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Fun for the whole family!!! (except those under 18 years of age.:)

Bad motherfucker.

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Favorite Sci-fi-Horror Movie?
Alien 0 (0%)

Aliens 2 (8%)

Alien³ 0 (0%)

Alien Resurrection 0 (0%)

Predator 1 (4%)

Predator 2 1 (4%)

Terminator 1 (4%)

Terminator 2: Judgment Day 6 (25%)

Event Horizon 1 (4%)

Other 12 (50%)

24 Total votes
get gear
01-01-01 Posted by CrazyTom

Another New Year.  Fuckin' New Years.  I fuckin' hate New Years.  WORST HOLIDAY EVER. Wish you were here!

I always get depressed on New Years Eve.  Part of it's because I never get to do anything fun, but the main reason is that I look back on the year and realize that I've accomplished jack shit with my life, and I'm not getting any younger.

Anyways, sorry that there haven't been any updates for such a long time.  I could make up some lie about being busy and shit, but the truth is that I'm just lazy and didn't feel like wasting my vacation on this. 

P.S.  God was an alien.  Why are people so afraid of the truth?

12-13-00 Posted by CrazyTom

ULTIMATE BADASS"I wish I had a pointy stick.  I'd use it to kill a guy and steal his wallet.  Then I'd take the $100 I made and buy a gun.   I'd rob a bank with that.  I'd take the $1,000,000 I made from that and buy a nuke.  I'd launch the nuke at New York, starting a nuke war between the whole world.   I'm prepared for a nuclear winter.  Are you?" --J. Dilligaf

Sigh...if only I had a pointy stick...well, I do have a pointy stick, but I'm not gonna kill anyone...well, maybe if I had the nuke...

I'm just rambling.  Ignore me.

I watched like 6 movies this week already.  I should review them.  I'll do it this weekend, when I don't have 16 kajillion school projects due. 

Fuck school.

I'm gonna go take a nap now...I'm fuckin' sick.  Real content when I feel better. (Feeling better involves not being in school or having projects hanging over my head.)


12-11-00 Posted by CrazyTom

Sorry for the lack of updates. Been busy with big school projects all week.

"Wait a second Crazy Tom! You CARE about SCHOOL!?!"

Pffft. That's another bullet in the gun. As you may have guessed, going to school goes against everything I believe in. Wait, let me refine that last thought. Getting an education doesn't disagree with me. In fact, I strongly believe that anyone who doesn't take measures to further their education deserves to be smote down by my wrath. I have ZERO TOLERANCE for imbeciles. In any event, the American educations system is BULLSHIT. Only about 10% of everything I know is stuff I learned in school, and that's only the classes I cared about (believe it or not, there were 1 or 2, mostly art and science classes) which, coincidentally, actually gave me skills and knowledge that I could use later in life. Almost everything I know is stuff I learned from watching movies, reading comic books, or watching TV. I LOVE THE MEDIA!!!!

"So Crazy Tom, why do you even care about school?"

It's not that I care, it's that if I don't hold it all together, my parents will rescind my computer and car privileges.'s all coming together now, isn't it? You see, the only power that's worth anything is the power to take away. It just so happens that my parents have the ability to take away the computer and car, since they own it. In any event....on with the updates.

  • Added first rant to the Rants section.

  • Updated Links.

Place comments in the forums. * Email CrazyTom

12-6-00 Posted by CrazyTom

Lots of updates...First, the forum is now up and fully operational...actually, I guess that's the only update.  Hawkye wrote a rant, but has yet to email it to me so I can post'll be up in the near future.  Oh yeah, the About section is operational.

Say, is anyone else tired of that god damned Christina Aguilera ad-banner they stuck up at the top of my site?  Jesus F. Christ.  They've bastardized my site by placing on it ads that go against everything it stands for...oh well, that's what I get for being too poor to afford my own domain and until next summer, the free hosting provided by Angelfire will have to do, unless I find a better free host (yeah, right).   If you know of one, please EMAIL ME!   In the meanwhile, these advertisements will be a source of bitching and moaning.

Oh yes...I've decided that since I've been watching an obscene number of movies lately, you should all be forced to succomb to my movie reviews.  I'll posting some in a new section tomorrow.  And, I've been meaning to add a fiction section, but I'm too lazy to make a button for it, so you'll have to wait (like anyone's reading this anyways).

That's all for now.

Place comments in the forums. * Email CrazyTom


12-3-00 Posted by CrazyTom

So I'm at Borders Bookstore yesterday, looking lost (because that's what I do best) and this girl comes up to me and she's like, "Are you between the ages of 14 and 20?" And I nodded my head yes.  So she gave this little piece of paper and says, "If you go fill out a survey over there, you'll get a free $15 gift certificate!" So I was like, "cool."   So I take this survey and this guy interviews me, and it turns out that all these companies are sponsoring this big web project for teenagers called "Project Rev" or something like that, and they want teenagers to build websites to air their opinions and what not, and in turn they'll give us products to test and compensation!  So, it's like their paying me to do this site now, and I don't even have to do anything different!  GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

The entire site's layout is now done.  Look for real content later today or tomorrow (depending on how lazy I am.)

Updates include:

  • New buttons in place

  • Index pages added to all subdirectories

  • Poll

I'm gonna go get some sleep now.

A DILLIGAF PRODUCTION (brought to you by TLT).

12-1-00 Posted by CrazyTom

First off, I want to let you know that EVEN THOUGH this shaping up to look more like an "e/n" site everyday, that Nickelgoat is NOT e/n!   There are two reasons for these meaningless updates:  The first is, we are still fleshing out the update system and need filler material.  The second is, we are still fleshing out the layout design of the site.  I assure that once everything is running smoothly, we will have some...I shudder to say it...REAL CONTENT!!!  New buttons that match the color scheme and a modified layout will be up later tonight or tomorrow.

We have a new staff member.  His name is Allen.   I'm not sure what he'll be doing, he just thought it sounded cool to work on a website even though he has no clue about anything having to do with computers or the internet.  We're quite glad to have him on board!

This has been a DILLIGAF production brought to you by TLT.


11-30-00 Posted by CrazyTom

Well, this is the start of our official, shoddy, officially shoddy website. More updates to follow. This page is basically rants. You've been on the internet a while and I assume that you aren't a TOTAL dumbass, so you'll realize that this website is basically a rip off of about 4 million other websites. We aren't any better than them. In fact, we're worse. Deal with it.

Right now I'm in a study hall so I don't really have the time to be working on this. After school I'll be posting a rant about some zany shit that happened to my pal Allen today. Suffice it to say, it's rather fucked up. More to follow.


11-30-00 Posted by Hawkye

Well, I was GOING to write an introduction for myself, but the bell rang. Will update this shoddy thing later.

12-1-00 Posted by Hawkye

Okay, now that I'm on my home computer, I have some time to do this. *Clears throat* Hello, my name is Hawkye. Yes, I know that name is missing an 'e'. Yes, it's supposed to be spelled that way. Anyhow, CrazyTom and I were in the library yesterday, bored, so Tom says, "Let's build a webpage."

That should give you some idea of exactly how much effort we're pouring into this site.

As of right now, I and my crack team of web junkies are currently working on putting the whole site up, but don't worry, it should be finished soon. Be sure to check back if you don't find what you are looking for.

Email CrazyTom.  Email Hawkye.  Or, don't email anyone.  Bastard.