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Playstation 2 Madden 2001 Review

Madden, Madden, and more Madden.

Madden 2001

Madden, Madden, and more Madden. EA-Sports has once again done the unthinkable. That's right, they have released a Madden game that is actually a lot better than the one before. When you finally say, that there is nothing more for them to improve on, they bring you things like vastly improved graphics and animation (thanks to the PS2's emotion engine), more voice-over, crowd participation, All-Madden cards, the 2-minute drill and the works. But of course you would expect no less from one of the best sports game developers, (No disrespect to Sega Sports). Madden 2001 has everything that a football game player dreams of and some. With near perfect graphics (though the player's faces are a little off), and sound effects this game is a blast. The only very, very, minor down fall is with the games speed. I mean, I know that the player models are putting stress on the hardware as is, but come on! This game is much slower than Madden on the original Playstation. If you ignore this fault however, you will see a perfect PS2 title.

Graphics: 10.0 (Best in a football game to date)
Sounds: 9.0 (Madden and Pat sound better than ever)
Game play: 9.5 (Tight controls are a plus, but I would like to hit that corner a little quicker)
Overall: 10.0 (Let's see some online play and they have a winner, or they can just port it to Dreamcast to save the trouble)

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