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Planet Rog - Downloads - Music
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File Size Title Author Format
90s_ac.mid 29KB 90's Astro Chicken Neil Schuh MIDI
acshuffl.mid 43.4KB Astro Chicken Shuffel Neil Schuh MIDI
asinsane.mid 3.4KB Astro Chicken (Insane remix) ? MIDI
astroloop.mid 5.5KB Astro Chicken Theme Loop ? MIDI
astrorch.mid 6.7KB Astro Chicken (March remix) ? MIDI
astwestn.mid 5.1KB Astro Chicken (Western remix) ? MIDI
fester.mid 41.5KB Fester Blatz's Theme remix Neil Schuh MIDI
golden_mop.mid 8.38KB Space Quest 1 ending song ? MIDI
lounge.mid 18.2KB Space Quest Themes: Lounge mix Neil Schuh MIDI
sq_ballad.mid 4.77KB Space Quest Ballad ? MIDI
sq_orch.mid 15.3KB Space Quest Orchestra ? MIDI
sq1_bar.mid 23.3KB Space Quest 1 bar: track 0 ? MIDI
sq1_intro.mid 21.9KB Space Quest 1 Theme Music ? MIDI
sq1.mid 46.6KB Another theme? Sounds like a cool remix ? MIDI
sq1_skimmer.mid 23.3KB Space Quest 1: Skimmer Music ? MIDI
sq3_burger.mid 7.84KB Space Quest 3: Monolith Burger music ? MIDI
SQ3_garbage_scow.mid 8.62KB Space Quest 3: Garbage Scow music ? MIDI
sq3_theme.mid 7.05KB Space Quest 3 Theme Music ? MIDI
sq3_wow.mid 4.41KB Space Quest 3: World 'O Wonders music ? MIDI
sq4_count_down_remix.mid 26.8KB Space Quest 4: Format Countdown remix (rock 'n roll) ? MIDI
sq4_countdown.mid 18.3KB Space Quest 4: Format Countdown (original) ? MIDI
sq4_intro.mid 27KB Space Quest 4 Theme Music ? MIDI
sq4_protection.mid 7.64KB Space Quest 4: Copy Protection Music ? MIDI
sq4_voh_battle.mid 15.7KB Space Quest 4: Battle with Vohaul ? MIDI
sq5_intro.mid 33.6KB Space Quest 5 Theme Music ? MIDI
sq5_test.mid 7.76KB Space Quest 5: Testing Music ? MIDI
sq5_wd-40.mid 15.4KB Space Quest 5: WD40's music ? MIDI
Sq6.mid 32.4KB Space Quest 6 Theme Music ? MIDI
sq6_9.mid 21.5KB Space Quest 6: Shuttle Bay music (from demo) ? MIDI
sq6_rog_quarters.mid 22.6KB Space Quest 6: Roger's Quarters ? MIDI
Sq6gm4.mid 43.4KB Space Quest 6: Music from the bar ? MIDI
sqgroovy.mid 35.8KB Space Quest: Groovy mix Neil Schuh MIDI
sqnirvna.mid 45KB Smells like Roger Wilco Neil Schuh MIDI
wow1.mid 30.1KB World 'O Wonders: Classical remix Neil Schuh MIDI