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PhotOptics Scatterings
An Optics/Photonics E-Magazine
Editor: Anand Asundi
Optics in Singapore
Articles of Interest
Business News

Optics in Singapore

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Business & Product News

  • Future of Photonics bright despite economic downturn says OIDA, Agilent and Nortel - Bandwidth hungry users, all optical networks and Internet given as prime reasons.
  • Technologic Partners names 10 optical companies to watch
  • Novel wave front sensors from Imagine Optics:
  • Full body scan - New annual check up scheme:
  • Digital LASER OPTIC Sensor -Keyence

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Inspection of defects in wineglasses using Gabor-filter demodulation method - Wang Jun ICEM 2000, Singapore

Computer vision inspection systems are widely used for on-line inspection and quality control to improve the finished product quality and lower the costs. In this study, A carrier grating is used to carry spatial information about defects. To demodulate the regular/irregular fringe information, a Gabor-filter demodulation method is proposed, which is better for automatically detecting and localizing fringe distortion and hence demodulating the fringe change in orientation and spatial frequency. As an application, the proposed demodulation method has been implemented for testing some wineglass samples. Using Gabor channel filters the feature images from global to local over those sample regions are extracted and utilized to classify them into good and bad.
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Dynamic Photoelasticity by TDI imaging - M.R. Sajan , ICEM 2000 Singapore

High speed photographic systems like the image rotation camera, the Cranz Schardin camera and the drum camera are typically used for recording and visualization of dynamic events in stress analysis, fluid mechanics, etc. All these systems are fairly expensive and generally not simple to use. Furthermore they are all based on photographic film recording systems requiring time consuming and tedious wet processing of the films. Digital cameras are replacing the conventional cameras, to certain extent in static experiments. Recently, there is lot of interest in developing and modifying CCD architectures and recording arrangements for dynamic scene analysis. Herein we report the use of a CCD camera operating in the Time Delay and Integration(TDI) mode for digitally recording dynamic photoelastic stress patterns. Applications in strobe and streak photoelastic pattern recording and system limitations will be explained in the paper.
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Approaching biomimetics in dentistry via photonics -Anil Kishen

During the past few decades, a number of man-made materials and devices have been introduced to restore lost human tooth structure. But it still remains unclear whether there can be a replacement material suitable for every clinical situation that offers minimal or no risk. Human dentine that forms the major bulk of the tooth is a composite material that constitutes two major phases namely carbonated apatite and collagen, having very different characteristics. However, traditional physical characterizing methods cannot sample individual structural components and therefore represents properties as a "single" numerical value that represents large volumetric average of the regional tissues. How can we restore such a complex biological structure with a replacement that function without causing any diverse thermal or mechanical effects?
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Resonant Raman Scattering
Optics Letters, Volume 26, Issue 4, 202-204 February 2001

We have used resonant Raman scattering as a novel, noninvasive in vivo optical technique to measure the concentration of macular carotenoid pigments in the living human retina. Using a backscattering geometry and resonant molecular excitation in the visible, we measure the Raman peaks that originate from the single- and double-bond stretch vibrations of the p -conjugated molecule's carbon backbone. The Raman signals scale linearly with carotenoid content, whereas the required laser excitation is well under safety limits for macular exposure. The Raman technique is objective and quantitative and may lead to a new method for rapid screening of carotenoid pigment levels in large human populations that are at risk for vision loss from age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness of the elderly in the United States. [Optical Society of America ]
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Digital Imaging Colorimeter for Fast Measurement of Chromaticity Coordinates and Luminance Uniformity of Displays
David R.Jenkins, Dingeman C.Beuzekom, Gerry Kollman, C. Benjamin Wooley, Ron Rykowski

Color and luminance uniformity testing of displays is often limited to fewer than ten measurement points on the display surface due to the length of time necessary to make a single point measurement. A CCD-based digital imaging tristimulus colorimeter has been developed which is capable of measuring luminance and chromaticity coordinates at over one million spatial locations in several seconds. The Four-Color Method of colorimeter calibration, recently proposed by NIST, has been employed and found to be superior to single point
calibration using Illuminant A. color and luminance uniformity of a CRT and LCD display were measured using the new digital imaging tristimulus colorimeter and a diode array spectrometer. The data show that chromaticity coordinate and luminance measurements using the CCD-based imaging tristimulus colorimeter compare favorably with the point measurements obtained using a diode array spectrometer over the color gamut of a CRT and LCD display.

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Optical Companies to watch
  • Agility Communications - develops tunable lasers, transceivers, and wavelength converters for DWDM networks.
  • Axsun Technologies - develops agile photonic subsystems based on MEMS technology.
  • Bandwidth9 - designs and manufacturers tunable fiber-optic components and modules for telecommunications.
  • Calient Networks - develops all-photonic switching systems and software.
  • iolon - designs and develops tunable optical devices.
  • PhotonEx - develops high-capacity, smart photonic systems.
  • Picolight - designs fiber-optic components and subsystems for OEMs.
  • Xtera Communications - develops technologies for long-haul and ultra long-haul optical networks.
  • WaveSplitter - develops DWDM devices for optical networks.
  • Zaffire - develops transport systems for optical networks

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EAP Book
The book is entitled "Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Actuators as Artificial Muscles - Reality, Potential and Challenges." In its scope and content this book marks an important milestone for this emerging field. It is structured by topics and leading experts contributed to its 21 chapters. The book covers an overview of the field, the biological model, existing EAP materials (divided into three groups: electronic, ionic and molecular), theoretical models, fabrication techniques, characterization methods as well as current and potential applications (e.g, biologically inspired robots, entertainment, haptic interfaces, space, and many others).

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Student Grant Applications to attend conferences
Xiahua Zheng, and Won Pei Chin will each receive a student travel grant to attend the Smart Structures and Materials meeting in Newport Beach, California in March 2001.

SPIE Chapter Resource Page
Please send Name; Address; Contact; Email; Biography to T.W.Ng, SPIE Singapore Chapter Publications and Conference Chairman

From the OE Magazine

New Committee of Singapore Chapter of SPIE
  • Chair : Dr. Anand Asundi, NTU
  • Vice-Chair : Dr. Chua Soo Jin, NUS
  • Secretary : Dr. Ping Shum, NTU
  • Treasurer : Dr. John Ngo, NTU
  • Standing Committee Chairs -

  • Membership and Publicity : Dr. Ang Tze Wei, Agilent
  • Education and Training : Dr Lim Tuan Kay, NTU
  • Conferences and Publications : Dr Ng Tuck Wah, NUS
  • Student Chapter (provisional)(Rep. to be decided)
Activities/Suggestions for coming year
1. ISPA 2001, ETOP 2001, APOC 2001
2.SPIE Grants - to disseminate information to all. Suggestion ask for project proposals and vet it for next year's submission
3. Some members not fully aware of all SPIE can offer including forums etc. A resoure page to be set-up by the Publications Chair
4. Education and Training- How can the chapter help the HQ in light of current local needs
5. Student Chapter
6. Suggestion that Key committee members such as Chair and Secretary have SPIE name cards to promote SPIE and Chapter at meetings, exhibtions and the like which they attend

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Photonics Association (Singapore)News
  • 4th Singapore Photonics Forum 2001 on the 25th July, 2001

  • The Promise Of Light - Photonics : The Market Today and Tommorrow.
    Contact: Photonics Association:
  • Membership: Join now and enjoy benefits
  • Survey Forms - please complete
  • Short Courses: Contact PA(S) for info for tailor-made short courses
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