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Hannibal is the long-awaited sequel to the mega-hit "Silence of the Lambs." Much like its predecessor, it is based on a book. In Hannibal, an FBI agent named Clarice Starling is forced back into the hands of a cannabalistic murderer from the first movie. Hannibal Lecter and Clarice get together in an overall exciting movie that any major horror fan would enjoy. The movie starts out making you jump and turn in your seats, with more gore than you have ever seen. If you have read the book, you should feel right at home, but with added surprises and a somewhat altered ending, there is enough new stuff to make you want to watch. When I say that the ending is altered, I do not mean in a good way. The ending to the movie is very disappointing and you will feel like you have been cheated out of about 130 minutes of your life.

Rating = 8.0 out of 10 (More gore than you have ever seen before)
The Good = Actors do a great job
The Bad = The ending was plain
Extra = None

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