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The Truth IS Out There

Welcome to my page. If you have are interested in the paranormal (UFO's, little green men etc.), or an X-Files fan you are in the right place. I am also a huge fan of the actor Billy Zane, and so I couldn't resist having him on my page as well, although he's totally unrelated to the X-Files or aliens. This page is always under construction. I've really added a lot of things to my Billy Zane webpage, so please check it out!

If you have any comments or questions please e-mail me.

The X-Files

The X-Files, in my opinion is the most well-acted, well-written, most interesting and entertaining show on television. This season, David Duchovney will not be returning to the X-Files, however, the show is still very exciting and interesting, and Robert Patrick is doing a wonderful job. In case you missed what happend to Mulder, he left D.C. because his life was in danger, and Scully did not want anything to happen to him. In her words "he's gone, he's just gone."

The above picture is the work of Jilaen Sherwood, all rights reserved


I will soon have a link here to my strictly UFO webpage, but until then I would recommend visiting this site Enter the Black Vault It has some very interesting information and resources regarding the paranormal etc.

Billy Zane

Billy Zane is a well accomplished actor that has been in the buisness many years now. He is most recently known for his role as Caledon Hockely in Titanic, but has been in many other wonderful movies.

Visit my Billy Zane Web Page


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