

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Roswell. The WB and all those people do. I'm just borrowing them for some fun.

Rating: R (it's for cursing, no smut or anything like that)

Spoilers: HEAT WAVE, so if you don't want to be spoiled, don't read this until Dec. 1st.

Author's Note: Since this does come after Heat Wave, obviously M&M are no longer together so this is a fic about Maria getting someone who will treat her right (don't worry, Michael will be back, but we're going to make him sweat a little...alright, a lot, but still.

Distribution: Anywhere. As long as I know the url to your site. You don't have to ask me to put my fics up if I've already talked to u about it and u already have my fics up (Aftermath I & II)

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Maria rushed through the halls, trying to make it to first period. She was running through the halls and at the same time trying to get books out of her bag. Because of this she didn't see the object in front of her until it was too late. Books and papers went flying into the air and came down violently. Maria bent down at the same time as the boy and they butted heads. "I'm sorry," she said, cheeks flushed. "I'm really sorry. Today is just..." Her voice trailed off as she looked up into the most beautiful green eyes she'd ever seen.

"That's all right," the boy said as he helped her gather her books. "It happens all the time. Do you know where room 254 is? I'm new to Roswell and don't know where everything is yet. My name's Justin Veruco." Maria raked him over in one look. Justin was a bit taller than her, had vivid green eyes, and short, jet black spiked hair.

She finally regained her voice and replied, "I'm Maria. I'm in the same class as you." The two of them walked to the room. When they walked in, Mr. Chase looked at Maria in annoyance.

"This is the fifth time in two weeks that you have been late, Ms. DeLuca. As a result, you will be receiving two Saturday schools," Mr. Chase said sternly, looking over at her through lowered glasses.

Maria was at a loss for words. Then Justin saved her. "Mr. Chase, I'm new to Roswell, and Maria was just showing me the ropes. That's the reason she was late."

"I'll let it pass this time, but be warned, Ms. DeLuca. In the future do not be late to my class or you will find yourself in an even more bigger predicament then you were today. Do I make myself clear?"

Maria nodded and sat down in her seat across from Michael. She didn't even look his way. Mr. Chase placed Justin two rows from Maria's and two seats behind. Maria turned around and mouthed, "thank you." "No prob." he said silently and smiled. Maria turned back around as Mr. Chase began to explain the intricacies of American Literature. Michael turned back to look at the new kid and did not like what he saw.


After class, Maria walked over to Justin's desk and helped him gather his things. They walked outside the classroom, and Maria was able to speak freely. "Thanks back there for saving my butt. Mr. Chase has it in for me."

"It was nothing. Used to do it all the time in New York."

"That's where you're from?"

"Born and bred. I loved it there. Roswell is just..."

"Boring. Hicksville. Everyone wants to get out of this tourist trap." They laughed. Maria checked Justin schedule and they discovered that they had four classes together, including Mr. Chase. She told him how to get to his second period class and then went off into the opposite direction to go to her second class. She waded through second and third and waited impatiently for the bell to ring so she could meet Justin at her locker so they could walk to four together. When the bell finally rang she was out of there in a flash and walked quickly to her locker, not surprised to find Justin already waiting. "Hey," she greeted. "How was World History and Geometry?"

"A real pain in the ass. The teachers are okay, but the classes..."

"Hard as hell. I know. I took them in the summer. Do you want me to help?" Maria asked as she opened her locker and put some books in and took some folders out.

"Sure." Just then, Liz and Max walked up.

"Hey, Maria."

"Liz! Hi, Max. Justin, this is Liz and her boyfriend Max. Justin just moved to Roswell from New York."

"You'll be itching to go back in a few days," Liz said to him.

"More like the first minute we got here," Justin said with a smirk. Everyone could sympathize. Maria caught someone out of the corner of her eye, and turned in time to catch Michael look intently at them before running off. Justin, Liz and Max also saw Michael.

"Who's that?"

"No one," Maria said shortly. A tense silence followed and so Liz broke the ice by adding, "That's Michael. A friend of Isabelle and Max. Isabelle is Max's twin sister. Maria and Michael don't get along."

Justin nodded and asked, "So, want to go to the Dungeon?" Maria and he had nicknamed Mr. Jelepsy's class as the Dugeon after Maria had told him about how Jelepsy was very detention happy.

"Sure," she said, her mind elsewhere. She shook out of her thoughts. They left after saying goodbye to Max and Liz. Maria and Justin went into Mr. Jelepsy's Psych class and drowned in different areas of the brain. After the bell rang, it was their time for lunch and so Maria led Justin through the masses outside in the courtyard and to the table that the group usually hung out at. Max, Liz, and Isabelle were already there, and the only person absent was Michael.

Maria introduced Justin to Isabelle and they talked about the trials and tribulations of Chemistry and the rest of their classes. Toward the end of the lunch period Michael joined the group. "Look who finally decided to show up," Maria said sarcastically.

"Shut up," Michael said shortly.

"Fuck off, Michael. I don't have to take your shit anymore, remember?" Maria fired back.

"Maria..." Liz said warningly.

"Do you want to come with me to find a book for my English paper? You could really help me out with finding stuff," Justin asked, trying to intervene and not make things worse.

"Yeah. Let's get out of here. Suddenly, I've lost my appetite."

As they walked off, Michael called a parting shot, "That's a first." Maria wiped angry tears from her eyes and when they were far away from the others, Justin turned her to face him and asked quietly, "You okay?"

"Yeah, fine. It's just that Michael pisses me off and even now, he still has the power to hurt me."

Justin led her over to a bench in a secluded area and they sat down. "Ex-boyfriend?"

"Yeah. Isn't he great? I can't believe I went out with him! He's such a jerk."

"They usually are," Justin said wryly.

Maria laughed through tears. Justin wiped them away with his fingertips and said, "It'll get better. Trust me. My girlfriend and I broke up a couple of weeks before I moved. The worst thing was that we had the same friends and so we couldn't be in the same room together without fighting."

"So you understand. You really understand. My friends are always telling me, 'you'll get over him and find someone who'll treat you right,' but I still have to see him. I'm not about to give up my friends just because I can't get along with my ex."

"I agree. After Celeste and I broke up, and we couldn't stop fighting, I saw that it was destroying the relationship we had with our friends and so we made a deal: we could fight all we wanted, when we weren't with our friends."

"It's a bitch dating a friend, isn't it?" Maria asked, even though she knew the answer.

"Hell yes."

"Well, I guess that's my lesson for the week: Don't Date Friends."

Maria helped Justin find a book for his research paper and then they went to the remainder of their classes after the bell rang. The rest of the day passed fairly quickly and instead of walking home with Liz, Maria told her she'd go with Justin. Liz was cool with it. She had wanted to talk to Max in private anyway. On the way home Maria and Justin talked about the woes of heartbreak and that alone took the whole twenty minutes that it took from Roswell High to Justin's new house on Birch Road. He invited her in and they chatted some more, taking time to eat a snack. Soon it was time for Maria to get home and since Justin's dad was home, he gave Maria a ride.

Over the next few weeks, Maria and Justin grew to be close friends, and often she would go off with him instead of meeting with the group during their lunch period. It wasn't so much that she wanted to be away from Michael as it was that she wanted to talk to Justin in private, just the two of them, without the others listening.

One day Justin invited her to see The Bone Collector, a movie that had come out a few months before that neither had gotten the chance to see. That night, Maria and Justin saw the movie and throughout most of it, she was neither screaming or clutching Justin's arm. At one point, he put his arm around her and almost at once she was comforted. At the close of the movie, they decided to walk down Old Main Street to peruse the different wares from the local shops. Justin bought her a stuffed alien at which Maria couldn't stop laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Look at the nametag," she got out in between galefuls of laughter. Justin looked and sure enough, the nametag read, 'Hi, I'm Michael.' Justin laughed a little, but couldn't understand the full significance of the joke. Soon it was nearing midnight, and she had a curfew to obey. Justin walked her home and at the door, he said, "thanks for being the first nice person I met, and becoming a friend. I had a good time tonight."

"Me, too," Maria said in a whisper, knowing what was coming just by the sudden tension in the air. Justin leaned in slowly, giving her time to back out if she wanted, and when Maria didn't, kissed her gently on the lips. She leaned in for more, but he broke the kiss.

"Goodnight, Maria DeLuca," he whispered softly, lightly caressing her lips with his fingertips. Even after he left, Maria stood thunderstruck by the magnitude of the emotions running through her. Her lips still burned and throbbed where Justin had kissed and touched her. She raised trembling fingers to her mouth and gently touched the place his mouth had been, as if trying to capture his taste.

"Goodnight, Justin," she whispered almost inaudibly.


A figure in black, hidden by the night emerged from the brush near Maria's house. As he straightened, lamplight framed his features and one could make out the visage of Michael Geurin.

Maria closed the door to her bedroom and leaned against it, attempting to support her weight. Her knees felt weak and her pulse pounded. Somehow, she made it to her bed and crawled into the middle. Once she was settled, Maria replayed the kiss in her mind. Justin's lips had felt warm, soft, sweet, with just a hint of spice. And if her pounding heart was any indication, she wanted him fiercely. But they were supposed to be just friends. Two people who both knew what it meant for their hearts to be broken, and had attempted to help each other heal by discussing their problems. Friends didn't kiss each other on the mouth. Friendship implied a platonic relationship. And they were friends, weren't they? Maria had a strange sense of deja vous, and then she placed where she had felt this emotion. With Michael. They too had been friends, if reluctant ones, before he had altered their relationship and kissed her. And look where that had gotten her: with broken dreams and an even more broken heart. So, the question was, should she take a chance and offer her heart to a boy who might possibly take her gift and crush it? Or should she turn tail and run?

Justin walked home slowly, contemplating the kiss he and Maria had shared. He liked her, not only as a friend, but as a potential love interest, he admitted to himself. He knew she was on the rebound, and even so, even knowing this, he wanted to go out with her. They had grown close over the past weeks since they'd met and Justin had come to yearn for something more, more than friendship with Maria, but he had seen she was still hurting, still getting over Micheal. Although he knew this, he could not help wanting more with Maria and so he had waited, biding his time, waiting for the right moment to approach her. And then it had appeared. Take her to a movie and see where the night led. And it had led to a kiss. A sweet, unbelievable, incredible kiss that made Justin want more. Now, he wanted more, but did she?


The next day Maria met up with Justin at her locker, and they were talking quietly about the kiss. "I...liked it," Maria admitted.

"So did I. I was wondering, if we could date," Justin said, looking at her for a moment and then looking away.

Maria kind of smiled. "I don't know. I would like to...but I'm just getting over Michael, and as much as I say I'm over him, I'm not sure if I'm ready for a new relationship."

"Well, how about this? Why don't we take it slow? And if at anytime you want to go slower or even stop, you'll let me know," Justin proposed.

Maria thought it over for a long minute and finally said, "All right." The young couple was unaware of a certain hotheaded young man with spiked hair watching them from afar, and using his sensitive hearing and ability to read lips to understand the bulk of their conversation. Michael watched as Maria and Justin kissed. Enraged, Michael pounded his fist into a locker, leaving a small, but definite impression of his fist and charged off. The couple looked up sharply, wondering where the noise had come from, not comprehending that Maria's ex had observed them.

Max looked up as Micheal walked up, a tense, hard expression on his normally inexpressive face. He sat down and with a scowl, told his best friend about what had happened. "I don't like that guy. There's something about him that makes my skin crawl."

"Look, Michael, I know this is hard for you to take, but she has a right to go out with other guys. You were the one who left her. She's just taking the initiative and finding someone who will love her."

Michael gave him a dirty look. "What I can't love her?"

"Then why'd you dump her?"

"Because...she was getting under my skin. You know no one gets under my skin. You and Is are the only ones I'd stick my neck out for. I couldn't chance it with Maria. No attachments, remember?"

"Maybe that should change."


Over the next few weeks Maria and Justin could be seen everywhere together. They went to all the football games, and he took her out to dinner. One day she was talking to Liz when Michael came up. "I need to talk to you," he said quietly. Liz gave Maria a quick look and then left.

"What do you want?" Maria asked shortly, looking coldly into his eyes.

"I wanted to talk to you. In private. About us," he fidgeted.

"There is no 'us', like you said," Maria said with a tight smile.

"I don't like that Justin guy," Michael blurted.

"Too damn bad. I do. He gives me something you never could. You dumped me, remember? You've lost the right to tell me what to do, not that you ever did. You can't control me."

"I have to watch out for you."

"Why? That's not your job anymore. You don't have to protect me anymore," Maria said, her eyes brimming with tears. She walked away from him resolutely, right to Justin, who took her into his arms. Michael burned with jealousy, every cell in his body screaming in agony.

Later that same day Maria and Justin were sitting on her bed in her room, looking over their homework when he abruptly asked, "Why were you talking to Michael this morning?"

"It was nothing. He just wanted to get under my skin, but I'm not going to let him."

"Good. Stay away from him. That guy is bad news. I don't trust him. I don't like him," Justin said with a hard quality to his voice. Maria looked up at him in question and he smiled, letting her know everything was all right.

Meanwhile, in Max Evans house, Michael Guerin searched the net, searching for any information he could find on Justin Veruco in the files he'd hacked into.

Rebound III

Michael was surprised by what he had found and at the same time, he wasn't. He printed out clippings from the net and left through Max's window. He went to the Crashdown, knowing that Max would be there, trying to see his Liz. Sure enough, he found Max sitting at their usual table looking for Liz. "I found something on Jason," Michael greeted.

"His name's Justin. Justin Veruco, Michael. And what could you have possibly dug up on the guy? Why are you trying to rock the cradle? Maria's happy. Let her stay that way."

Michael went on as if Max hadn't said a word. "I found out that Justin boy was all star quarterback at Richmont High, had a flawless record, except for the several charges pressed against him for aggravated assault, and two for attempted rape. Of course, all were dropped. Convienent, wouldn't you say?" Michael said with a grim smile. "Maria's in danger from that bastard and I won't let him hurt her."

Max snatched the paperwork from Michael. "Where'd you get this?"

"I hacked into the local police's mainframe and downloaded the info," Michael said nonchalantly.

"Michael, they do have hacker detectors nowadays. There *is* such a thing as eletronic security," Max said out of reflex as he quickly read the information on the pages. "What are you going to do?"

"Tell Maria, of course. She has to stay away from that freak. I won't let her wind up like the rest of those girls." There were pictures of several girls with split lips and black eyes, along with some nasty bruises. "Son of a bitch lied about his background too. Seems daddy is police commissioner in NY and a drunk at that. Apparently, he'd abused Justin and his mother for years before they left and came to Roswell," Michael said as Max flipped to a page containing confidental information on Justin and his family. "Daddy Dearest kept things hush hush and he was never prosecuted. Like father, like son. But it's not going to happen to Maria," he said with a determined look in his eye. Michael began to pick up his things and leave.

"Where you going?"

"To talk to Maria," he said over his shoulder.

Michael went to Maria's house that night. He climbed up her trellis and opened her window. When he climbed inside, he sensed something, and barely managed to duck. "It's me!" he said loudly. Maria turned on the lights. Michael blinked rapidly trying to get used to the bright light. "Try taking my head off next time why don't you?!"

"Then don't come sneaking into my room at two in the morning like a theif!" Maria said angrily, as she put down her baseball bat. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I came here to warn you about James, Jason, Justin, whatever. The guy is a wacko, as in put-in-jail-for-aggravated-assault crazy lunatic. He beat his girlfriends. He's obsessed, Maria."

"I don't believe you! You make up this stupid story just so you can break us up! You're just jealous! You want me back and now you can't have me and that makes you petty! So you make up this story--"

"I have the proof right here--"

Maria hit his hand, sending the papers flying out of his hands. "I don't care. We're not together anymore, Michael. Get that through your thick skulled alien brain of yours! You're not going to break us up, so get out!" Michael looked at her for a long moment, and then exited the same way he'd come, taking the evidence of Justin's lying.

Why couldn't he just leave her alone? She was happy with Justin. She liked him and maybe she even loved him a little. He couldn't get past the fact that they were no longer a couple and he needed to. He was the one who'd broken up their relationship. Not her. Maria hadn't wanted to. And now, months later, when she was just beginning to really get over him--she had a new boyfriend, and it didn't hurt to breathe anymore--he had to come along with some bullshit story about Justin being a girlfriend beater. It was crazy. He needed to just mind his own damn business.

Michael knew where Maria was coming from. She needed someone to love her and she thought that person was Justin, and now, after months of being apart, her ex comes and tells her a story about her boyfriend beating his old girlfriends. He'd be suspicious too if he were her. But he was only looking out for her. And the main reason was because as she'd said, he wanted her back, and he was only beginning to realize it. No that wasn't right. It was only now he was beginning to admit that he wanted her back, that he'd made a huge mistake by dumping Maria. If he was honest with himself, he would admit that she, Maria Deluco, was the only person he'd ever cared about. The only human he'd ever cared for, that the reason he'd dumped her was because she was getting too close and he was afraid of loving someone and then losing them. After all, it was better to be the dumper, than the dumpee.


A figure dressed in black watched in rage as Michael Guerin came down from Maria's bedroom. *That bastard's going to pay for messing with my woman, and when I'm through with him, she's next, little bitch.*

Rebound IV

Disclaimers and such are in prt one.

Michael walked along the back alleys, well aware of someone following him, and yet when he turned around to confront the person he still wasn't ready for the punch across his face, followed by the kick to his groin. Michael fell to his knees in intense pain. His attacker pulled back his foot to kick his opponent in the face and when it came close, Michael grabbed his quickly, and twisted the guy's leg, unbalancing him.

Both were on even footing now. Michael threw several rapid fire punches to his attacker's face and abdomen, but he got out from Michael, quickly recovered. He threw sand into Michael's eyes and for a crucial moment, he was blinded. Michael's attacker quickly took the offense and proceeded to kick him in the back. Michael cried out in pain as the man's boot made violent contact with his spine. He heard a snap as he fell sharply to the ground. "Touch her again, and you will die," the voice whispered gravely. "Stay away from Maria. Don't worry. The bitch will get hers, little slut," he said viciously as he walked away.

Michael couldn't move at all. His legs wouldn't work. He couldn't feel his legs. Michael called out to Max and Isabelle. *Help me...*


Crashdown Cafe

Max looked up sharply. "Michael?" he whispered. He thought he had heard his best friend's voice. *Help me...* Max bolted out of his booth and ran out.

Isabelle awoke from a dream, having heard her friend's voice. *Help me...* Michael's voice said inside her head. She threw on clothes and went through her bedroom window.


Michael drifted in and out of consciousness as he waited for his friends to arrive. Soon he heard footsteps and he opened his eyes with tremendous effort. "Help me...I think my spine's broken..." he whispered brokenly before fading out. Max and Isabelle put all four of their hands on Michael's back. Moments later, Isabelle and Max were breathing heavily and Michael was fixed. It took both of them to drag him back to the jeep. There was silence until the three of them arrived at Max and Isabelle's house. Michael was still unconscious and so they had to sneak him inside the house. When they laid him down on Max's bed, Michael let out a groan and his eyelashes fluttered open. "Maria's in danger."

"Let's worry about you first," Isabelle said as she pulled up Michael's shirt to assess the damage. She winced as she saw the extent of bruises that covered his chest and abdomen, not to mention the various cuts. She placed her hands over the injuries and healed them. The second she moved her hand away, Michael was sitting up. "Maria's in trouble," he said as he tried to get up. Max pushed him back down.

"I want to know what happened," he said.

"I went to Maria's tonight. I told her about Justin. She didn't believe me. When I left, I noticed someone following me. I confronted the guy and we fought. It was Justin. He's going after Maria next. I don't know when, but it'll be soon. I have to protect her."

"And how can you do that? He nearly killed you the last time you went up against him. Or have you forgotten he *broke* your *back*?" Isabelle said angrily.

"No, I haven't forgotten, and that bastard's going to pay for that, but Maria comes first. He told me she's next. He thinks we were meeting for some tryst or something. Look, the point is, he's going after her and we have to stop it," he said heatedly.

Max nodded. "He's right. But you're not going alone. We'll watch with you." The trio quickly left and drove to Maria's house. They parked in an area where they would have a good view of Maria's house and especially her bedroom, and at the same time were obscure enough that they were almost unnoticeable.

"How'd you know about this place?" Isabelle asked Michael.

He was silent for a moment, and then he said quietly, "I used to watch her." Only five words, but they spoke volumes.

The three of them kept vigil for the rest of the night, each taking shifts and letting the others rest. By morning nothing had come to pass and so they left to go to school, but as they pulled farther away from Maria's house, Michael looked in her direction, hoping for a glimpse of her face.

At school, Maria wondered where Justin was. He hadn't met her at their ususal place and he hadn't shown up for any of his classes. It was now at the end of sixth period. Maria was jarred out of her thoughts as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. As she walked over to her car, she had a feeling she was being watched. Sure it was Michael, she turned around abruptly, expecting to see his face. "Listen up, dammit--" Her voice was cut off by the force of Justin's hand over her mouth.

"No, you listen, bitch!" he said savagely. Maria was terrified. This wasn't the boy she knew, the one she cared for. "Don't EVER go anywhere near that little shit ever again. Slut! That's what you are! That's what you all are! Never fucking listening. Always, running your Goddamn mouth! Well, I'm going to teach you how to behave...!" Justin said as he took his hand away from her mouth and slapped Maria across her face. She cried out. Justin raised his fist to punch her and Maria tried to cringe away, bracing herself for a blow that never came. Maria opened her eyes tentatively, and was surprised to find Justin's fist locked in Michael's grip. His face was contorted in rage. Michael twisted Justin's hand against his back, and brought it up high, trying to break the bone.

"How does it feel like?" he asked sweetly through clenched teeth.

"Just fine," Justin muttered just before he butted his head back against Michael's sensitive nose. He turned around swiftly and the two boys began to fight. Justin got in a few punches but soon Michael had the upperhand and was punching him senseless. All the frustration, pain, and hate of the past few months came out as Michael took his anger out on Justin. Soon a crowd had gathered and the principle, along with two police officers pulled Michael off Justin.

"Michael Guerin, this is your final discretion. You are expelled from Roswell High School and I am having you arrested for assaulting this young man," Principle Boyer said angrily.

"NO!" Maria shouted, crying. "He was trying to protect me! Justin's the one who should be in jail. He assaulted me! Michael was trying to protect me!" Maria said as she grabbed Michael's hand when the police officer tried to cuff him. The principal had Justin arrested instead. Once the crowd had dispersed, and it was just Michael and Maria, she hugged him fiercely.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Michael hugged her tighter in response, savoring the feel of his love in his arms. "I love you," he murmured unconsciously. Maria whispered the words back and they held each other for a long moment, neither willing to let the moment end.


One week later

A lot had occurred in the past week. Justin was in jail, pending a court hearing. He was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and with his track record of previous complaints, God knew how long he would be in jail. Daddy's money and influence wouldn't be reaching far this time. It turned out that the Commissioner had conviently taken a leave of absence and was unavailable. Michael and Maria had gotten back together. It had taken this crisis for Michael to realize just how much he really loved her.

"Maria, the reason why I dumped you was because I was scared. I mean, here you were, this bright vibrant, girl who drove me out of my mind with your yaking. And even so, we dated, and when you got too close, I retreated and said all those harsh things to you at Kyle's party. I've never had someone who loved me. I've never loved someone. Until you," Michael said quietly, not exactly meeting Maria's teary eyes. She pulled him close and kissed him deeply. When they parted, Maria whispered, "I love you, too."

ThE EnD!