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Pariyan Weyr

"Ugghhh!!!" you moan, wrinkling up your nose at the stench of firestone. Retracing your steps you peek into the kitchen doorway that you had just passed. The smell seems to be the strongest in there. A soot covered hand raises into the air and beckons you forward. Peering down curiously at the man, you wonder if someone has mistaken you for a drudge. You are just about to say so when the man chortles.

"You don't even recognize your old friend D'ylen, eh?" comes the familiar voice as dusty goggles are lifted from his eyes. Laughing, you plop into the next seat.
"How can you expect me to recognize you when you're covered in head to toe with grime??" You wipe a finger along one encrusted shoulder of D'ylen's riding jacket. "How in the name of Faranth did you get so dirty?!"

"Hey now!!" D'ylen retorts, affecting offense. "Being a dragonrider is hard work you know!"
"I never said it wasn't," you reply seriously before breaking into a grin. "But you sure do stink!"
D'ylen wrinkles up his nose. "Am I that bad?" He pretends to sniff himself. "I know I'm due for a bath, but after an entire day of fighting practice, I was starved! I just dropped in for a quick bite..." He gestures to the empty bowl and klah mug that sit on the table before him. "But now that my stomach is quieted, I think I better go take that bath." You wholeheartedly agree and D'ylen makes a face as he gestures for you to walk with him.

As the two of you make your way out into the bowl and head toward D'ylen's quarters, the signs of flight practice become apparant. A few grime-covered dragons can be seen lounging near the lake and dusty men in flying gear linger here and there. The stench of firestone is nauseating. "Hey, where are Sirreth and Kala?" you remark, noticing for the first time their absence.
"Oh, they're down soaking in the lake," D'ylen replies with a grin. "I told them that they'd better soak long and hard if they want their hides clean again sometime this turn. Besides, this way I have time to scrub myself clean first!" The two of you reach the stairs that lead up to D'ylen's quarters. "I'll see you later at dinner, okay?" D'ylen asks. You nod in agreement and watch as he runs up the stairs two at a time.

Later that night at dinner, you spot D'ylen saving you a seat. When the platters of roasted wherry are passed around, D'ylen generously helps himself to four thick slices. He is also equally as generous with his helping of tubers, greens, and slices of fresh bread. Eyeing him as you tackle your own plate, you raise an eyebrow. "Hungry much?" you ask casually supressing a grin. Without missing a bite D'ylen just smiles. "Like I told you," he says, "being a dragonrider is hard work!" The rest of the meal passes by in companionable silence as the two of you consume your fill. When just about everybody is finished, the Weyrleader stands up from his seat and waits for the noise to die down.

"As you all know, the Weyr has been blessed with many bountiful Hatchings this turn," he begins. "And from those Hatchings have come many valient young riders. Now, as custom, when those riders and their dragons reach full adulthood and have acquired the necessary training, they begin a new stage of their lives fighting against our one enemy, Thread. Well I am proud to announce that one such group of young men and women have reached that place." The Weyrleader pauses to beam proudly around the hall.

"Now I would like to present to you the new wing of dragonriders." You turn to D'ylen to find an incredulous look on his face. Suddenly you hear his name called and heavy footsteps stop right behind him. Turning around in your seat, you find A'don, an older bronzerider, standing there grinning. Turning back to D'ylen, you nudge him in the ribs. "Stand up!" you hiss. To your relief, D'ylen does as he's told. The entire Hall is quiet as the rest of the new riders are named. In the sudden burst of applause, you hear A'don whisper to D'ylen. "I'm to be your Wingleader, you know!" D'ylen just stands there nodding, a happy grin on his face.

Later that night you stop by D'ylen's quarters to congratulate him. He and the other new riders had been whisked away right after dinner for a meeting with the Weyrleader. You knock on his door and then push it open at his quiet "Come in!"

D'ylen is seated at his small table, rolls of hide sprawled out in their usual positions in front of him. He looks up and smiles as you walk in. Kala is curled up in a tight little green ball atop of some other rolled up hides.
"Hey D'ylen!" you say, quietly taking a seat across from him at the table. "I just wanted to come by and say congrats on making the new fighting wing."

D'ylen smiles. "Thanks! And that isn't even the whole of it," he says, his eyes sparkling. "They want me to be Wingsecond!" You clap him on the shoulder.
"That's great!" D'ylen nods.
"A'don chose me 'specially. I still can hardly believe it! I can't keep my mind on anything else!" He gestures to the stack of hides on the table.
"Oh, up to your ballads again, eh?" you say, reaching across to take the one off the top of the pile.

Red star surges
blood lust urges.
Radiant queen
angry eyes gleam.
Kills are blooded
riders gathered.
The whole Weyr waits.

Golden arrow
bronzes follow.
Fly higher, faster
try to catch her.
Across the sky
the dragons fly.
The whole Weyr watches.

With one deft move
the best is proved.
Their necks entwined
wings beat in time.
Down they glide
in the flight of life.
The whole Weyr prospers.

Finished reading, you look up. "D'ylen! I think that's your best one yet!" you say excitedly.
D'ylen smiles. "You really think so? I wrote it for Lina's queen, Jalith. She's the next one to fly over at Aneris Weyr. I've been invited to the Hatching by Weyrwoman Rhiannon." You nod.
"She'll love it."

Bidding a slumbering Sirreth and Kala farewell, you wave cheerfully to D'ylen. In the quiet corridor, you whistle softly to yourself. It's been an exciting day and you're tuckered out. Heading for your own quarters and the soft bed, you think about what a great rider D'ylen has become.

Name: D'ylen

Status: Wingsecond, Jerdan Weyr

Dragon: Brown Sirreth, Adult

Firelizard: Green Kala, Aneris Weyr

Age: 18 turns

Home: Periyan Weyr

Read the Weyrling Story.

Read the Hatchling Story.

Read the Candidate Story.

Visit Jerdan Weyr.
Background courtesy of Adler's Graphics.
Daylen/bar image courtesy of La Page de Pern