...Thus spake the immortal Richard O'Brien as Riff Raff, way back in 1975. 25 years later who knew he'd be having it shouted back at him by obsessed fans? And who knew that some of those fans would be us?! Join me, my beauties, as we revel in the memories of "The Rocky Horror Show"!

'Tis time to rejoice!!! 'Tis one year since we saw Rocky on that fateful night on 27th March 2000, after painstaking organisation, lots of tantrums, carefully drafted, typed and retyped prompt sheets, costume tips, witty (?) banner slogans and low-flying rumours... I know it was most probably one of the most fun and amazing nights of our lives, and as such, I have decided to dedicate a page of my website to it.

I remember it well... the day I discovered it was coming back to Brum... and that the tickets were half price, what luck! I knew it was a bad idea trying to organise it, but you know me, I can never resist a chance to be bossy. :) Finding a group of people was relatively easy if I recall, even though some people dropped out, making room for others (who are no doubt eternally grateful, eh, Lorna?) I fell out with one person which nearly resulted in neither of us going, and what with trying to sort out my friendships, get money off people, and stay committed to rehearsals, it was a long slog to the seemingly organised group that graced the middle of the Alexandra's foyer that evening.

Costumes was the worst... having dragged Vickie off to my local costume shop we had the problem of getting the outfit to her... but somehow that worked too. Maybe our god was looking down on us, the omnipotent Ritz himself.

Finally, the night was upon us, with much antici....pation :) from all involved... well, all that is except for one Crystal Tse, who went from "Oh my God, I'm so excited" to "Do I have to?" in 3 seconds. Daily. For three months. If it hadn't been for our "You're going whether you like it or not" attitude, I think she'd have stayed at home :) The general excitement was not helped by Naomi informing me (in the strictest confidence) that there was an 88% chance that Richard O'Brien would be there. I had an inkling he would be being as it was first night and all, but this was confirmation enough. Needless to say, that Monday was one SLOW day, even though I only had one lesson. And how could I forget of course that I told Aisha (who wasn't going) about this secret, not knowing then what I know now, that is, that she's one helluva gossip queen! She told Crystal, Crystal told Vickie (obviously she's not as immune to her whining as me - no offence, hun, don't take it to heart) and everyone but Jen knew before we went. So much for surprises...

Now, on with the show!

I lost track of the amount of people we scared on the way in, and the amount of times we lost each other. Once seated (and remember, everyone, FRONT THREE ROWS!) we were immediately attacked by Trannies. I'm sure Lorna and Vickie still have *ahem* fond memories of that! Utilising the stage was an interesting idea, whoever's that was. It certainly wasn't mine... neither was the lipstick marks one.

Ah, yes... I remember now, Naomi nearly knocked my teeth out, which, technically, was my fault for starting her off flapping her arms about by doing it in the first place. But, in all honesty, what other reaction do you expect when RICHARD O'BRIEN walks onto the stage singing "Science Fiction:Double Feature" in THAT voice? Two hours of mayhem followed which can't be justifiably summed up on this already overlong page, but I will remind you of...

  • The banner, our glorious, wondrous banner, that irritated everyone to death and got that... interesting reaction from Ritz. Altogether now everyone: "We love Frank... and we love Riff cos he's bald!"
  • Crystal and Jennifer's mysterious drummer man... who was apparently more interesting to watch than the show (I know your game!)
  • Jo Gibb! JO GIBB! I cannot say enough nice things about her! Our Columbia, a member of Cats, and quite frankly (no pun intended...well okay...) the nicest person on Earth! Aww... she was so cool!
  • Grumpy old man, Nicholas Parsons. Although under the circumstances he had a right to be grumpy.
  • Ritz, despite all his god-like traits, did go out of the foyer when we were by the stage door. Damn him. Damn him all the way to... no... can't... must... praise...
  • The cries of "Can you sign my apron please?" from Naomi... and her wonderful pink hair.

So... this concludes our whistle-stop remembrance of all things Rocky Horror related. I hope you have found it as enjoyable as me... and here's looking forward to the next time!

x x x

Now you're finished here... why not visit the rest of the site... yes, I know I suck at advertising, but I try... :(

The Mekong