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Welcome to my Playroom

Do you like this picture? It is called No Walk Today, painted by Sophie Anderson. One of my personal favorites.

Damn. The librarian found me out, and I am banned from the Internet at school. Apparently, we aren't supposed to use the computers for personal thingies. So, I'll probably just be updating at home now, unless I can come up with a clever enough plan to get through a school staff's watchful eye. (Sarcasm Mode: On.) Ah! What a challenge!

So, updates... New pictures. That's about all. I should get less half-assed about posting my updates. It's October 11th, and I have a couple new pictures. There. Mwah!

People have been emailing me about my writing lately. No one has any idea how much I appreciate that. However, any of you wanting me to continue an unfinished work, please understand that I have an unbelievably gigantic creative block that has now lasted for almost a year. All the things I have tried to write have turned out as complete crap. So, I will be trying to revise all my older work that doesn’t want to make me vomit, and post it. I hope that will appease some of you. ^_^

One upon the time, on a plane of existence called Terra, there lived a bunch of (generally) happy people called Ricans. Their beloved leader, Our Lady of New Orleans, eventually got mad at her subjects for having a mind of their own and preaching their own speculations about the religious icons of all Ricans, and selected a choice few to punish with little explanation.

This story has no end, to speak of. Yet. But still, it is purty damned enthralling for all those involved. That's why I support the right to write specs!

Thanks so much to people who send me feedback! I can't tell how much I love it.If you want to do your part in making this cute orgimism happy, just click on the little hightlighted part seen here....Little highlighted part... And type in your ramblings.

Singers A few of my favorite local singers. Everyone should hear these people, they deserve to be rich instead of starving.

Links Links. Not many here yet, sorry.

Poems My favorite poems I've ever read. Beautiful things, I highly suggest you read them.

Specs VC baised specs by me and some of my favorite authors (and my least favorite, me.)

Azzy! (Currently.) Did you know I could draw? I didn't. If you did, why didn't you tell me? Humph! Well, this is my first attempt at a comic-type situation. It's tightly based on Jhonen Vasquez's (maker of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) style. Sorry, Jhonen.

Pics! I broke down and did it. A picture page. It wasn't my fault, really!

Thank you for visiting my site. Come back soon, I promise I'll have more up.