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Rainman's Home Page

Hello there! Well, first of all, no, we are not talking about Dustin Hoffman *L* We are talking about Luc aka Rainman, the sexiest Belgian boy on earth. *L* This is a page, created by Karen and Lizzy in tribute to this great man. *LOL*

Sexiest Belgian Boy on Earth!

So, let's get started, eh?? We've got two pages on here other then this one. The Friends link will take you to a page where a few of we, his select frieds (*LOL*) will tell you a bit about what we think of this guy. It has pics of us on there too, for those who are interested. *L* The Photos link will take you into heaven! This is where we have all the pictures of the man himself, for your viewing pleasure. *L* So, have a bit of a look around, have fun, go wild, and sign the guestbook and slambook!

Sexiest Belgian Boy on Earth!

For any further inquiries (or comments *hehehehe*) send emails to Rainman or Lizzy. Have fun! Ciao for now!

Sexiest Belgian Boy on Earth!

Rainman's Friends! Photos of Rainman!

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