phx metro vegetarian community

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A B O U T . U S

9-16-01...The phoenix metro vegetarian organization is not currently having meetings at this time because of school, work, and all the other things that congest our lives. Meetings will resume in the future. If you sign the email list I will inform you and the list when the meetings will resume. I am currently checking the email on a weekly basis so if you have any questions please be patient I will get back to you!

Chris Robertson

Welcome to the Phoenix Metro Vegetarian Community website!
We are an open-membership group designed to promote the vegetarian lifestyle. We hope to promote greater awareness and practice of the vegetarian lifestyle, and to encourage growth of a vegetarian community in the Phoenix Metro area. Although we are run by vegans and vegetarians, the PMVC is not an exclusive vegetarian or vegan organization. We hope that ALL people of ANY walk of life feel comfortable and encouraged to attend our events. Our intent is to promote a greater vegetarian community within the Phoenix area, and to promote the ideas and knowledge of the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle.

As an organization, we hope to provide would-be and preexisting vegetarians/vegans with opportunities to expand their social circle and their awareness and knowledge of the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. Through providing a socially oriented meeting structure, we hope to alleviate the sometimes isolating feeling of being a vegetarian/vegan by providing people an opportunity to meet other vegetarians/vegans. We also hope to make being a vegetarian/vegan a more comfortable and enlightening experience by providing information on all aspects of the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle (such as nutrition, ethics, shopping choices, etc.). For those who are interested in becoming a more proactive vegetarian/vegan, we also intend to promote the awareness and activities of local vegetarian and animal rights groups. We are not an organization angled towards protest or demonstration. Although the Animal Rights movement is an inextricable component of the vegetarian movement, we feel that there are already numerous organizations in the Phoenix area already providing that outlet. As an organization, we hope to provide knowledge of animal rights (along with all other aspects of vegetarianism), and A.R. activities within the Phoenix area, but not become directly involved in those events. We hope to be proactive through activities such as awareness and benefit concerts, workshops, field-trips. hrough these ideas and actions, the Phoenix Vegetarian Community is working to promote the growth and awareness of the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. We all hope to see positive social change through the vegetarian movement and the philosophies of compassionate living and non-harming.

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