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This part of The Nexus is devoted to Thrash, the free anime martial arts RPG by Ewen "Blackbird" Cluney. Thrash is currently undergoing a revision to 2nd Edition (or v2.0), but you can still download v1.8 from the homepage.


The Thrash Martial Arts Compendium

This file is a MS Word 97 .doc file. It contains every Style, Modifier and Manuever that I could find, from the Thrash Rulebook, Street Fighter and Guilty Gear Sourcebooks, and from the Thrash Mailing List. It does not include those extra Kung Fu styles from the Thrash Sourcebook, since I can't presently open my copy of it. As soon as I update this file, it will be posted.


The TMAC is dead! Long live the Thrash Compendium!

I have now compiled every "Official" skill, advantage, disadvantage, discipline, style, maneuver, modifier and wierd power, and have placed it all in THE THRASH COMPENDIUM (1st Edition). It will be posted soon.

Current Projects


I have ceased work on the Tekken: The King of Iron Fist sourcebook, pending the release of Thrash 2.0 and my buying of Tekken Tag Tournament. As it stands, I could release a Beta version of T:TKOIF, but I feel that it would be better to hold off release untill I've seen the changes that Blackbird has made to the Thrash system.