*From Nowhere Leaving This Place*

Title: From Nowhere Leaving This Place

Part: 1 of 2 (If ya want me to do part 2)

Author: Kaleigh (RoswellGirl51@aol.com)

Category: M/M

Rating: G to PG (definitely nothing over)

Disclaimer: I do not own Roswell or any of its characters, though I wish I did.

Distribution: Anywhere as long as you say that Kaleigh (RoswellGirl51@aol.com) wrote it.

Author's Note: This is my first fanfic, please go easy on me! :)

From Nowhere Leaving This Place

"What?!" Maria Deluca exclaimed. She and her mother were sitting on Maria's bed.

"Are you excited, honey? You've always wanted to get away from Roswell," Maria's mother, Amy, smiled at her daughter.

Maria just stared at her, shocked. "We're moving?" she asked in disbelief.

"Uh-huh," her mother kept smiling.

Maria looked down at the ground. "Oh," she said slowly. Then she looked at her alarm clock on her desk. "Well, I've got to get to work," she stood up and fixed her waitress uniform.

"Okay, dear," Amy Deluca said. "Have fun. I'll be at your Aunt Jennifer's if you need me."

Maria just nodded a goodbye and walked away. She's . . . moving?

Max, Isabel, and Michael sat at their favorite booth at the Crashdown Café. Max was noticeably looking around for Liz, whom he spotted talking to a customer. Isabel nudged Max's arm and he looked in the direction she was looking.

Maria had just walked in, and she looked troubled. They watched her walk into the back just as Liz walked over to them.

"Hey guys," Liz said, pulling out her notepad. "What can I get ya?"

"What's the matter with Maria?" Isabel asked.

"Maria?" Liz looked confused. "Is she here already?" She looked at her watch.

Max nodded. "She just walked into the back."

Liz glanced over to the backdoor.

"I'll be right back," she said and walked away.

Liz found Maria sitting in a chair quietly by herself. "Maria?" Liz asked, walking over and sitting next to her.

"Oh, hi Liz," Maria replied.


"What's wrong, Maria?"

"Wrong?" she made a little laughing noise. "Nothing."

"C'mon Maria, I'm your best friend. I know when something's up."

Maria looked up at her and then back down at the floor. "I'm moving next month."

"Moving?" Liz looked shocked. "Well . . . where?"



"Yeah. You remember Fred?"


"He proposed to my mother last night. They're getting married."

"Oh Maria," Liz hugged her friend.

Liz walked back to Max, Michael, and Isabel with Maria.

"Hey," Michael said to Maria.

"Hi," she replied, a little surprised.

"So . . ." Max trailed off, wanting to ask what was going on.

Maria saw this and shook her head vigorously. "It's nothing. Nevermind."

"So what do you want?" Liz asked them.

As she took their order, Maria seemed to be off in her own little world. Michael watched her curiously.

Part 2 of From Nowhere Leaving This Place

*A/N: For disclaimer and all that other junk, see part 1. And also, thanks everybody for all the feedback (the good kind too . . .yeah, I'm on a roll ;)

J/k. Anywayz, thanx again :)*

After closing time, Maria and Liz stayed downstairs to clean up. "Maria, I'll be right back. I have to go get some clean rags upstairs, okay?" Liz called.

"Yup!" Maria yelled back and kept on sweeping the floor where some kid had dropped more fries than he had eaten.

Maria stopped sweeping and sat down at the counter. Her head was pounding and she was worn out. And to top that off, she was moving away from her friends to live with her mom and her mom's new husband.

Grand, swell, yay.

Maria put her head in her hands and tried to make everything go away. Suddenly she heard the door open.

"Sorry, we're closed," she mumbled in her hands.

"I know, I can read the sign," said a familiar voice.

Maria looked up to see Michael standing in front of her. "Oh, hi," she said, wiping away a stray tear. "What do you want?"

He sat down next to her and stared at her.

*She's even beautiful when she's upset* he thought to himself before shaking the idea out of his head.

"What's going on?" he asked casually.

"Oh, nothing, nothing," she sniffled. "Everything's fine and dandy. I mean, why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, you don't see people sitting by themselves crying when nothing's going on," he said.

She looked down and nodded.

"Now either you tell me what's going on now, or . . . or . . ." he trailed off.

"Or what?" she asked, semi-amused.

"Or I'll poof you into oblivion," he replied.

She laughed. "You? You couldn't even fix my car. Instead you blew it up."

He gave his lop-sided grin and then suddenly turned serious."Okay, Maria. Now spill it."

She took a deep breath. "Mymother'sgettingmarriedsoonandwe'removing," she said in a rush.

"What? Wait, slow down," Michael exclaimed, trying to make out her words.

She nodded and said it more slowly. "My mother's getting married soon and we're moving."

For a long time neither one of them spoke.

"Moving, huh?" Michael found his voice.

"Yeah," she replied quietly.


"Next month."



It looked like Michael was going to say something else, but then Liz came downstairs.

"Sorry I took so long, Maria, I was-" she stopped when she saw them.

"Oh, hi, Michael. I hope I was interrupting anything . . ."

"No, no, I was just leaving," Michael replied. He stood up, took a last look at Maria, and walked out the door.

"What was that about?" Liz asked, sitting down where Michael had been sitting.

"Nothing," Maria said, still a little dazed.

"Maria, really."

"I just . . .told him."

"That you're moving?"


"What'd he say."

"Nothing really."

Liz sighed, obviously getting nowhere in this conversation. "Come on, let's finish up and go catch 'Buffy'."

By the next day, both Max and Isabel knew about Maria, too. They all met at the Crashdown around noon.

"So where are you moving to?" Isabel asked as she studied her nails.

"Washington," Maria replied sadly.

Michael almost choked on his fries. "Washington?!"

Maria, Liz, Max, and Isabel looked at him, surprised. He calmed himself down silently and 'played it cool'. "Hope you don't drown in all the rain up there," he said nonchalantly.

Maria sank down even lower in her seat. "Great."

"Don't worry, Maria," comforted Liz. "I'm sure you'll like Washington. And we'll come and visit you all the time."

"Sorry, I'm not a big swimmer," Michael cracked.

Max, Liz, and Isabel gave him harsh looks.

"Gee, thanks, Michael. Ya know, you make me feel a heck of a lot better," Maria said, annoyed.

Michael just looked at her.

A single tear slid down her face and she got up and ran into the ladies room.

Before anyone could say anything, Michael got up and followed her. "Michael, where are you going?" Max called after him.

"Michael, you can't go into the girls' room!" Isabel exclaimed, wide-eyed.

Liz got up to go after them, but Max took her arm. She looked back at him, confused.

"No, Liz . . . let them talk," he said.

Maria sat on the sink counter and cried. She was glad there were no customers, so she could have some time by herself to let it all out. Just then the door opened.

*It must be Liz* Maria thought.

She was surprised to see Michael walk inside.

"Michael?" she asked incredulously.

He nodded and shut the door.

"Michael, this is the ladies room," she said in a loud whisper.

He just nodded again and looked around, making sure nobody was around before he stepped inside more.

"What do you want, Michael?" Maria asked, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her sweater.

"To talk to you," Michael replied.

"I have nothing to say to you," she said and choked back another sob.

Michael proceeded to come closer and closer until he was right in front of Maria.

She was shocked when he put his arms around her and hugged her. At first, she didn't know what to do. But then she put her arms around him and let her tears run freely. She sobbed on his shoulder and he rubbed her neck with his hand. "Shh . . . it's okay," he whispered and rocked her back and forth a little.

Maria couldn't believe she was being comforted by Michael Guerin. The brooding guy from 'the other side of the tracks' with whom she traded insults with nonstop.

"Maria . . ." he started. "God, I'm gonna miss you."

She stopped crying instantly. She couldn't believe she heard Michael say that. Did he? Or was she dreaming?

She pulled back and looked into his face. Then she could tell she had heard him right.

They moved closer and closer until their lips met.

In the middle of their kiss, a stall door opened and all they could hear was a lady scream.