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Okay now if you join here are the very FEW rules.

1. You must be a slave to Scarpatch *evilgrins*. Sorry folks but it is the whole concept of the site!!! But as far as most slave owners go she isn't all that bad.

2. All slaves must have the specail tattoos on their faces that look like two red claw marks on either side of your jawline. (see picture on RoseThorn's CIS)This shows to everyone in the city that you belong to Scarpatch and is partially for you protection.

Ummmmm that's it!!!! Now here is some Non-rules!!!
1. Magic. Any is allowed to have but magic is not used to fight in in the arena. The fights are entirely phsyical. Therefore all magic is allowed.

2. Races. Scarpatch prefers elves but that is not always the case. All races of elves are allowed, that includes wolf-riders, gliders, sun villages, wave-dancers, go-backs, cat-riders, crossbreeds, and any other types of elves created in our little imaginations.

3. Recognitions. Are totally up to you. Scarpatch only asks that you are absolutely sure that your character benifits from Recognizing and that you try not to have them run rampant. Lovemates and Lifemates are always totally up to you. And you also know that when a cub or child is born to two slaves they also become slaves as well.

4. # of Characters. I will not limit unless you start giving me 3 characters and never participate. Know you limitations!!!

5. Positions. I will not try to control but I hope you will all be sensible in knowing that I don't need 10 waitress and only one fighter. The arena area has almost become it's own community with the human city and many of the slaves well feel better going to a fellow slave and elf rather then a strange human. I will be making lot's of adoptables too for those who don't have time to make your own characters.

Well that's it...for those that wish to make thier own characters I will provide a blank CIS below for you to copy and fill out.

Your Name:(real name or what you want to be refer as)
Your E-mail:
Your Character name:
Soulname: (optional)
Known by: (put whether alive or deceased)
Other Family: (alive or dead)
Race: (whether wolf-rider, glider etc.)
Position: (fighter, tanner, healer, etc)
Physical Description: (eyes, hair, etc)
Clothes: (there is only one season in the desert HOT!!!)
Bond: (if any)

Send this to if you have any question e-mail me or if you see my co-sitemistress on AOL IM (her screen name is Goldmoonelf) ask her!!!
