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Adopt a UFO or Star!!!!

Requirements for Adoption


UFO #2

UFO #3

UFO #4

UFO #5

UFO #6


HI! I wuz surfing the net finding things to adopt when I thought, 'Wow! This is cool! I think that I'll put something up for adoption at my page! I have an X-Files page, so ofcourse the first thing that popped into my mind wuz, UFOs! So, here are the first things up for adoption! I'm still working on this page, so it's not very efficient yet. And pleaze, sign the adoption log. I can't track you down if u don't, but if I do find these somewhere that's not in the log, then uh oh! After signing the log, then just take the one of your choice, right click, save picture as, and then u can upload it to your own server! If u need any help, that link up there has a very good info page on adopting stuff! If you have any ideas of what I can do, if u need help, or any graphics that I can use, please write to me at!! Here is the little certificate that you can use to link here if you want, but u don't have to! The addy is

Have Fun!

Adoption Log!

Hey! Look! A bee! This little rascal is the relative of the bee that ruined the hallway scene in Fight The Future: The X-Files Movie! Feel free to take him, and even tho I don't endorse bee abuse, I won't press charges!! hehe


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See the Things that I've Adopted