
Vamp Links

How to slay a vampire
Vlad the Implaer
The legend of Dracula
return to the Horror House

The concept of vampires has been distorted over the years as vampires have been used is all forms of media. A vampire is basically a reanimated corpse that feeds on blood to live. Movies like the Lost Boys and From Dusk 'Till Dawn have both used vampires in very different ways. The Lost Boys, directed by Joel Schumacher, had vampires appear more human and more part of society while From Dusk 'Till Dawn, directed by Robert Rodriguez and written by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, had its vampires more demon like and much more deadly.

Other movies like Blade and Blade 2 have vampires more part of society then you have Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel which gives yet even new twists on what vampires are and how they live. In Buffy, we witnessed vampires in a new way. We saw vamoires who are very technology centered to badass vampires who are much like your typical 18 year old school bully.

Vampires are like humans. They need to feed just like us. They feed of blood because blood is life. That's why they eat it.
