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Seattle Riots
This page contains information related to revolution, anarchy, and freedom. Some works are by me, some are by others. Many of the pages these are gleaned from no longer exist. Whether this is from government suppression or timidity on the part of the web host is unknown. Regardless, I carry on the tradition of information insemination. NOTE: THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THE AUTHOR OF THIS SITE DOES NOT CONDONE THE ACTIONS SUGGESTED IN THIS MATERIAL. THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES AS A RESULT OF THE TEXT. MOST OF THIS IS ILLEGAL TO MAKE AND THUS IS *ONLY* AND I REPEAT *ONLY* FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. NOR DO I NECESSARILY SUPPORT THE VIEWS IN THE TEXT.

In the spirit of free thought and expression, if anyone would like more documents pertaining to anarchy and sorts, I can send them to you. Or, if enough people express an interest, I will post more documents. E-mail me at List the subject as "More Docs"
