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Information About the Site

The concept to this Elfquest Rp is very different from all the others. It does not take place in a holt, rather the setting is a fight arena/bar with a booming human city in the desert.

There is no chief or cheiftess, rather we are all governed by the owner of the arena, Scarpatch. And not only does she own the arena and bar, but she owns us as well. Yes we are slaves, bought and paid for in order to do whatever duties Scarpatch seems fit.

As far as owners can go, Patch is not so bad. She does not hurt us, she keeps us cared for.

Because many of us still feel ill towards the humans we have made or own little community within their city. We feel better going to our own tanner, healer, metal smiths and other crafts elves. We like our food to be cooked but our own cook and to hear our music played by fellow elves.

But there is often ill feeling towards each other. When Patch favours one of us the rest get angry. Rivalries are common. Fights are a must. Deception is a skill. Welcome to Scarpatch's arena...hope you survive!!!