Greetings. I'm currently in the process of getting all of my causes and memberships back, after they were erased. One of my favorites is the the R.S.P.C.F. After a much lamented absense, it is back, so visit and join.
If you like dragons (and I think everyone likes dragons), you should check out the campaign to save them. These wonderful creatures are on the brink of extinction, and you can help.
This page is a little more serious. It is to prevent discrimination against pagans. If you like pagans (and I think everyone likes pagans) or are pagan, you should check out this page.
I absolutely loved this quote. Anyone who knows me will agree that it's very appropriate for me. I also have a thing for Angelina Jolie.
I was at a party and we had a conversation about which Powerpuff Girl we were most like, so when I found this, I had to stick her on my page.