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My Spacey Page:

My week at Advanced Space Academy, NASA Page, and other cool stuff

On the week of February 21-26 1999, I got a chance to do something I always wanted to do; Go to Space Camp. You do everything a space enthusiast could ever dream of doing. It's the next best thing to actually being an astronaut! At Advanced Space Academy, you have a team of 18 people that get split up into positions in mission control, and on the shuttle. Below is a picture of my team in front of the giant replica of the Saturn Ib rocket at the U.S Space And Rocket Center. We named ourselves the Mercury Seven because we somehow ended up with seven kids on our team instead of the usual 18. This gave us a real chance to get close, which also made it harder to leave. Merc 7 baby!

This is a picture of me in our shuttle simulator Enterprise. I was the shuttle commander during the week.

This is Nicole,the first person I met from my team in the Atlanta airport. She was the mission specialist during our missions. EVA baby!

Other Parts Of My Space Page

More Space Camp Stuff
Click here to read Reagan speech for Challanger
Space Movie Sound Page
My other space homepage

Here are some of my favorite sites.

NASA Homepage
SciFi Channel's Homepage
Kennedy Space Center Homepage
A very good Charmed Fan site.

Some of my friends sites.

Nicole, fellow space camper's site.
Mrs.B's page with class of 2002

My Other Home Pages
My Charmed Fan Page

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