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The Fanfiction

In my opinion, fanfiction is the only way we remind ourselves that we still believe in a show that has been cancelled/off the air for almost two years. That is actually more like our Independence Day. This time, we're Peter David and Bill Mumy-- creating ideas and adventures about the crew of the Christa. There are no rules in writing a *perfect* Space Cases fanfiction; I learned that when I started reading and writing some. Here is the part of the page where people have submitting me links of recent or Space Cases fanfic for this Space Cases Spirit Page. If you would like to submit something, feel free to e-mail me at Here are brains are let loose and no one is there to stop us. There is actually no one stopping you too writing Space Cases fanfic-- just do it!! It's fun, exciting, and this time you create the plot.

Percy Too: Lap of the Gods

More To Come!

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