"Questions in Need of Answers"

Author: Commander Garek Loran
Earthdate: November 21, 2384
Location: Supply Base 901

Garek could only think of one acronym. R.H.I.P: Rank Has It's Privileges. Being the second in command of a new space station was something that would definitely look well on his service record. One other small pleasure is the size of his quarters. Twice as big as his previous room, and with room to spare. It was the perfect quarters for... a family. Images of Kim Tycho flashed through his head, and how hadn't seen her in days. With the construction of the station, and the transferring of Banshee Squadron to the Hornet Garek could only think of the worse for the two. The Hornet was now back, and if he was going to do what he wanted, it was going to have to be now.

The Hornet still had the new ship smell to her as Garek traversed the corridor. Young crewman freshly enlisted or from the Academy stood to the side as Garek passed them in the hallway. "Too much attention," Garek quietly said to himself. He finally came to the Banshee quarters which were emblazoned with the Banshee Squadron flight symbol on the doors. He pressed the door chime awaiting an answer. It finally came as the doors opened. The room was dark, lit only by candle light. As he took a cautious step into the room, he freed his mind, and let it wander to pick up the sense of any other beings in the room. He could detect only one: Kim Tycho's.

Garek smiled widely. "Kimmie, You shouldn't have gone through all this trouble for me."

"Don't be silly," a distant voice said. He looked to his left, and there was a light on in the bathroom. "When I traced your commbadge signal, and it showed you were heading to my quarters, I had to throw this together. Besides, I don't think you'll be upset..." Kim emerged wearing a very elegant ballroom dress.

"Wow," Garek said coolly. "That's more then a dress, that's an Audrey Hepburn movie."

She smiled sweetly and made her way over to him. Soon enough, she had her arms wrapped around Garek's neck, and gave him a long kiss. "I've got the holodeck reserved for two." She smiled seductively.

"I'm not exactly in my best dress uniform," Garek said, smiling back.

"I've got that taken care of too." She nodded for him to turn around. On a rack was a black tuxedo with tails and a top hat and cane. Garek turned back around and smiled. "Well get a move on! We don't want to show up late to the gala."

"Yes ma'am."

The night was extravagant. Dinner and dancing in a simulated 19th century ballroom. The two enjoyed a simulated night under the stars talking and stargazing until 0300 New Canada Standard when they finally decided to call it a night. With a long kiss goodnight, Kim gave a large smile over her shoulder as the door closed behind her.

"Garek! Well here's someone I didn't expect to see." Tarik sat down on the stool next to Garek. They were in the newly re-designed Easy Inn, and it seemed as though business hadn't lost a beat. "What's eating you?"

Garek grinned. "Just a lot on my mind buddy."

"Really? Like what?"

Garek reached into his right leg cargo pocket of his engineering jumpsuit and grabbed a small black box. As he opened it, the sparkling of a Risian diamond on a narrow golden band could be seen.

Tarik whistled. "That's a pretty big rock buddy. Risian?"


"Wow. The reddish hue certainly gives it away." Tarik motioned to examine the ring, and Garek nodded. Moc, the Ferengi innkeeper passed by on the other side of the counter.

"Nice ring Commander," Moc said in the clearly distinct Ferengi accent. "Who is the lucky individual."

"I can tell you," Tarik commented. "It'll cost you though."

Moc rolled his eyes, and continued down the bar.

"I can tell you too," a voice from the other side of the bar said. Sam Beckett and Jo Schmidt walked over to the other two officers. Sam started first. "Kimmie's gonna be ecstatic when she sees the rock you got her." Her eyes lit up as she saw the Risian wonder.

"This must have cost you a fortune!" Jo added as she examined the piece of jewelry.

"Well, I don't want to delve into specifics, but if Kim says no, I'm gonna be slightly set back on my retirement," Garek joked with a slightly nervous look on his face.

"Are you kidding? Kimmie's crazy about you," Jo reassured. "And I think I have the perfect opportunity for you to pop the question..."

Kim walked down the hallway after a long day of work to her room. She pressed the control, and the door finally opened after what appeared to be too long of a delay. Maybe it was just her going crazy again. The room was dark. "Lights," Kim said calmly. Nothing. "Erg... Computer, lights!" Nothing. "LIGHTS!" Suddenly, the room was flooded with lights and multiple people jumping up yelling "Surprise!"

Kim jumped back nearly into the hallway. She smiled as she saw the assembled group. Garek was the first person she spotted. All of Banshee flight was there along with Tarik, Kassia, Kitara, Paul Deveraux, Rich Wallace, Jon Lataro, and the Chees. "Happy Birthday!" the group yelled in unison.

Kimmie smiled. "Wow guys! Thanks a lot! I really appreciate the effort, but it's not my birthday." She frowned mockingly a little bit."

There were a few confused looks. "Arg! Man, I messed this one up big time. I must've read the numbers the wrong way on your dossier," Garek said with disgust. "I guess I'm gonna have to take this gift back I got you." Garek turned from her view, and gave everyone in the group a wink. Everyone gave some assorted grins back.

"Are you kidding?! I'll always take a gift." Kim said softly. She walked up and around Garek to look into his face. "What did you get me."

"Well, it's nothing big," Garek droned off. He looked into her eyes, then looked down to the ground. Kim followed his gaze until it finally rested upon the engagement ring in front of her. "Kim Tycho, if it's not too big of a problem," he started laughing, "would you marry me?"