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Thou are entering the border of sanity, Beware, for this is thy last chance, please heed my warning, for that was my last, after you commit there is no turning back... oh I almost forgot, watch out for my skeletons, I haven't had a chance to feed them this week.

This is your protection from the creatures that lie in the border of sanity, as weak as they are, you might have a fighting chance. Do not expect much from these people though, they have no magic aid in the journey, they are just bodyguards.
You must mainly watch out for the Boundary wardens of this place, they have been said to have been the most fearsome ever. They are armed to the teeth, and are extremely deadly. They keep things from entering, and exiting the boarder, their dragons have a magic of their own, unmatched by all. Not even a wizard born with both sides of the gift (additive, and subtractive)can keep these dragons at bay. But have no fear of druids, they are Very friendly, and as a matter of fact, we have a druid as a guide through this hellish place. Their magic is used to help people, not harm them. They are friends to all, especially animals. He will summon along a companion to help better protect us for our journey. He will help in detecting and terminating any threat.
The druids will try to keep an eye out for wizards as well, the wizards do not like trespassers into their realm. Many centuries ago a great wizard brought forth the border of sanity to keep the planet divided. The great wizard has allies that live here as well keeping it well guarded.
Wizards can summon Very, Very dangerous pets, some that have gotten out of the border alive says to fear them more than the wizards.... i don't know for sure, but be careful. The druid will not be able to do too much to stop the Wizard's pet, you have been warned!
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