People I want to kill...

DON'T WORRY, THIS ISN'T WHAT YOU THINK!!! There aren't any real people here... (well maybe a few, but I'm not a murderous person!) This is a list of people, mainly fictional, that I cannot stand. I subject people to my rantings on this subject far too often, so I think it's about time I made a definitive list! So... people I hate...

I KNOW there's far too many of these than can be healthy...

  1. Phoebe Green - I know this is getting reeeeeeeeeally old now... and die-hard X-Philes will still remember her. Played by Amanda Pays, she was the first of Mulder's old girlfriends that we came to know and hate! My friends and I christened her "The Evil One" for months...
  2. Diana Fowley, aka Fouly, aka the Foul One, aka the Chicken Lady... as you can tell by the amount of nicknames, we really didn't like her... in fact when we found out she'd gotten killed off the entire room jumped up and down. "Par-TAY!" Quite.
  3. Bill Jnr - grrrrrr... he should be killed painfully. He's evil, he hates Mulder, and I hold him entirely responsible for everything! Nah, just kidding, but he IS a nasty piece of work. He should have been on the end of the same bullet, or whatever it was, that got Fouly.
  4. Tuvok - yes, a regular character. Why? Well, being a J/Cer, and liking all those Ready Room scenes, I get annoyed when it's Tuvok who walks in and not a certain First Officer... grr. Plus, he's REALLY hard to write for.
  5. Worf - another regular. Purely because he interfered with the whole Dax and Bashir thing. And yes, okay, so they got Julian together with Ezri, EVENTUALLY (and even then Worf had to butt in), but nevertheless, it was SUPPOSED to be Jadzia. Maybe it's a little unfair to take it all out on Worf, but at least in fanfic I can torture and kill him, which is more than I can do to whatever writer it was that came up with the damn idea...
  6. Seska *hisssss* - oh, thank goodness they killed her off. She was EVIL! I just wanted to throw stuff at the screen whenever she was on! She got her just desserts... someone up there likes me enough for that.
  7. The Founder - I think the rest of the Star Trek peeps are from DS9, the writers of which are very good at coming up with positively hateable characters. Yes, the Founder, after what she did to poor Odo. And because it was because of her stupidity and attitude towards the 'Solids' that Odo had to be all valiant and go back to the Great Lake to teach them all. What is it about these writers, they can't leave anyone alone? Odo and Kira made a GREAT couple and they went and ruined it!
  8. Damar - unlike Dukat, who you loved to hate, Damar was just... grrr. No other explanation.
  9. Weyoun - the nickname for whom I will not put here! He was just SO irritating! Ugh!
  10. Shakaar - made Odo all hurty inside. Seriously, though, he was late for Kira giving birth - who's late for Bajoran labour? It takes days! And he happened to turn up at the most inopportune of times, O&K plot development-wise. Grr.
  11. Pikard - yes, I'm well aware that I spelt it wrong. I don't care. Why do I hate Pikard? I know I'm in the minority here, but there are several reasons. Firstly, he annoys me, especially that evil "Make it so" he does... ack! To be honest, it's not just Pikard, it's Patrick Stewart... he said something irritating once about "Red Dwarf" and I hold grudges a long time. The only good thing he's ever done is the narration on the "Nightmare Before Christmas" soundtrack - and we couldn't see his face there, so I'll let him off.
  12. Wesley *hisssssssssssss* - OK, double TV show whammy, both "Buffy" and "Angel". First, "Buffy" - well he was just plain annoying! No matter what your opinion of Giles, he didn't need to be replaced with THAT! Not to mention the ICKY thing with Cordelia... Now onto "Angel" - hoo boy. OK, let me go through this logically so I don't end up screaming. First of all, they create the COOLEST goddamn character EVER (aka Doyle), they give him a tenacious relationship with Cordelia (which had me hooked from the start, obviously), they get to the point where she's actually starting to like him, where she discovers his deep dark secret (being a half-demon, and a CUTE one at that. All those spikes, awww.), he kisses her and THEN THEY KILL HIM OFF!!!!!! And they don't even do it quickly, they make him suffer! (Guess who just watched that episode again?!) You ask anyone if they watch "Angel" and the second statement is always "I can't believe they killed Doyle!". As one of my friends so delightfully put it "Shoot the annoying little cockroach!" And I couldn't agree more... I live in hope of a resurrection...
  13. Mel - yes, the banshee from "Frasier". I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of her. After what she did to poor Niles she should be burnt at the stake! As you can tell by my fic, I do not take kindly to anyone who treats my favourite characters like that and gets away with it so lightly!
  14. Scorpius - oh what I'd like to do to him... and no doubt the entire population of "Farscape" fans would too. Grr... he used to be on my "evil in a good way list", he's now on the "evil and must be killed NOW!" list. Hate hate hate HATE! How can one character cause so much emotional turmoil for everyone involved? Crichton, Aeryn, Moya, poor, poor Pilot... even D'Argo and Zhaan are affected... and Chiana. I've never encountered a more EVIL character before him... Must... kill... Scorpy.... *hisssss*
  15. Giovanni - aka the Boss. Team Rocket's Big Boss, a truly evil character in his own right. He's also horrible to my favourite characters... I don't know enough about him to really hate him, it just looks good. :)
  16. Brock - God, he's SO irritating! I don't know why, he's just annoying. Nuff said.
  17. Jessiebell - the spitting image of Jessie but with the most irritating accent on Earth, and that's something coming from me - usually I like the Southern accent. She's an interferer (properly of course!) and thus should be hated.


  1. Raoul - yes the 'hero' from "The Phantom of the Opera", depending on your definition of 'hero'. If you see the show you get a general idea of why I hate him... if not, there's another way. A book, now sadly out of print, called "Phantom" by Susan Kay (my favourite book in the entire universe, incidentally). By the end of it, YOU WILL HATE RAOUL, and everything that 'normal' heroes aspire to be... and the Phantom wins your sympathy every time. By the end, you just want to kill Raoul in a very painful, slow manner... he's EVIL... and Christine should have stayed with Erik... but that's just the way it is, I can't change it... I can only dream...
  2. Macavity - not that it's actually possible to hate any of the Cats from the show/book, Macavity should at the very least be imprisoned for a while... for hurting my poor Munkustrap :(
  3. Oogie Boogie - the insect-filled sack man from "Nightmare Before Christmas". He tried to kill Jack! Grr, very glad he had a sticky end!
  4. Danielle in "Ever After" - she slit Ritz's face! It's unforgivable in ANY Rocky fan's book!
  5. Ethel - the one in "The Worst Witch". Don't you just want to slap her? Or at least see Mildred slap her?
  6. Edward Tudor Pole *shudder* - the second guide to the Crystal Maze. I've often been told "You can't hate him simply because he's NOT Richard O'Brien!" Well I'd like to see you come up with anything better!
  7. Steps - yes, the band. (I don't like pop bands as a general rule, but mostly I don't have murderous thoughts against them.) They personify everything I dislike about modern music... and what's more, their music is IRRITATINGLY singable. It's like a jingle, it eats away at your brain and drives you slowly insane. If I put my entire argument against them here I'll have no friends left, so I won't. Let's just say... I really, really HATE them...
  8. Someone Star Trek fans will associate with, and who we know only as B&B. B&B standing for Berman and Braga, the writers who took over most of Season 7 of Voyager after Jeri Taylor left (she who wrote "Resolutions") They messed up everything, specifically, in one fell swoop, both the J/C thing AND the 7/D thing. I am never going to forgive them. There is going to be a longer rant on this at some point, for now, they rank way up there on the list with Scorpius and the BIGGIE (see below)

I'm sure there's a lot more in that section, I just can't remember them... anyway... finally... THE BIGGIE
... Has moved to The Rant, here. I reviewed and re-wrote, and shoved it where it belongs... enjoy...

I think that's the whole list...
