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Myth's Home

New advertisment. I am taking stories, logs, or other writings from people. If you have something you'd like put up, MOO-related or not, send it to me with a title and the name you want it atributed to and I'll get it up. I'll take drawings or pictures, too, but if they start to take up too much space then I'll have to switch to only writing. And I will, eventually, get some of my own non-MOO-related work up, as well.

Hello, I'm Myth. This is my site about my character on AnsibleMOO. Right now, it is very much under construction. It might eventualy even include a few logs and stories about my NPCs Daniel, Tanna, and Gaius, and perhaps a few things not connected to their world.

Myth started out as a launchy and had a pretty uneventful two years. She was then promoted to Asp. Later, she was traded to Hound.. then to Phoenix, Hound again (which she loved), and finally Griffin. Then she was once again back with Hound, this time as commander. But as time closed in on what should have been her graduation, it happened that she found out some Bad Information. And then, the staff found out that she knew it. She's iced, now, to go first to IFI and hopefully, after many years, to be able to go on with her life.

Although Myth's Battle School life is over, I do plan to keep adding to this page, with things from both inside and outside of her Battle School career.

If you want, you can visit AnsibleMOO's site. The link is below. And you can read all of my stories and logs. I don't claim to be the best writer in the world, but if you care to look, the link to those is also below.

One more thing. If you read the stories, I would love feedback on them. Really. Critique them. I need some way to know how to make them better. Oh, and sign the guestbook!

This is the website for AnsibleMoo!

Things from before Battle School
Things during Battle School
Things from after Battle School

This was Hound, the last day Myth has command of it.
This is me talking, about some parts of Myth's life

My Hogwarts page
My picture
My Guide to RPing
A Guestbook!
