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PhotOptics Scatterings
An Optics/Photonics E-Magazine
Vol. 5 Apr. 2000
Editor: Anand Asundi

Optics in Singapore
Articles of Interest
Business\Product News

Optics in Singapore

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Business / Product News

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Enzyme fluorescence as a sensing tool Sabato D'Auria and Joseph R Lakowicz
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2001, 12:1:99-104
The technology for fluorescence protein-sensing is advancing rapidly owing to the continued introduction of new concepts, new fluorophores, and proteins engineered for sensing-specific analytes. Concerns about the reversibility and selectivity of engineered proteins are being addressed by developing biosensors that are based on the utilisation of coenzyme-depleted enzymes. Such biomolecules do not consume the substrate and can exhibit conformational changes upon the binding of the analyte, which can be easily detected as fluorescence change. In addition, concerns about the stability of biosensors can be overcome by using thermostable enzymes isolated from thermophilic microorganisms. Finally, the development of new techniques such as polarization-based sensing, anisotropy-based sensing and lifetime-based sensing, all of which can be accomplished with light-emitting diodes as the light source, is prompting the design of a new class of specific and stable biosensors, as has occurred with blood glucose measurement. These biosensors represent a valid alternative to the conventional clinical chemistry diagnostics.
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Singaporean operator SingTel is to use dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) equipment from Nortel Networks in its GigaWave service. The company launched GigaWave last October to provide businesses on the island with protocol-transparent gigabit services over a DWDM backbone. See
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Philips Optical Storage Singapore -Position available

Optics Engineer

Job Description
The primary activities for this position involve optical system evaluation, simulations and experiments for CD, DVD optical systems. The Optics Engineer will have the ability to design, setup the test methods for the optical systems under development and to analyze the results independently.

Industrial or research background in laser optics, experimental optics, optical instrumentation preferred.
The Optics Engineer should be familiar with optical/mathematical software packages/tools. Fresh graduates may apply.

Degree in optical, electrical or mechanical engineering, or physics.

A.S. Yak

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Position available- Optical Engineer at Olympus

Optics Engineer

Position: R∓mp;D Executive (Senior level with sufficient working experience)
Age: late 20 to early 30
Academic background: Good bachelor degree in relevent engineering field.
Additional Master degree in Optical Engineering is preferred.
Nationality/Race: No preference
Working experience: Preferably with more than 2 years experience in
Engineering or R∓mp;D environment. Relevant experience in optical storage and optical communication is preferred.
Contact P.F.Yuen or an Ming Li at 777-8979

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"In the old days," says MacRae, "we were just trying to correct people's vision problems and treat disease. This new research takes what we consider normal vision and enhances it. This is truly revolutionary," says MacRae, who is writing a book on such research, which he calls "the quest for super vision." Just last month at the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, researchers from several laboratories and companies devoted a whole symposium to the topic of enhanced vision.

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PAS News

The Photonics Association (Singapore) has lined up 2 exciting business and technology events specially for you to learn, update and to tap the growing the market.

(soft launch)
Make a date with industry experts and professionals on
25th July 2001.
This year's theme:
The Promise of Light: Technology, Markets ∓mp; Networking

This is an annaul one day industry Forum held in Singapore, where experts and renowned international speakers are invited to give talks on the business opportunities, trend and technology development in the field of optics/photonics.

Tentative Speakers for this Forum include:
(i) Keynote speaker: Dr Duncan Moore, a world renown researcher, a past director of the Institute of Optics, University of Rochester and now a senior science adviser of Optical Society of America. Dr Moore has also served as Associate Director for Technology ∓mp; Science in the White House.
(ii) Mr Dan Hull, President of CORD
(ii) Mr Satoshi Ishihara, Director of Optoelectronic Industry ∓mp; Technology Development Association (OITDA), Japan

And from the industry, we have Mr Shiro Takahashi of Hoya Corporation, Japan; Mr Dennis Polla of Surromed; Prof Lim Tuan Kay of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
For a fee of S$180.00 per person, you will meet reputable speakers who will share with you their experience and their forecast on the photonics industry.
This is a special fee for our Members Only. Normal fee (non-member) is S$300.00.
The fee includes: Proceedings, Morning ∓mp; Afternoon Coffee Breaks, Lunch, and an evening Networking Cocktail Reception.
* Early Bird Discount: If you booked before 15 May 2001, you will enjoy a 10% discount.
* Group Discount: If you send 3 or more people, you are entitled to a 10% discount.
ACT NOW! and you enjoy a total 20% disocunt by confirming your seat early and sending more than 3 people from the same company.
To confirm your seat(s), please use the attached Registration Form. For further information, please send me an email at
At a later stage, we will then get in touch with you again on the Forum development and the fee payment. And also the Sponsorship package. Please register your interest if you want to know more about the Sponsorship Package.
This event is supported by Economic Development Board (EDB) and Productivity ∓mp; Standards Board (PSB).

2. Asia Pacific Optical ∓mp; Wireless Communications Conference ∓mp; Exhibition (APOC)
This event is organized by the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) and our association, Photonics Association (Singapore) is supporting the event together with other international bodies.
Scheduled to be held in Beijing, China from 12 - 16 November 2001, our Photonics Association (Singapore) has secured a booth in this exhibition.
And we invite our members who want to penetrate the Chinese telecommunications and wireless markets to place their products literature/brochure in the booth for dissemination/distribution to the targeted attendees.
The cost is a mere S$300.00 per company for using the Association's booth to distribute the literature/brochures.
Why are we charging? -- So that we can pool your nominal amount and send a representative to Beijing to man the booth and collect business contacts for you.
If you are to participate on your own with a booth, the cost will be US$385 psm for a 9 sqm standard shell schem booth (or work out to US$3,465.00)

You can visit the website at for more information and some market statistics.
To register you interest, please email me at

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From the OE Magazine - Bio-Imaging

Seeing the light (Feb issue of OE Magazine)
Biopsies may become rare as photon migration imaging develops into a powerful noninvasive diagnostic tool.

NIR Tissue Interaction (Feb issue of OE Magazine)
Optics provides an inexpensive and noninvasive means to monitor blood physiology and more. For example, hold a flashlight to your finger; the red light is the only color transmitted. Hemoglobin absorbs blue and green very strongly, but it absorbs red very weakly.

SPIE Resource Page

The Educator Network Needs You
The Educator Network web discussion forum is up, but it needs your participation to be fully running! The idea is to make optics professionals available through the discussion forum to support teachers who offer optics in their curricula. Share information on the forum with your local science teachers, and with students who are doing optics projects.

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Fault Detectability in DWDM: Toward Higher Signal Quality ∓mp; System Reliability
Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos, Ph.D., Bell Labs Innovations, LUCENT Technologies, IEEE, Published: 2001

Enhance your understanding of the failure mechanisms of optical components, and draft fault detection guidelines to design a robust Dense Wavelength Digital Multiplexing (DWDM) system and network that exhibits and maintains optical signal quality and system reliability. This valuable reference builds on Dr. Kartalopoulos’ seminal book on the subject, Introduction to DWDM Technology: Data in a Rainbow, providing an analytical approach to degradations and “photonic” faults that affect the quality of the multiwavelength transmission of optical signals. Organized in six chapters, FAULT DETECTABILITY IN DWDM includes detailed descriptions of the properties of light and optical communications, optical components, interaction of wavelengths and faults affecting the quality of the optical signal and the system, correlation of faults, aspects of fault management, and current issues in DWDM. This comprehensive book directs practicing electrical engineers, optical systems designers, optical network architects, fault management engineers, technical managers, optical systems technical marketing and optical communications students on how to use DWDM technology efficiently, effectively and reliably.

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