 

Ginny picked up on her words and stood facing them.  Her hands were on her hips and she bounced incessantly.  Even Hermione glared at Pavarti like she was swallowing a mouthful of Stinksap.    Pavarti just ignored them and continued. 

“You’re the coolest, cutest wizard in the school.  I can’t fathom why you would choose some scrawny tomboy red-head over me.” She shouted as she stamped her foot in the most infantile way. 


     At these words Ginny’s eyes glistened with fresh tears and she quaked with fury.  Harry couldn’t believe his ears.  Pavarti had never really given him the time of day after that dance in fourth year.  Just the thought of it made him angry.  He wanted to take points away from her; he wanted to give her detention.  But he knew better than to abuse his authority.  He’d have to handle this like any other student.  His temper got the best of him when she said, “Do you want to give me a chance or do you just want to play around with that kid Ginny Weasley?” she spat. Harry whirled around and looked at her with utter disbelief. 

“You, you, NO!  I don’t want to give you a chance”, Harry shouted.  I’m with Ginny, GINNY, get it!”  Ginny came running towards them, he knew she intended to pass them by, Harry grabbed her.” 


     At this, a few people began clapping and Pavarti looked stunned.  Then she straightened her shoulders and said with absolute menace,

“Well, I thought everyone was getting a crack at you since you didn’t go for what your heart truly desired.”  She seethed looking pointedly at Hermione.  She turned on her heel and marched away from him.  Ginny was looking at him with tears in her eyes her cheeks pink. 


Harry chose to ignore this comment by Pavarti.  Blimey, these days, he didn’t even know if it were true or not.

“Ginny, I really care about you.  You read that in my mind.  It wasn’t just a passing thought.  Everybody, look.  I’ve had to go through quite a bit in these past few years.  One of the people who’s loyalty never faltered is this person right here.  Ladies, I’m just not cut out to be a ‘Ladies Man’, I’m with Ginny right now and getting angry with her and being evil towards her isn’t going to change that.  So, I’d appreciate it if you’d just cut it out.” Harry finished.  A few girls hung their heads in shame.  Some others came up to Ginny to apologise, a third year girl whose name Harry didn’t know came up to him.  “That was so sweet.  I can only hope to find a boyfriend like you someday.”  The girl walked away with tears in her eyes.  Harry thought that he was getting better at understanding girls, but this just threw him totally through a loop.  He didn’t know what to do about his love life right now.  He had his two best friends and Ginny’s feelings to think about.  He looked over at Ron and noticed that he was walking over alone now looking a little put out.  He turned around while Ginny was talking to the other girls and bumped into Hermione who was crying in fits of hysterics.  Harry starred at her and felt an overwhelming urge to reach out and grab her as she ran past; Ron had a look of exasperation on his face.  “Women!” Ron muttered.


     The next morning, the owl post arrived and Harry, as usual, didn’t expect anything. He was busy thinking about the previous day’s events when Hedwig arrived carrying a package tweaking Harry’s curiosity.  He took the package from her and gave her a piece of his bacon.  He turned the package over in his hands and looked at Ginny.  Reading his mind, she said, “We can take it Dumbledore to have it inspected.” She said in a matter of fact sort of way.  She was thinking along the same lines as he was, not only because they could communicate silently but also because he had told her, Ron and Hermione what Karlovan had said.  He also told them about the ritual that they did for protection. 

“Wow, that’s amazing.  I’d like to do one with him too.  Maybe I’ll ask him about it during our next study session.” Hermione said thoughtfully. 

“You’re still studying with him are you?  Don’t tell me he needs to have someone walk him to the library whenever he goes.”  Ron said ruefully. 


     Harry shook his head at the pair of them.  Ginny was very quiet.  She was watching Pansy at the Slytherin table.  She looked at Harry and thought, ‘Harry, something is up with her, I can’t put my finger on it, but something is up.’  Harry looked over at Pansy.  She was trying to talk to Malfoy.  All of a sudden Draco jumped up and said,



     He stormed out of the Great Hall and everybody watched with interest.  Some people turned and looked at Pansy.  She bellowed, “What are you idiots looking at?” then she got up and beckoned for Crabbe and Goyle to follow her.  They all left the hall.  Harry decided not to pursue the subject but looked pointedly at Ginny who mouthed, ‘told ya’, at him. 


     Now days Harry had become a sponge.  He figured out that being serious about his work was half the battle of retaining the information.  He studied and meditated which helped it all seem to stick.  Harry’s day had turned out to be pretty uneventful until they got to Charms class; Ginny beat everyone but Harry with the carving spell that Flitwick was teaching them.  She and Harry got the spell down pat, racing to carve lifelike replicas of the Sorting Hat even before Hermione got the spell.  This of course left Hermione sweating profusely until she was able to carve her tree stump just as effectively into a raven.  In their Defence against the Dark Arts class, Harry and Hermione had enchanted the room to look like it was empty.  Crabbe and Goyle came into the room; the door slammed behind them and sealed itself shut.  Harry and Hermione were under the invisibility cloak; Harry released two boggarts and was now shooting mist of green vapour across the room.  One of the boggarts turned into the splitting image of Crabbe only much larger and the other flashed into different things like a rat, a beetle, water, and even a cobra snake.  Crabbe and Goyle were embarrassed looking and scared out of their wits. 


     Not until Harry thought they’d had enough and didn’t even have the sense to perform the Boggart banishing spell, Harry whipped the cloak off of the two of them and shouted, “Riddikulus!” and the Boggarts turned into jig dancing replicas of Crabbe and Goyle in clown suits.  Harry then swung his wand towards the Boggarts again and they disappeared in a swirl of black smoke.  He lifted the enchantment with Hermione and the class stood laughing at the two boys.  Harry sat down on one of the desk with his arms folded across his chest. 

“Never underestimate me boys, I’m only doing what I was hired to do, and you will not run me away from it.  The Riddikulus hex is a primary hex compared to what we will learn in this class” Harry told them calmly. 


     Crabbe and Goyle were quiet and co-operative for the remainder of the period.  After Harry’s ‘lesson’ he showed the entire class how to use the Reductor curse for the first half-hour. To everyone but DA members’ astonishment, Harry chose Neville to assist him in this lesson.  He had become quite good at the spell therefore he was very effective at helping other students.  Harry thought that having him help would be good for his esteem as well as earn him a little respect from his classmates.  Halfway through the lesson, Harry separated the D.A. members from the class and taught theory of the spell Everte Statum and how much force would be needed to make your opponent fly a good distance away from you.  He also had the other half brushing up on the theories of Riddikulus, and the Disarming spell, Expelliarmus. 



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