
On October 31st 1963, a six year old boy, Michael Myers, brutally stabbed and killed his 17 year old sister Judith Myers. Immediatley afterward, his parents discovered what he did. Michael was incarcerated in Illinois State Mental Hospital under minimum security. A Doctor, Samuel Loomis, was assigned as his personal therapist. Preparing not to give up hope, Dr. Loomis spent seven years trying to rehabilitate and get through to Michael. Michael stared blankly into nowhere, unwilling to respond. After these long seven years, Dr. Loomis realised that there was nothing to get through to. As he looked into Michael's eyes, he just saw pure evil. The next seven and a half years were spent trying to keep him locked up in MAXIMUM SECURITY. The state refused the request repeatedly, and after 15 years of patient waiting, Michael Myer's escaped the hospital. Michael returned to Haddonfield to relive his murders, stalking Laurie Strode. Slashing people along his way, including Laurie's best friend, Linda, he repeatedly attempted to kill Laurie as she babysitted a young boy, Tommy Doyle. As Laurie selflessly saved Tommy, he and a friend escaped and met Dr. Loomis and disclosed the news. Making his way to the Doyles' home, he saved Laurie Strode from death with perfect timing. Michael was shot six times by Dr. Loomis as Laurie wept at the terror that stalked her. As he fell from a balcony, Dr. Loomis and the horrified Laurie went to check that Michael was dead, only to find that his body had disappeared. Alert

A look at all the Halloween films
Michael Myers FBI Case File
Return to the Horror House

Email: rjb286@psu.edu