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"How many a man has dated a new era
in his life from the reading of a book!"
-Henry David Thoreau

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This website is dedicated to Books.
While I am a huge fan of movies, there is something in reading a book that I find satisfying on a level that I can't find in movies and television. There is nothing quite so nice as curling up with a book and wasting a whole day reading it.
Originally, this page was meant to be for SciFi and Fantasy books. However there are just too many good books out there to confine it to just one genre.

There is one book that, in my opinion, every fan of science fiction should read, and that is DUNE by Frank Herbert. If you have not read this book RUN do not walk, to the nearest bookstore or library and get it.

p.s. that green guy up there is from the Douglas Adams' scifi cult classic
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, another recommended book

Since there are so many books in the world of Science Fiction and fantasy, this website will have no specific order until I see one, and start to expand on it. First thing's first though. There are two seperate catagories that will be covered by links.
One is Star Wars and the other is Star Trek.

Please realize that my knowledge of the Star Trek Universe is nowhere near as expansive as my knowledge of the Star Wars Universe. If I have gross misinformation about anything in the Trek Universe, please email me, and let me know. I will mostly be reliant on links to other most excellent Star Trek sites, with the exception of the few books that I have read.

The following are books that are highly recommended reading. Most will be science fiction. Enjoy them. They are great on the beach.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm currently reading so much that I think it's best if I just make a quick list.