(Disclaimer: Pern (r) is copyright Anne McCaffery 1967.  The Dragonriders of Pern (tm) is a registered trademark of Anne McCaffery, 1967.  Any material used on this page is for entertainment purposes only.)
                                  Rhia's Logs

Not too many of them yet, I know, but I'm working on this!

 The Hike
What happens when you get two restless Harper Masters and an Apprentice together on a boring day? Wacky hikes!

The Wall That Talks
Yes, that dratted wall in the Harper Courtyard is actually talking (or so Rhia thinks...).

 Rhia Gets Searched!
You guessed it! Ruulth decided to give a certain Harper Apprentice a nice whuffling one very wet day...

 Candidate Pillow Fight!
What happens when you get a bunch of bored Candidates together in the barracks? A pillow fight!

 Paint War!
Phredrik, Sofina and Rhia get 'creative' with a bunch of orange paint!

 The Hatching!
WARNING: Exceedingly spammy! Proceed with caution!

Rhia and Phredrik go on a search for some lovely coconuts for Ahzraelth, and insanity comes of it all.

Ahzraelth's Maiden Flight!
Yep, that's right! Ahzraelth finally decides that she wants to conquer some helpless male!

A log about the problems of men, coconuts, and proddiness.

What happens when L'zan and Rhia get proddy together? Duets in the Living Cavern!

 Return to Rhia's Page

***I promise that I am going to get the wingseconds log one of these days! Honest!

                                   Iala's Logs

The World Is Their Mollusc
Mardy pays a visit to Harper Hall, and Iala reaches the conclusion that they're all going to die.