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Chapter 3: Mastering the Mind



        Once they were back and everyone congregated in the dungeon kitchen to eat Dumbledore stood to address them all as he’d always done in the Great Hall. 

“Everyone, I have a couple of announcements to make.  I have asked Harry to teach the Defense against the Dark Arts class this year, and he has accepted!” this was received with applause from everyone around the table, Harry beamed in delight.  Ginny jumped up and ran around the table hugging him tightly and kissing him on the cheek turning his face scarlet. 

“I believe you’ll be a fabulous professor”, gloated Mrs. Weasley. 

Hermione reached over and grabbed his hand pulling him into a half hug.  “I’m very proud of you.  I’ll be there to help you in any way that I can.”  Harry smiled widely.

“Also”, continued Dumbledore, “I will be introducing Dumbledore’s Army during the opening feast and I need you three”, he said pointing at Harry, Ron and Hermione in succession, “to inform the other members of this plan so that they will be prepared to come up in front of the school.”


     “Oye Harry, I don’t expect any special treatment or anything, but I would like to know ahead of time if you plan on doing any hexes and curses on me.  Remember when we were helping you get ready for the Triwizard Tournament and you practiced your hexes on me, I don’t think I ever want to go through that again.” Ron said as serious as ever. 

“Besides, I’m gonna study with Hermione as usual but I’ll also get tutoring from Professor McGonagall.  My mind can strategize very well but I need a little help learning transfiguration and charms.  I really don’t think potions matters much now.  I’m sure I’ve received a ‘T’ in the class from Snape”. 


     “Well, my potions grade was much better than I thought it would be but I don’t think I have much of a chance in his class either unless I can find the time to study those books on potions and anecdotes that I got for my birthday”, admitted Harry. 

“Well, I think I’ll do fine”, said Hermione at no surprise to anyone else.

“Hermione can be very inspiring you know”, Ron said red tones creeping up his neck. 

“I bet”, jested Harry. 


     Dinner that night was wonderful.  Mrs. Weasley stuffed everyone to capacity and finished everyone off with delectable cakes and pies.  Harry decided to set up a study schedule and to ask Lupin if he could start lessons now.  He’d also make time to listen to his cylinder two times daily.  He’d already tested it out and was grateful that the information was in English.  The first thing that he heard threw him a bit though, because it was, ‘Meneck Nesaou’, before it went into explaining the purpose of itself.  The voice was the cool feminine one that he’d heard since the very first dream.  He was thankful for this because the voice could be a bit unsettling when he heard it out of the blue, and he hadn’t been able to link it to the events before him until the first time he listened.


     Harry trained himself well in deciphering the undistinguishable information from the cylinder. He had become quite adept at researching what he didn’t understand without Hermione finding out and taking over as she usually did with studying.  The books in the library turned out to be quite handy as well.  He trained well with Lupin in Defense and the packet on Occlumency was stupendous.


     He was even able to study a form of apparition called displacement with Hermione and Ron.  Displacement was something he’d learned in the cylinder.  What he needed to do to perform it was to think of the place he would like to be, imagine himself absorbing the exact location molecule by molecule, FAST.  Then consciously raise your vibration to simulate movement.  The next thing you know, there is a Tele-like static around you before it slowly fills the space that had been taken by your form, dissipating into vapour.  He found this easier than normal apparition, and used it to get all over the house, even to the tombs of Gaza and back late nights. 


     Before long he was becoming quite adept at many spells and hexes.  While practicing Occlumency one evening with Ginny in her bedroom with the door closed, Harry caught Fred and George eavesdropping.  They tried wholeheartedly to deny it but also by the time Harry was finished using Legelimens on them, not only did he find out that they were eavesdropping but also the secret plans for the joke shop that they bragged about but wouldn’t tell anyone.  It was common knowledge around headquarters that to bother Harry between eight p.m. and nine-thirty p.m. would guarantee that you would get a telling off. 


     The whole of Grimmauld Place was Harry’s training ground.  It was quite often that you would see objects still vibrating ten minutes after Harry would leave a room.  Since he’d gotten permission to lift the restriction on underage magic and apparition from the ministry, he regularly took to scaring the daylights out of people around the house as he practice apparating from one level to another.  Hermione also acted suspiciously because she took to locking herself in Buckbeak’s room for hours at a time.


     One night Hermione met Harry on the stairs whispering urgently that she needed to speak to him in private.  She got him into Buckbeak’s room and he sat on the crate nearest the creature.

“Harry”, she said seriously, “I think you should know something.” She said seriously. 

“What -what is it?” he asked worriedly, hoping that whatever it was it wouldn’t cause hamper the progress that he was making. 

She sighed deeply.  “Well”, she started “I have it in great regards that you’ll have to start practicing duelling with Professor Snape”, she muttered dismally. 


     Harry paused, a smile starting to creep across his face.  “You’re joking” he spat jovially.

“No, I’m not” she replied looking as serious as ever.  Harry rose with a look of blinding fury in his eyes. 

“I –will -NOT!” he shot back at her, she flinched with every word.

 “But, Harry you need to perfect your duelling ability if you’re serious about defeating Voldermort or becoming an Auror for that matter.  And you won’t believe it Harry, he’s volunteering to help you Harry.” She simpered.


     “Well of course he did!  He’d love to be able to hex me into oblivion.” He shouted now.  Harry didn’t even realize that he was standing.  But his fist were clinched, and he was shaking with fury.  Buckbeak who’d been standing close by at first was now backing into the corner of the room.  The creature squawked softly and took another step back. Hermione’s hands were glowing orange. 

“Harry I don’t understand what the big deal is, you and Ron always suspect Snape of alternative motives and he defies you each time you do.  You need to figure out a way to get over this or else it will prove to be the downfall of all your hard work this summer!”  She blasted, and then she got up and stormed out of the room.  A moment later she reappeared and said,

“You’d do well to pretend you didn’t know anything about this when they tell you.”  Then she turned on her heel and marched through the door.


     Harry sat there, feeling both frustrated and fortunate.  While reading his Defense against the Dark Arts books he’d thought numerous times about needing a duelling partner.  He’d even voiced his wishes aloud while meditating on more than one occasion.  The fact was he thought it would take much longer to come into existence.  Buckbeak squawked and nudged Harry’s shoulder.  He gave the animal a ferret and the creature ate his meal noisily.  After a while, Mrs. Weasley knocked at the door. 

“Harry, Professors Snape and Dumbledore are here to see you.  Harry straightened and headed towards the study where the Order of the Phoenix meetings was usually held. 


     Harry tried very hard to hitch a questioning gaze onto his face, but he failed and managed to bring about a look of utter bewilderment instead.  The truth was he was feeling a little guilty for not wanting to do this at first.  He knew he needed to get past this loathing and contempt that he had for Snape.  But if he did, he wouldn’t be able to match the ill will that they had maintained since Harry arrived at the school.  Suddenly, a rustle of warm wind erupted around Harry.  He stopped dead in his tracks expecting what came next.  A cool voice said into his ear,

“Hate not your comrades Harry, and free not your enemies.” It whispered coolly.  Harry wished his intangible confidant would give him more advice how to make Snape not hate him so much.  But, he knew it wouldn’t happen.  He looked up and Mrs. Weasley was starring at him,

“I’m sure it will be fine”, she crooned sympathetically.


     When he, Harry, arrived in the study; both Snape and Dumbledore stood to greet him.  This was a surprising move for Snape.  But then Harry looked into Snape’s eyes and felt him hiding something there; he still held his mouth as if he’d been eating lemons.  Dumbledore pointed at the professor and Snape brandished his wand and shouted,

“Legelimens!”  Harry was not caught off guard however.  The look of foreboding had given Snape away.  Not having time to reach into his robes for his wand, Harry threw out his hand and shouted,

“Expelliarmus!”  Snape went flying back into the mantle of the fireplace.  He jumped up; seemingly unflinching he reached into his cloak and brandished a long, thin dagger, with a serpent for the handle.  Snape reached Harry in two swift strides holding the butt of the dagger at Harry’s chest.  He started and starred at Snape wide-eyed and nervous.


     “That, Harry, is the most common and the most unexpected way that many highly skilled wizards perish.  They underestimate the ability of muggle battle tactics.” Dumbledore spoke from his chintz lounge chair by the fire.  “However, the obvious development that you’ve made in wandless magic is extraordinary.” He said proudly. 

“I must agree with the Headmaster”, hissed Snape, trying to control the encouraging smile that threatened to place itself on his face.  “I dare say you are finally giving purpose to you father’s immeasurable conceit Potter.” He sneered.  Harry finally let his hand fall to his side. 

“You nearly gave me a heart attack, and I had to learn the wandless magic because I won’t be able to use my wand against Voldermort.” Harry added as an afterthought.  He crossed the room and conjured a chair for himself.  It was a swivelling office style chair on rollers.


     He looked at Professor Snape, “And you professor, I almost threw a stunning spell, but I thought that it might land me in detention for the first month back to school”, he smirked and was relieved when both of the men chuckled with him. 

“So, that brings me to why we are here”, Dumbledore alerted them.  “I think you are very bright to begin to practice using wandless magic.  It is an ancient and very useful form of magic and you are becoming quite adept at it.  I also think that it was time that you start to study duelling, in all forms of course.  You will learn magical duelling with professor Lupin, sword and dagger duelling with professor Snape and mental duelling with me after the Christmas holidays.  You can use one hour of your evening studies towards these new instalments, and after the Christmas holiday’s you will come to me for that hour instead of coming to Grimmauld Place.” He finished, surveying Harry closely. 

“I look forward to it sir.  Will I be able to start immediately, as I have already begun my lessons with Professor Lupin?” Harry questioned.  Snape sat forward, “Potter, are you certain that you physically and mentally prepared to begin now?” he asked. 

“Yes, I was absolutely born ready.” Harry countered.  Snape just pursed his lips and rolled his eyes and starred at the fire and hissed,

“Fine then, we’ll start this weekend.”


     “Well, I guess I’d better…” he started. 

“Yes, well, we shall be leaving to too.  I’ll see you at the start of term.” He smiled. 

“Yeah, see you then, that is, unless something else comes up.”  Harry stood and glanced at Snape.  He seemed to be preoccupied with something.  Harry started to try to use Legelimency to see what it was, but thought better of it when Snape looked up into Harry’s eyes. 

“Until this weekend, Potter”, he spat.




It was one week until the end of the holiday.  Ginny opened her regular Hogwarts envelope, looking on as they all opened their letters from school and Harry, Ron and Hermione sat starring at the official looking envelope that held the results of their O.W.L. grades, the other envelope for them was from Hogwarts, and it was very thick.  Hermione recovered first. 

“Open your letter Ginny, and then we’ll open ours.”  Hermione goaded. 

Ginny eyed her suspiciously and tore open the letter.  She reached in and gasped with excitement as she pulled a shiny prefect badge from the inside.  She stared open-mouthed then asked,

“How did you know Hermione?” 

“”I didn’t know for sure, but you’re a great student and I just thought you might get the honours this year.”  Hermione explained.  “Congratulations.”  Hermione said sincerely.

“Yeah, good one Ginny.  Fred and George are gonna have a cow!”  Ron teased.

“Congrats Ginny, you deserve it.”  Harry said, half hugging her before turning his attention back to the envelope in his hands. 

“Shall we get on with it then?”  Hermione asked in a business-like tone.  Then she opened her letter and shrieked with glee. 

“I got nine O.W.L.’s!” she jumped up and down hugging everyone.  Harry knew it would have been more but she missed an answer or two on her Ancient Runes exam, which she had known already.  Ron had received six and Harry got seven.  The huge surprise was that he’d scraped an ‘E’ in potions. 

“Wow Harry,” Ron was gawking at the grades.  “We’ll have to call You-Know-Who to see if he’s heard if Hades has frozen over yet.  You’re going to be in Advanced Potions.” He chided as he laughed heartily. 

“Oh Ron, must you have such a foul mouth?” she inquired, looking at him disapprovingly.  Ron sighed exasperatedly,

“Sorry” he apologized. 

    Ron read over his note and his face went slack, he started to turn a pale yellow,

“You guys are never gonna believe this,” Ron said incredulously. 

“What, is it Ron?”  Hermione asked exasperatedly. 

“I’m the new Gryffindor quidditch captain.”  He said holding his head up high, puffing his chest out. 

Nobody in the family has ever been team captain.  THIS IS BLOODY BRILLIANT!”  Ron yelped bouncing with glee. 

“Wow! That’s great Ron!”  Ginny quipped.

“That is brilliant Ron.  I know we’re gonna have a great season now.’ Harry agreed.

“Congratulations Ron.  You’re gonna be a great captain.”  Hermione said warmly. 

“Well, I guess it will be just you and I in potions”, Harry said giving Hermione a sidelong glance.  Ron looked at him suspiciously. 

“Wotcher!  I’ve got my eye on you!” he said in mock warning.  Harry flashed a false look of fear at him.  Right then, Mrs. Weasley entered the room as Harry and Ginny tested each other in defense theory, one of the lessons that Harry planned to start the fifth years and up with.  She had freshly laundered robes in her arms for Harry and Ron.  “Ginny dear, since you were picked for prefect, you’ll have to have something for yourself.  I have no idea what you’ll want so you will have to go with Harry and me into Diagon Alley today.  You two should be ready in 20 minutes.  We’ll need to floo there before it gets too crowded.  Fred and George will bring us back.  Harry, they can expand the size of the boot to accommodate any furniture that you might get for your office.  She then sulked from the room. 

     She had been quite gloomy lately as she and Percy had a row a few weeks ago over the acquisition of Winky the ex-house elf of Bartemius Crouch.  Percy had been so embolden as to say that she was no more than a bin picker who would die taking on other people’s trash.  He had stormed from the house that night muttering about what his co-workers were going to say.  Although Percy could be harsh and uppity, he’d never been this bad.  This was something that worried Harry.

     “Ginny, has anyone heard from Percy, yet?” he asked cautiously.  She sighed and her shoulders slumped. 

“No, and who would want to?” she shrugged uncaringly. 

“Well, I’m a little worried about him.  He’s smug, but I didn’t think he could stoop so low. 

“And why not?” she barked.  “He’s an ungrateful little snotrag and I’m sure he’s just vacationing until he feels that everything has over.  I’m absolutely positive that he isn’t worried about any of us in the least bit.” She quibbled.  Harry knew not to push the issue, this was a sore subject as it was and he was still open to some of Voldermort’s emotions and actions.   


      Later that afternoon while Mrs. Weasley was picking tea cosies and tea towels for Winky, Harry and Ginny ran into Draco Malfoy at Madame Fortiscue’s. 

“Well, well, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes I wouldn’t believe it.  Potter is in the company of a beautiful girl who seems to be having a good time.” He drawled.  “Hey Potter, would you and your lady friend mind a bit of company?” he asked.  “Not if it’s you!” shot Ginny with contempt. 

“Have we met before?” asked Malfoy looking curiously at Ginny.  This was understandable that Malfoy didn’t recognize Ginny.  She had grown over the holidays in many ways.  Her beautiful red hair now held auburn highlights and had beautiful tendrils of locks.  She’d grown a couple of inches and her boyish frame had softened quite considerably, although nobody doubted that she could still run a mean game of Quidditch or hex you silly if you crossed her. 

     “Don’t tell me, I know who you are…” Draco finished in his lazy drawling voice. 

“It’s Ginny Weasley.” Harry exclaimed.  “HA, you like a Weasley!” Harry mocked in a sing song voice.  Draco was absolutely astounded.  He circled around Ginny and whispered in her ear,

“Hey, why don’t you ditch Potter and let me take you home.”  She whirled around and smacked him so hard that he lost his balance. 

“You’re such a ferret Malfoy.  You better run along to mommy because daddy ain’t comin’ home!  Let’s go Harry!” she grabbed his arm and they left Malfoy standing there holding his face looking, more fearful than the comment should have made him look.

     When they returned to Grimmauld Place and got the items Harry bought for his office shrunk and put away, he grabbed Ron to tell him what happened.  Ron’s eyes gleamed with mischief. 

“He’ll be out for Ginny now.  I bet he’ll have a massive crush on her.  We can plot against him; we just need a plan.  Hold on, wait for it, oh blimey, I think Hermione might not go for it though.” Ron muttered seemingly in deep thought. 

“I was thinking, maybe we could get Ginny to pretend she likes him and then get information from him about his father and You-Know-Who” he finished looking quite pleased with himself.  Harry thought about this for a moment.  He wouldn’t appreciate Malfoy groping on Ginny, or even being intimately close to her.  He looked at Ron, seething so obviously that Ron backed away a bit. 

“What’s wrong mate?” he asked cautiously. 

“I don’t think that’s a good idea…” Harry sneered.  He had fire in his eyes now, and Ron looked absolutely mortified. 

“Hey mate, it was just an idea, why are you so angry about it?” he asked. 

“Well for one, she’s your SISTER, and for another thing, I don’t want Malfoy anywhere near her if I can help it.  She’s very important and you never know what kind of danger she would be in attempting a stunt like that.  I’d rather be left with no clue as to what will happen next!” Harry shouted.  Ron looked guiltily back at him.  Harry didn’t seem to care.  He was quite angry with Ron at the moment; he hoped that he felt really, really bad. 

     Neither Harry nor Ron knew that Ginny was standing outside the door.  At the mention of her name she’d stayed behind the wall instead of entering into the drawing room.  As she heard what Harry had done in her honour, she positively melted and felt lighter than air.  She came around the wall and glared at Ron, then walked over to Harry. 

“Harry, can I see you alone?” she asked.

“Er – Well, sure”, he replied feeling the heat rise into his face.  He blushed because for some reason after the conversation he and Ron had just had; he felt a strange fluttering at the sight of her and wanted nothing more in the world than to protect her.  They walked up to Buckbeak’s room and closed the door.  She sat on the crate closest to Buckbeak and that left only the bed for him to sit on.  As he sunk down onto it, she heaved a great sigh. 

“What you said back there was very sweet but there is just one problem,” she looked up at him and her eyes were pleading with him for something. 

“You know that I’ve had a crush on you from the very beginning, and I think you might like me too.  The question is, what we will do about it?” she asked in a straightforward manner that Harry had never expected from her. 

     Harry starred at her.  The fact was she was right he did find himself thinking about her quite often, he tried to remember the last time he hadn’t thought about her for a full day and it was before he’d even gotten on the train to go home for the holiday.  He did feel a little funny though because for four years, he had considered Ginny to be a younger sister.  He had had more feelings for Hermione than he could say for Ginny.  But unfortunately, she preferred Ron to him.  He began to feel that it would be best for him to just pursue Ginny.  He didn’t know what made it all seem so important this term.  But Harry thought it was time for him to start looking for a person to bond with. 

     In honour of his new pursuit of Ginny, Harry thought about the soap opera characters in Aunt Petunia’s favourite show.  There was a guy who always knew exactly what to say to the ladies.  Harry racked his brain for the perfect reply as he gazed into Ginny’s amber-green eyes.  He didn’t want to wait like Ron had, giving Ginny the upper hand.  “Er”, Harry sputtered, “Er, maybe we should try spending more time with each other.  My only problem with it is the reaction your brothers will have.” He simpered sheepishly. 

“Oh Harry, they love you!  Nobody’s gonna care if you and I are together more often.  I’m sure Mom would love it.  She’s been waiting for you to notice me as long as I have.  She thought maybe you liked Hermione and started to give up hope.” She said, blushing slightly.  Harry thought better of mentioning that he did like Hermione, he figured that it was sure to hurt Ginny’s feelings making her feel second best.  Therefore, he stood and crossed the room to her; he got on one knee like he was going to propose. 

“Listen, I’ve only really liked one girl since I’ve been at Hogwarts, not to mention my brief infatuation with Cho and that turned horribly wrong.  I’m a bit afraid to get really into someone because of Voldermort.  But I can’t shake the feeling of needing someone.  Ginny raised an eyebrow. 

“Wow, this is a first.  Harry Potter admitting that he needs someone.  This must be serious,” she said with pretend fear.  Ginny was ecstatic that she, of all people would be the person that Harry needed.  She’d dreamed of this for ages.  She couldn’t wait to tell her mum, but she knew Ron would tease her so she was less excited to let on to him.

     Harry was glad that they agreed to spend more time with each other.  But he wasn’t in too much of a hurry to tell Ron though.  One night as Harry and Ginny were in Buckbeak’s room again (this had officially become their hiding/studying/alone time room) they were interrupted from Occlumency practice by fierce rapping at the door.  Ginny was somewhat groggy from her and Harry’s mental conversation about Quidditch, so it was Harry that crossed the room and opened the door.  When it flew open slamming into the wall he found himself face to beet red face with a very livid looking Ron. 

“What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing to my sister!” he blurted out making Ginny jump. 

“She’s far too young to be doing stuff like- well, like, THIS!” he said motioning to the bed. 

“Ron, what exactly are you saying?” asked Ginny, the red of her hair starting to glow more pronounced.  Before he could answer, Ginny was on again.  For the first time, Harry felt a little afraid of her.  She looked fierce and Ron noticed it too for he took a couple of steps away from her. 

“You are not insinuating that Harry and I are incapable of being alone without keeping control of ourselves are you Ron?”  She asked.  “Because I rather thought loss of control was your department.  I am also unaware that you were elected to be my bodyguard.” She finished bitterly.  

“Well someone’s got to keep you from forcing yourself on Harry.  When are you gonna get it through your thick head that you’re just a silly girl with a crush on a hero.” Ron spat disparagingly.  Harry moved forward and stood in front of Ginny, who was looking at Ron with such fire in her eyes, he thought she might burn a whole through him. 

“Ron, maybe there is something you should know.”  Harry started.  For almost two weeks now Ginny and I have been, well, dating.  I really do like her and I’d like it if you would stop from putting her down.  She’s not a baby anymore.” He said crossing his arms on his chest. 

     Ron stood there in a state of shock.  Ginny came from behind Harry and glared at Ron.  “Well, hang on, why would you want to date her?  I heard that Cho was asking about you over the holiday.  Before Harry could do anything, Ginny raised her wand and shouted at Ron,

“Malfoy was right; you were born in a bin!  Petrificus Totalus”.  Ron’s arms and legs snapped together and he fell to the floor like a strip of plywood.  His mouth was open and his eyes were wide with terror.  Harry looked at Ginny, she was crying.  He reached for her and she rounded on him with her eyes blazing. 

“You’re still interested in Cho?” she asked accusatorily. 

“What – I - noo.” Harry defended. 

“Why would I, after all I went through with her last year?” he asked.  Ginny softened a bit. 

“You sure you don’t want someone a bit - older?” she asked sheepishly. 

“Ginny, we’ve been through a few things together, and you know me.  Nobody but Hermione and knows me the way you do, except maybe Ron.  Especially after all the time we’ve spent together since we’ve been here.  Not to mention the Occlumency that we’ve been practicing.” He assured her.  She was visually relieved. 

Ron was starting to stir.  She gazed at him, a bit of pity in her eyes.  As he sat up, he had obviously thought she was still angry so he scooted himself away from her mumbling about just being a proper big brother. 


          Before they knew it, the holidays were over and Mrs. Weasley was shouting that they were going to miss the train.  Her shouts were mingled with Mrs. Black’s screams but nobody bothered to shut her drapes because the racket was bound to stir her again anyway.  They were told that Tonks, Moody, Kingsley, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would escort them to the Hogwarts Express.  Harry was to return every other night or so which meant that he could leave some of his things if he wanted.  But he chose not to.  Going to Grimmauld Place was not particularly something he looked forward to, so he would not be making unnecessary trips.  He packed his things and met up with everyone else in the lobby of the house.  They were going to King’s Cross using a ministry van. Kingsley was able to sign one out for them, as they needed something large to fit everyone and all their things.  The inside had been enchanted to be much larger than it appeared from the outside.  It actually looked somewhat like a dentist office waiting room with benches along the walls. Harry walked to the van wand out as he’d had the feeling when he woke up that he was being watched and he’d also felt the looming presence of danger. 

     They arrived at the station with no unusual events.  He told Ginny what was on his mind and she suggested that he tell someone, preferably Tonks, as they would need to know these things.  He decided to tell Kingsley instead.  He had not expected what happened after he did, but they were immediately told to stay in the van and that they would not be taking the train after all.  They were ushered back to the van where Kingsley took a pocket mirror from his cloak and said, “Albus Dumbledore”, as Dumbledore appeared in the mirror; he began to rattle off what Harry had just told him.  He also told Dumbledore about the few suspicious looking characters that he’d seen at the station.   Dumbledore told them to take to the sky and turn on the invisibility booster for and get to the castle as soon as possible.  Ron and Hermione were so into the busy bickering over Merlin knows what, that they didn’t even notice how guarded everyone had become.  They looked up at everyone and Hermione asked, “What’s going on?  Why is everyone looking so – ready for battle?”  Ginny was the first to respond, repeating all the events that happened while they had been in their own world. 

 The trip was pretty uneventful.  Harry couldn’t help but feel like his quick action saved them from having to battle with a few death eaters.  But as soon as he stepped out of the van in front of the school steps, his scar burst with fire and the pains caused him to double over and grope his forehead.  It was excruciating, he felt nauseous and before he knew what was happening, he was snatched from the ground and his hands were pried from his forehead.  The lightening bolt scar was emitting a silvery-green light that shone brightly in the semi-darkness.  Harry fainted, his skin was pale and he looked like he was going to be sick.  Ginny was crying and slapping his hand begging him to wake.  Immediately before anyone even knew he was there Dumbledore levitated Harry and started to move him towards the castle.  His face was set and he didn’t say a word to any of them.  Professor McGonagall was ushering the rest of them towards the castle. They quickly went up the stairs towards the infirmary.  They assumed Dumbledore would take Harry there, but when they burst through the door, Madame Pomfrey was alone in her office a look of fear mingled with insolence on her face. 

“No one has been here.  Neither Dumbledore, nor, Mr. Potter”, everyone left the hospital wing lightly perturbed and utterly frustrated. 

     “Where would he take him and why wouldn’t he let us know?” shouted Mrs. Weasley.  Just then Dumbledore came up behind them and asking,

“Would anyone mind telling me why you’re all so excited?”  The group at large turned to face his sparkling light blue eyes.  The face of fear rippled through all of them.  Dumbledore had not been wearing what he wore now when he came for Harry. 

“Professor, did you change robes?” Ron asked nervously. 

“Whatever do you mean?  Where is Harry?”  He asked starting to sound worried too.  Moody was first to recover. 

“There’s been an incident professor, when we arrived Potter had pain in his scar, it glowed silver-green and he fainted.  We looked up and saw you marching towards us.  Or, at least we thought it was you.  ‘You’ levitated Potter and carried him into the castle.” He finished and started walking towards the dungeons.  Dumbledore’s eyes flashed with rage.  Mrs. Weasley took a step forward,

“Professor, what do you think has happened?  I mean, if it wasn’t you, then I have to wonder who it was?” she sounded mortified.  Ginny slumped down and sat on the floor in the middle of the Entrance Hall.  She went pale and started to rock back and forth. 

In the dark recesses of Ginny’s mind, she heard a cold hissing voice, eventually, the sound blended slowly with a black and white hazed moving image.

“No one will know how it happened.  They will find your body in the lake.  They’ll think you drowned yourself.  They won’t even know you-“

“WHATEVER you think you’re going to do to me will only be half of what I have planned for you Voldie!” 

A scuffling ensued.  Ginny could hear them both shouting spells; Harry was very much holding his own ground.  Voldermort’s silent spells and interrupted shouts of Avada Kedavra ring in her mind.  Ginny tore her gaze away from the duel and looked around.  They were in the Chamber of Secrets, right at the mouth of the basilisk layer.  Ginny looked to her right, Wormtail was crouched in a corner, but he couldn’t see Ginny, even though she was only standing a few feet in front of him.  She used her mind to shout out to Harry,

“Look out Harry, Wormtail is in the corner by Slytherin’s mouth.  Harry wielded around and apparated from where he stood by the layer entrance to the far-left side, he shot a stunner at Wormtail and caught him full in the face.  The Harry apparated, face to face in front of Voldermort and stabbed him with a dagger in the shoulder just before….

“Oh my,” said Hermione, she went to Ginny and started to put hers around her friend when Ginny jumped and shouted

“NO!”  Everyone was startled. 

“I’m sorry, shhhhh…” said Ginny, her eyes shut and her ears straining to hear something.

“Ginny, you know where I am, the Chamber of Secrets,”

“Yeah, I know exactly where you are, stay put, I’ll get everyone to you.”  Ginny said reassuringly.

“Thanks, I didn’t think he’d finally get me, but he’s put a strong Cruciatus Curse through my shield and he’s talking again.  Why doesn’t he realise that all this talking is what helps me to defeat him.”  Ginny giggled at this, “Look, I don’t want to be stumbling out of the Chamber of Secrets when the whole rest of the school gets back so tell them to hurry.  Oh, and one can’t forget that it will rip Draco to shreds to see me walk into the position of Professor this term.” 

Ginny laughed and told him,” You’re so silly.”

Ginny withdrew from Harry and addressed them coherently. 

“He’s been taken to the Chamber of Secrets.  He says we have 2 hours before the students will arrive and he’s,” she giggled, “gotta be able to crush Malfoy’s joy, so HURRY!” she said.  Everyone but Dumbledore starred at her with his or her mouths open.  “Oh,” she giggled again, “we’ve been practicing Occlumency and Legelimency and we’ve learned how to use them to communicate with each other.” she said nonchalantly. 


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