Fall Of Perfection

Fall Of Perfection

Crystal Arewar, the most powerful empire since the Rome and twentieth century America, glistened from its rich buildings of crystal and gems that towered in the sky as the full moon rose above the ocean, behind its large castle in what had once, long ago, been titled Italy. Although it went unseen by the villagers below the castle, King Electryon and Queen Jady stood together on their large bedroom balcony, staring in silence at the beauty of the night sky.

Down below in the dark silver streets the citizens walked around in peace and happiness. A few cars and hover bikes passed by every once in a while despite the late hour. On the bounds of the city two inhuman females stood on the edge of a cliff, admiring the ocean waves crashing on the rocks and shimmering in the moonlight.

Sitting quietly in the gardens of the Crystal Castle a golden haired woman sat with a small white kitten purring in her lap as she enjoyed the peaceful night. The tiny cat looked up to her mistress and mewed softly, then laid its head back down on her crossed legs.

At the Crystal Harbor a red haired woman walked, her hand trailing over the new paint job of her ship titled: The Viking, after her heritage. Her best friend, another scarlet haired woman, laughed at the joy and excitement of her friend and prepared to board the ship for the ride out.

Within the Crystal Castle a young black haired girl walked down the gold and silver hallways with a small chubby red haired baby boy in her arms. When she reached the large silver rimmed doors of her destination she softly tapped. Moments later the door opened with Queen Jady and King Electryon standing there. Queen Jady reached out her arms and took the brown eyed child from her friend.

King Electryon smiled with Lady Melanie at the happiness of his wife as Jady spun around, cooing the baby. "Our son," the Queen whispered, looking at her husband with a beautiful smile of motherhood. "Daniel Arewar: Prince of Crystal Arewar.

~15 Years Later~

Clicks of heals echoed down the marble hallway as a red haired man paced down it, blood stains from his face and clothes dripped as he walked. Bloody footprints were created, but the Prince paid them no attention. He reached the end of one of the many hallways of his castle and struck the door with his boot, causing the door to burst open and crash into the walls behind them, as well as created a footprint of blood on the edges of each door.

Inside the two figures looked up from where they had stood, staring down at papers on the desk and discussing matters quietly. Each of them gave the boy a ferocious glare. "So much work, destroyed in less than five years."

Daniel returned the glare to Queen Jady. "Times change, Mother."

"NOT FOR IMMORTALS!" King Electryon's fist connected with the table violently, creating cracks in the wood. "Not for immortals, Daniel." Jady gave Electryon a worried look and picked up the top map from the table - one of what had long ago been known as Greece, Italy, and Europe. All three countries were lightly shaded silver. Jady turned the map to her son with an angry frown. "Do you see this? For nearly a century the Arewar family has peacefully ruled this section of the world! What do you do from the moment you take a step? Swear to destroy all that we have created!"

Daniel merely shrugged.

Another sound of steps paused the conversation. Electryon stepped around his blood coated son to greet the worn Areana and Nautica. "Well?"

"Sorry, Eleec." Nautica shook her head. "We've been brought to far. Europe refuses to turn back."

"And the Islands of Sparta are beginning to rebel," Areana sadly added.

Jady left the war room and sat down on the balcony's edge. Down below her the normally silver streets were filthy. Bodies of the dead and dying were hidden in corners. People were screaming and fighting. Tears rimmed her sorrowful blue eyes as she realized it was over… Crystal Arewar had fallen.

~90 Years Ago~

Melanie and Harmonia smiled at each other as they watched the King of Italy bow and walk out of the room. Jady and Electryon waited until he was out of earshot and then yelled in delighted celebration. The two girls rushed over and hugs and laughs were exchanged.

"Okay," Harmonia giggled as the four began to settle down. "Italy is now under our control."

"The Italian King does have say over the government, however," Electryon added.

Jady nodded with her husband. "I want Ceirwyn and Electra to go into Italy and spread the word. Electryon and I are going to Europe and speak with their Emperor. He wants to hand over the job and has no heir. While we're away, Harmonia, I want you and Melanie to stop the war between Greece and Egypt. Questions?" Harmonia and Melanie shook their heads. "Great! Break!" Jady's hands clapped together. Harmonia and Melanie gave a wave and took off out of the Italian castle.

"How this happened, I'll never know."

"Huh?" Jady spun around and looked at her husband.

Electryon smiled, his bright jade eyes filled with laughter. "You… Goddess of Evil…"

"NEVER CALL ME THAT!" Jady screamed in rage.

"Turned peace maker," Electryon was not phased by the outburst. "Who would have ever even considered the possibility?"

Jady stepped over to the map on the table without words. On the map seven different colors decorated Europe, three within the areas of Greece, five for Egypt, and four for Italy. Jady raised her hand and placed it over the tip of Italy. The dark green glowed for a moment, then transformed into silver. She looked up to her lover, staring into those deep green eyes. Even after so many years she stood couldn't get used to them…

"I don't want evil in my life, anymore. Is that so unbelievable?"

"Yes," Electryon laughed, pointing to the amulet that hung around Jady's neck. "For millions of years that thing has been the source of pain and suffering. Now, because of one event, it's bringing peace and happiness."

Jady looked down and picked up the map. Rolling it up, she avoided Electryon's gaze. "I thought we agreed we wouldn't speak about that day."

"We did," Electryon said softly, stepping across the room. He took the map from his wife with a gentle smile. "I'm sorry."

The Goddess nodded but still avoided his gaze. "We have work to do. Let's go."

Electryon nodded and turned to the door, his love at his side.

~Present Time~

Daniel smirked as he saw Beyonce appear in the room. The violet eyed goddess raised up her hand toward the boy, a red glow emitting from it, and prepared to throw a ball of fire to him. Electryon's eyes widened in fright as his heart jumped into his throat. "Beyonce! NO!"

The Goddess of Revenge refused to obey the King but his cry altered the Queen. Jady rushed into the War Room and knocked Beyonce to the ground moments before she threw the blazing ball. It barely missed the boy's left shoulder and scorched the marble wall behind him. The smirk on Daniel's features had never faltered.

Jady gave a once over of her boy, then turned around to the goddess in rage as Beyonce rose to her feet. "What the bloody hell do you think you are doing?" The immortal cursed, pushing her old friend against the far wall.

Beyonce hardly blinked at her friend's anger. As Jady silenced the Revenge Goddess glanced around her to Daniel. He stood statuesque, arms folded over his chest in a bored manner, returning the glare he was receiving. Beyonce glanced back to her old friend. "You can't protect him for all eternity, Jady." Revenge gave a last glance to the boy, then vanished in a sparkle of purple.

Queen Jady gave a sigh of relief, falling back onto the wall. She slid down on the floor, her white gown flowing around her. Daniel stepped forward in front of his mother and raised a brow. "You hate me so much yet you always protect me. I don't understand you."

Electryon fell into his seat with a sigh.

~Five Years Ago~

In a month Daniel would turn ten years old. The young boy entered the training room, dressed in soft black silks. His large sword hung at his side and his dagger was hidden in his left boot.

In the center of the room a male stood with his eyes closed. Against the wall behind him a female sat, her eyes also closed. Daniel paced into the center of the room and laid his sword on the marble floor, creating a soft scraping sound as he did so.

"En guard," called his mother from across the floor. Electryon gave a brief bow, then fell into a fighting stance. Knowing they were watching, even with their eyes closed, Daniel too bowed and fell into a similar stance.

"Hand-to-hand, eyes closed," she called aloud. Daniel's lids fell down, leaving him in darkness. He heard a soft sprinkle and knew his sword had vanished from the floor.

"You know how tedious I find this, Mother." Daniel stated, waiting for the inevitable.

"Focus boy," his father hissed. "You're to haughty for your own good."

"Silence!" called the Queen. "Training now, words later. EN GUARD!"

Daniel fell back into his stance with a sigh. Moments of silence echoed out in the room as they sized one another up and honed their areas… well, Electryon did such. Daniel just used execrations in thought while he waited.


The exclaim from Jady caught the boy off guard and he was nailed quickly to the floor. Daniel's deep brown eyes shot open in shock and he blinked as he now say his father's eyes still closed. Daniel forced his own lids closed again and pushed his father over. The boy straddled his father's waist and punched him with a left hook. Electryon's head snapped backward and he bit the inside of his lip, yet his eyes never fluttered. Blood dribbled from the corner of his mouth.

A fist connected into Daniel's stomach, knocking the Prince back off his dad. As he'd been trained he used the thrust to his advantage, bringing himself to his feet.

When Daniel's vision cleared and he caught his breath again his father was cautiously rising to his feet, honing for an upcoming attack. Daniel remained still, watching Electryon. His hair was long with the blonde streaks, pale skin underneath the electric lights, and his guard, as Daniel had discovered from birth, never came down but what confounded the boy so much was, although he didn't seemed like the kind of man, he was forever honest, loyal, and followed all the established rules that he and his wife had created.

One of the rules of the battle was to keep eyes closed at all times. Daniel had already broken this rule three time already, and the fight had yet to truly begin. His gaze drifted to his mother, who had yet to move from her sitting position. They were so powerful, yet they made no use of any of it.

"This is wearisome and a waste of time," Daniel hissed. "Wasting away such potential for worthless games."

Electryon's jade green eyes slowly fell open, but his wife's snapped quickly and she rose with a deadly grace to her feet. "Wasting away, Daniel?"

"Yes!" The boy exclaimed.

"You are to young to understand the worth of your power."

"Then teach me!" Daniel nearly screamed in his rage.

Jady stepped into the floor and stood before her son. "Your view of power is that of overpowering others to take what you desire."

"Is that not what power is?"

"To those who cannot comprehend anything else," Jady said firmly.

"And I am such a person?" A deadly glare of hate appeared in the youngster's eyes.

"You are," the mother's gaze drifted over her shoulder in shame to where her husband stood.

"This is then my fault?" His face was brightening a crimson color as his eyes narrowed and fists balled.

Electryon shook his head, unnoticing the boy's rage. "It's our failure, Daniel."

Daniel's sword appeared back on the floor and the red hearted warrior knelt to retrieve it. He then rose again, staring into these unique colored eyes of his parents. They never showed any evident emotion, leaving him alone… in the dark. Without a word he turned and walked out, down the hallways and towards the army's captain's quarters. He'd show his parents what real power is.

~Five Years Later - Present Time~

Ceirwyn entered the bedroom chambers of Jady without knocking. The door was soundless as it swung open. The goddess stepped through the threshold and paused when the bed came into view.

Jady laid in the bed, dressed in a silk white gown. Her shoulders were softly shaking and hushed sobs echoing in the pillow she clung to. Wyn's eyes closed in her own pain as she watched the official Queen of their empire seem so lost. A few moments of silence passed before the Viking softly knocked on the wall she leaned against.

The goddess jerked up at the noise, her warrior instincts still active within herself. Jady realized as she saw who it was and pulled herself up, wiping the mascara from the rims underneath her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"What isn't?" the read head said with a false smile and sat down beside her on the bed. Jady softly rested her head on the Viking's shoulder. "I don't know what to do… for the first time ever I feel so…"

"Helpless?" Ceirwyn offered.

Jady nodded painfully. "I've been up for the last three days trying to keep the Spartan Islands at bay." Her eyes fluttered closed. "Their army is trying to confederate with Egypt against us." She yawned.

"It's okay, sis. Rest."

Jady mumbled a quick protest incoherently, but quickly she stumbled into sleep. Ceirwyn slowly stood, holding the Queen in her arms, and laid her gently down on the bed covers. She then grabbed the blue blanket at the end of the bed and covered it over Jady.

With a sigh Ceirwyn quietly left the room. All she could think as she walked down the hallway was 'So much love…'

~Four Years Ago~

The horse reared back as two bright silver lights appeared right in front of it, nearly throwing the young twelve year old Daniel from it. With trained skills the boy calmed the animal and faced his parents. "What is it?"

Jady scanned around the hell that they stood in; the state that the once peaceful village of Rome was in. "How can you be so callous?" She hissed with tears in her eyes. Dead, some decapitated bodies littered the ground around her. Village buildings were ablaze, screams of those within echoing their agony. The sun was hidden behind the smoke, darkening the area appropriately.

From the corner of his eye, Electryon saw a small blonde haired child crying for her mother, who was lying dead at the child's knees. A solider, loyal to Daniel's orders, came riding up on a horse, his sword swinging down. The King looked away, sparring himself horror, but he knew his wife was watching every moment, frozen in the child's terror.

"Stop this madness!" Electryon hissed to his son.

"You don't have the power to stop them?" Daniel question smugly.

Jady's hand shot up into the sky, causing time freeze. Daniel gasped, looking down to his mother, and saw she was staring toward the east. Looking into that direction his deep brow eyes widened as he saw a small child cowering with a sword near her neck.

The Queen Goddess waved her hand again and the frozen figure moved sharply to the right, a safe distance away from harm. Jady's hand fell rapidly, all her actions in one swift motion, and the horse continued forward. Shocked that the child was no longer there the sword swung upwards, unbalancing the man. His left foot slipped from the stirrup, causing the lack of balance to increase, and he fell over, off the horse.

Jady gave a sigh of relief, then spun back angrily to her son. "This will stop! NOW!"

"Will it?"

Daniel dismounted the horse and stepped in front of his mother. His hand reached out and paused in front of Jady's stomach. "It will never stop," he hissed, hand exploding in fire. The thrust and power of the blaze sent his mother flying back across the blood soaked field.

"Jady!" Electryon screamed out as the unconscious immortal landed in rubble that had once been an inn. His eyes snapped back to the red haired demon. "What have you done? Jady is your mother!"

Daniel raised a confused brow. "Your point?"

Electryon stared, horrified at his actions, then turned and rushed to his wife's side. He shook her for a moment until her eyes fluttered open gently. "Eleec?"

"You okay?" He questioned with worry.

Jady's head shook painfully. "I don't have my son, anymore." Tears fell down her soft cheeks. "Our world… Electryon… it's dying."

~Four Years Later - Present~

Daniel threw down the blood soaked sword and wiped the splattered blood from his forehead. The back of his hand rose in front of his lips and he licked the sweet sticky substance, savoring every sinful drop. The read haired warrior brushed his thick matted hair from sweaty and stained features. Screams of the dying echoed out around him as his army destroyed the small cities of Europe. He couldn't say he hadn't tried to avoid the war, but what could he do? His parents had little control of the lands they claimed to rule over, which annoyed the Prince. He refused to become the King of Nothing!

Women had thought they were safe. Their King and Queen had a law that all of their lands were required to follow. Women and children were never involved in war, with the exception of grown women that got involved by choice, such as the Queen, herself and the Ladies of Arewar.

Daniel did not follow this law. If they did not submit to him they were a threat and would die, whether man, woman, or child. Years ago, Jady had learned this and it had caused her so much rage she'd nearly killed Daniel.

A scream echoed behind him, causing the boy to spin. There a small child was on her knees as one of Daniel's soldiers prepared to murder her. The look of horror brought back the memories like a tidal wave…

~Eight Years Ago~

Banging on the door shook Jady from her slumber. The Queen rubbed her eyes with the back of her soft hands and stood just as the noise began to wake her lover. "This better be important," she sighed as she opened the door.

Jady stumbled back as Daniel came rushing through. The boy grabbed his mother tightly by her nightgown and held as if for his dear life. As Jady regained her balance she noticed that, besides his sobs, Daniel's hands were soaked red. Daniel's daggers, a gift for his fifth birthday from Electra that the boy cherished and had with him at all times, were missing.

"What's wrong, Daniel?" Electryon questioned, standing. He walked over to his son and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him from his mother.

Daniel tightly embraced his father in the same manner. Jady looked down to her white lace gown and became saddened. It had been hundreds of years since she last had blood on her clothes.

"Daniel, you must tell us," she pushed the thoughts aside and lowered to her knees. The eight year old child peeked up from his father's shirt. His pale features were flushed red and his eyes were fearfully bloodshot. "Mommy, I didn't mean to…"

"Daniel, we don't know what you've done," Electryon gave the boy a pointed look.

Daniel fearfully took a step back, then darted into his mother's arms. Jady smiled softly and rocked the boy against her bosom. "Whatever has happened…"

"Mommy, I killed a girl," he suddenly blurted out, his face buried in the frill of her stained dress.

Jady froze for a nanosecond with shock, then suddenly jerked the boy back so she could look into his dark eyes. "Daniel?"

Daniel began crying again.

"How old was she?" Electryon quietly asked.

"I don't know, Daddy," Daniel shook his head, tears skill falling from his eyes. "She was smaller than I… I didn't… she…" He could find the words and didn't have the courage to say them if he could.

"Explain, Daniel," Electryon demanded gently.

The boy stepped away from his horrified mother and moved to the bed in the center of the room. He pushed the silver curtains back and sat, head buried in his sticky hands. "I was in the villages working with my Fire Daggers," which was the name of the daggers Electra had given him, "and a man came up and tried to take them. I ran away with my daggers and someone knocked into me." He gave a little shudder, "I turned around and my… dagger… it was in her chest…" his voice trained off, shuddering more than ever before.

Electryon looked over to his wife and became sorrowful. Jady was frozen on her knees, eyes staring into space. Her arms were hovering out from her body where she had released Daniel. Seemingly time had frozen within her.

His eyes drifted down to the amulet that rested on Jady's chest. The jewel, for the first time in centuries, was against glowing red. A dread settled within Eleec's heavy heart.

Silence passed from seconds to minutes. Outside the darkness faded into dawn as the sun slowly began to rise.

Jady suddenly rose to her feet, eyes still last in her thoughts. The noise of her foot steps echoed as she approached her son.

"Angel…" Electryon whispered as she passed him, but his words were lost to her ears. Jady's steps became harder and louder the closer she got towards her boy. She reached Daniel and her arm shot out and grabbed his long red hair.

The young child yelped in pain as he was hosted from the bed and flung across the room. With cold expressions Jady rushed down the floor where her weeping son lay and grabbed him by his neck. Daniel was taken off the ground and began the struggle for his life.

Seconds passed like hours as Electryon watched his son's face turn from a pale scarlet to shades of violet. "Jady, don't do this!" He exclaimed, still somewhat in shock.

A violet light appeared in front of the King and Beyonce ran towards Jady to save the child. Seconds before she reached the dying boy a silver barrier surrounded the mother and son, sending the Revenge Goddess soaring away.

Daniel's bloodshot eyes found their way to his mother's rage filled blue ones as he danced on the line between life and death, but with a grand amount of effort he was still able to shallowly speak. "Mother…" Daniel choked.

Jady blinked at the sound of his voice and released her grip with fear. Daniel fell, a near unconscious lump, onto the floor, gasping for breath.

Soft tears escaped Jady's eyes as her hands rose shakily to her mouth. "Gods…" came a shallow whisper of dismay. Electryon met Jady's gaze with terror, and at his eyes her knees collapsed beneath her. Jady, for the first time in her life, had fainted.

Beyonce rushed over to her nephew and pulled him up against her chest, gently whispering comforting words. Daniel suddenly yanked himself away from the Revenge Goddess and fell into a fighting stance.

"Daniel!" Electryon exclaimed.

The boy smirked as he wiped the light trickling blood from the corner of his mouth. The Prince's smirk grew into a fiendish grin, in which laughter quickly followed. "I understand now," he hissed quietly, mostly to himself. "It's so clear…"

"Daniel…" Jady began to reawaken, seemingly knowing hell had been unleashed.

"What is it you understand?" Electryon question.

Daniel gave a glare to his father, then rushed around him, out of the bed chamber. Electryon watched for a brief moment, then paced overt to his Queen. "Jady, what's going on?"

Jady accepted Electryon's offered hand and shakily rose to her feet. Her tear filled eyes spotted the blood soaked gown she wore and a sigh escaped her lips. "Power, my love. He understands power… in the old views that I once possessed."

~Three Year Ago~

Areana leaned back against a close tree within the woods and sigh. "Come on, Daniel! We've been doing this since dawn!"

A giggle escaped from somewhere to Areana's left. With excitement the Goddess shouted out: "Beyonce! I found him!"

A violet glow appeared, hidden slightly behind a three. Areana raised an eyebrow and nudged her head to the left. Bey smiled and took back deeper into the forest.

Daniel stifled another giggle and peaked around the tree trunk. Since early that morning Daniel had been playing Hide-and-Seek with the Ladies of Arewar and still the girls had yet to…


"AH! No! Lemme go!" Daniel squirmed in protest, trying to flee. Beyonce's grip tightened around the five-year-old's muscled torso, refusing to give in.

Areana came up from the side, chuckling. "Point for us!"

"How'd you do that?" Daniel growled to Beyonce as he accepted his defeat and was allowed loose.

"Do what?" Countered Beyonce.

"Sneak up behind me without me knowing!" Daniel's short temper caught up with him.

"It's an art of war. One of the many talents of being a warrior," explained Areana with a smile. Children were so cute at that age, so many questions and such a short fuse.

Daniel glared down at the ground in a moment of silence, then glanced up with the pout-dog eyes. Areana felt a whimper in the back of her throat begging to come out in the cuteness. "Will you teach me to be a warrior, Auntie Areana?"

The whimper escaped.

"Now Daniel, you know very well that Queen Jady and King Electryon do not want you to become a warrior." Beyonce shook her head.

Daniel turned to Areana with the growing pout. "Please, Auntie Bey. Teach me?"

Violet eyes connected with green as the two goddesses felt their knees weaken. With another flash of the large brown eyes of the peaceful Jady's son the two girls fell under the boy's spell and simultaneously agreed, knowing their sister would destroy them.

~Eleven Year Later - Present~

Videl pressed her back tightly against the wall of her burning home. Across the hallway her son's burning body lay, turning to ashes. Videl, although she was only twenty two her life had been the image of perfection… until now.

Tears threatened to fall, but Videl couldn't seem to cry. Instead, as the flames licked her feet, she remembered her second daughter. 'I have to get out of here.'

Videl screamed for help, no words really being formed. No response. As she had heard the Arewar army, which was now the large and most powerful army even without the Ladies of Arewar, had been attacking every central city in Europe and had finally arrived in Pearl.

There was much speculation about why the eight cities of the Crystal Arewar had never been attacked before. Most people believed that Daniel had control of their leaders - the Ladies of Arewar. However, the closer he reached into Europe the more convinced the Arewar subjects became that Daniel was preparing an attack on the City of Sara. Now Daniel was attacking the closest city to the Lady's village and she would soon be next.

Videl screamed out again, clawing the walls behind her.

The door across the burning building burst open and a tall figure stepped over the threshold. Videl's screams momentarily quieted for a brief moment, then exploded.

"Element of Wind!" The figure called out.

Videl again became silent in fear as a strong breeze picked up. The flames around her flickered but did not extinguish. Instead, Videl was lifted from the ground and soared over to the darkened silhouette. "Prince Daniel!" She exclaimed as she saw the royal son. "My Gods, thank you!"

Daniel's grin, however, was not anything but sinister. "Element Fire!" He hissed and sharply pressed his palm against the young woman's chest.

The Prince took a step back and watched as the village girl violently became ashes. His gaze drifted down to his palms. "So that is what mother meant by controlling the elements…"

~Year: 8007~

Mr. Eric stood from his desk as the class settled down and opened their notebooks to where they had last left off, excited about the lecture. No history in the world kept students active and attentive as the Arewar Empire. It had replaced the great mysteries and legends of Greece with the tales that originated from that long ago civilization.

"So, where were we last time?" Questioned the Professor as he brushed back his short blonde hair. All thirty seven of his students began speaking at once. Quickly the man held up his hand with a laugh. "Whoa, whoa, wait a second." He pointed to one of the girls in the front row and with a shy smile, for many of the students had a crush on this teacher, said: "Daniel Arewar was attacking Lady Sara's empire."

"No!" Protested another student from the back of the class. "It was right before that! He was attacking some Pearl village!"

"Yes, yes," Eric chuckled. "I understand but I'm afraid that's pretty much the end of the lesson… well, save for two last events." Eric walked over to the board and pulled down the shaded Arewar Empire map. He grabbed the metal pointed from the tray beneath the board and pointed to the area where Lady Sara had resided. "Daniel attacked Lady's Sara village a few days after the defeat of the village Pearl. Unfortunately, Lady Sara was not like the other Ladies of Arewar. It is often said that Lady Sara was not a human being, but a demonic creature of some type. She came face to face with the child of her half sister, Jady, and Electryon and a battle ensued. The two fought, and Sara won. The child was killed after the fight."

A dark haired teenager in the back rose her hand and quickly Eric called upon her. "Was the relationship between the sisters affected afterwards?"

"Quite," the Professor nodded. "After the Prince of the Arewar Empire was killed the entire nation crumbled. Queen Jady and her husband vanished from all their responsibilities and it is said that the Ladies of Arewar followed them back. A weak period of time took place afterwards where many warriors attempted tyranny but no one truly succeeded."

"Excuse me," came a male voice from the back. Mr. Eric looked up to see a brown haired student with thick lenses flipping through the pages of his notes. "You never explained the extent of Queen Jady's ties with good and evil. It is stated in the fables that she was once a murdering woman of pure evil and then suddenly became an innocent loving being. What caused this change?"

"Good question," Eric nodded and stepped in front of his desk. He sat on the edge of it and looked around the large classroom. "What does cause a person to go from evil to good, instead of the other way around?"

Silence echoed back.

"Hmm, I see. Well, what will make a person go from evil to good?"

A multitude of answers came flying towards the teacher. He nodded, reciting some of them off as he went along. "Death of a family member, wrong doings, family issues, hate, yes, yes, all of these are good ones. Okay, now think, what would counteract these things?"

Silence again, but a young woman in the middle fearfully rose her hand. Eric nodded to the girl.

"Love?" Came a quite squeak.

"Yes, love." Eric chuckled. "Love of a husband, perhaps her King, Electryon? Love of a son, perhaps the birth of Prince Daniel, but there is one other thing that I want to hear."

A few moments passed before another girl next to the previous one rose her hand. "Correcting a wrong, maybe? Or guilt?"

"Yes!" Eric nodded with a smile. "It could be that something bad happened to her that changed her life. Some fables state she had a previous child and it was killed horribly and she was responsible. Perhaps maybe an old lover of hers died? Maybe one of her family members was killed? The facts are, we don't know why she suddenly transformed. It's not written and she was very private about the issue. From what has been recovered, all that can be revealed is she was very emotional about the issue. Only those close to her knew, the Ladies of Arewar and her husband, but it's believed her son didn't even know why."

"Yo!" Came a rude call from the back. With a risen brow the Professor looked to see one of the football players with an annoyed glimmer in his eyes. "Yes?" He responded.

"What really happened, though?" He exclaimed.

"Hmm?" Eric questioned.

"From what you've told us, these Arewars were a bunch of inhuman freaks with magical powers." A small rumble of laughter appeared in the room shortly. "Now, dude, this is a history class, not no Mythology 101."

"Agreed," Mr. Eric laughed. "Facts are you know everything now that there is to know about the empire. All documents, records, and such were long ago destroyed by, most likely, the Arewar family themselves. It seems that they didn't want themselves to be in history at all. The only reason their existence is recalled is mostly from diaries of people who worked for them. It's very sad, that so many facts are created from such few sources, but it's all that exist. The problem with it all, though, is that all the records that exist do state these beings having inhuman powers." He shook his head, "all is said that is said. Now," he stood and placed down the pointer. "We're having a test tomorrow so if there are no questions?" He paused, then when no hands came into the air he dismissed the class.

A few moments later as the large room became silent a small figure in the very back rose and made her way down the stairs. "So, this is where you've been hiding all these years?"

Electryon looked up to see his wife walking down the stairs towards him. "Jady," he whispered out in annoyance but hope. "I've lost count of the days."

"I haven't," the blonde muttered with a smile. She still looked the same, with the long dark golden hair that came down mid back, wearing a dark leather skirt and jacket with a white tank top beneath and white boots. He, on the other hand, hand changed quite an amount. On a daily basis he wore dark suits and had grown his hair out and pulled it in a rubber band. "How are the girls doing?"

"Don't really know," she answered. "Sara and Electra are doing all right, I saw them a few months ago when I began searching for you."

"Jady…" Electryon tried to begin but his wife shook her head. "Lover, we have problems we have to work through. I'm sorry for everything, for anything…"

"You went evil again, Jady." Electryon turned back to his briefcase and through the papers in it he'd been shuffling through. "After everything that happened between us, you finally changed only to change back."

"Our son died, Electryon!" Jady's voice became sharp, but not angry. "The ways of good have never been meant for me. I would think you would have seen and come to terms with it by now."

He shook his head, all the pain of the past flying back into him. "Jady… this can't…"

"Electryon, please." Jady's eyes were watering, but she would not cry. "I've gone so long without you, I just want you back. I can't stand us being apart… I can't stand your anger with me. We tried the ways of good, together, and tried to raise our child by it as well. It didn't work, my love. It wasn't meant to be. The Fates didn't weave or strands by that path. We can continue on, can't we? Move on into the future?"

The ex-warrior looked to his ex-wife with a frown. "Jady, after all the pain we've been through, after all the heartache…"

"What about all the love, Electryon?" Countered the goddess.

His head shook again, "it's not meant to be, Jady. I'm sorry."

He turned to the opened doorway but was paused as Jady called out his name. "Are you saying you no longer love me?" He paused in the doorway for a moment, his eyes closed in the emotional turmoil within and then without an answer he continued out of the doorway… out of her life.