*Long Week*

Title: Long week

Authors Note: Hey, well anyways this my first fic although I've read thousands, 3 days ago I decided to finally write something and I'm really nervous that it sucks. Well anyways I'd love some feedback to feed my very low ego right now, of course if it really does suck tell me, flame me all you want just as long as I know what I'm doing wrong.

Disclaimer: Umm... the WB owns EVERYTHING!

Main Characters: Michael/Maria

Rating: Um... PG. 13 (A few bad words here and there)

Ugh!...Maria muttered as she took down the order for a party of 8.   If this week doesn't hurry up and get over with I'm gonna kill myself, Maria moaned under her breath. After along week of studying for finals, working and getting about 4 hours of sleep a night tops Friday hadn’t come fast enough. The hours were passing by in slow motion taking their precious time. After taking down everyone’s order after changing their minds at least three times Maria slowly made her way to the counter.

Hey Maria, wow what’s wrong with you? You look like you just got hit by a diesel truck...4 or 5 times.... here drink some coffee it'll wake you up." She said handing her the cup she poured.

"All I need right now is a nice comfy bed and about 20 hours sleep."

Maria groaned. "On second thought give me it, I still got 2 hours before a comfy bed is even a option."

Just then Michael, Max and Isabel walked in and sat at their usual table.

"Don't look now Liz, but Mr. Right and his sidekicks just walked in the door."

Liz rolled her eyes at Maria smiling. “Well I'll just go take their orders."

"Mmmm, try to keep from drooling all over him while you're at it, no use in losing good customers cause you can't keep your hormones in check."

Liz walked away totally ignoring Maria's comment.

"Hey! What can I get ya'll?" She asked the threesome. Max looked up and gave her one of his toe curling smiles.

"So are you'll going to the Masquerade ball next Friday?" Liz asked after taking their orders.

"Yeah, we are, bur I don't know what to wear." Isabel answered. "What are you going as?"

"I don't know yet, but its a toss up between a vampire or lil' red riding hood, should I go for weak and helpless or strong and evil?"

Isabel laughed they had become alot closer since they'd first met, but Michael still remained aloof.

"Alright, three Mars burgers with a side of Jupiter fries coming up." Liz said before giving Max one last smile.

She walked up to the counter and clipped the order. Next to the others. Maria walked up beside her clipping hers to it.

"I don't understand why you can't tell him you like him, its obvious he likes you too." Maria said.

"Maria you don't just walk up to a normal guy and tell him you want to be the mother of his children." Liz said with sarcasm lacing her words.

"Well considering that he's not normal I don't see why not, but mentioning kids is going a lil' to far, maybe you should tell him you like him for starters and gradually working to the part of 'being the mother of his unborn children." Maria said trying to conceal her smile.

"I just can't, especially since he's not normal." Liz replied.

Liz's order came up. "Maria could you Please take that? I really have to go to the bathroom."

"Alright, but we split the tip."

"Alright", Liz said hurrying off.

Maria grabbed the plates and headed for the threesome's table. She said a quick "HI" and sat the food down hoping to make a quick getaway.

"Maria, what are you going as for the Masquerade Ball?" Isabel asked.

Damn, she mentally cursed, today was just getting worse and worse. "I'm going as an alien." All three looked up at her with raised eyebrows. "Okay, so it is a lil' used up, but my costume looks really great, I made it myself. Isabel you remember that alien in my dream, right?"

"OH, yeah" Isabel said not looking totally sure.

"Well it sorta looks like that, but the arms aren't as long."

"Oh, you mean the one Michael turned into."

"Ugh...Um yeah" She stuttered ignoring Michael’s amused gaze, as she felt herself blushing.

"Well now that you made my day even worse than it was, which I thought was impossible, I'll get back to work."

Isabel laughed, "I could make it even worse if you wanted me too."

Maria knew she was talking about how Michael was wearing a tux and prayed to god that she wouldn't say anything.

"Isabel you gotta promise me you will never mention anything in that dream to anyone."

Isabel looked disappointed, but she couldn't ignore the desperation behind Maria's words.

"Oh, alright if you insist, but don't get on my bad side, or else it might slip out to a certain someone."

"Trust me, I'll do everything in my power not too." hoping to just get the hell away from the table. Michael’s eyes were fixed upon her, if he didn't stop looking at her like that she'd melt. It doesn't matter if she's all the way across the room, she cam feel his gaze fixated on her all the way down to her toes.

I wonder what he would look like in a tux, in person of course...Oh good Maria listen to yourself your standing here fantasizing about an alien...but a very sexy alien... a Very, very sexy alien. Stop it! Those are bad, bad thoughts, she slapped herself mentally trying to get rid of them.

"What dream and Who?" Michael asked with that blank look on his face.

"Oh... um no one, as a matter of fact you wouldn't even know him, you'll are as different as night and day, it just isn't possible that you'd know who I was talking about."

"Alright, just try me, you never know." Michael said with a peaked interest.

"What!" Maria said thinking he was telling her to try him.

"Not like that! Just tell me who he is and if I don't know him as your so positive it won't make a difference." Michael said with a predator look in his eyes, as though he'd just trapped his prey and was about to pounce. "Maria, get back to work." A voice from the kitchen yelled.

"I'll see you'll later."

"Hey, Maria this conversation isn't over." Michael yelled to her retreating back. "Nope not by a long shot" he muttered to himself with that predator gaze in his eyes.

Maria walked away ignoring his comment and trying to get her mind on work and off Michael.

"Hey Maria business has gotten slow so you could leave now if you wanted." Her boss said as he busily walked by her.

Yes, my day is finally looking up; she grabbed all her stuff and in about 5 minutes was walking to her house.

She was walking home since her car was in the shop, and the sun was disappearing behind the Mountains that stretched through Mew Mexico. Four more blocks to go and then here I come comfy bed. She stopped suddenly feeling someone watching her; it almost felt like... Omigod, Michael’s following me or else he is just walking home too. But doesn't he live on the other side of town? Maybe it’s someone else, but she started walking faster anyway.


"Ahhh!!!" God you scared the shit out of me Michael" She yelled as he stepped out from behind the tree he'd been leaning against.

"Sorry" but he looked anything but sorry at the moment.

"So...Um what'd you want?" Maria said looking anywhere but at him. "Nothing I just thought we should finish that conversation we started at the cafe." He said with his lil' devilish smile. "Umm what conversation?"

The moon was full and was casting shadows upon his face and there was a gleam in his eyes that looked wild and dangerous. The moon would pick out the different highlights from his hair with each movement, ...Oh God Maria just breathe, just breathe!

"What'd you say?" Maria asked realizing he'd been talking. "I said the conversation about your dream, you never got around to telling me you and Isabel's lil' secret." Michael said.

"Oh yeah that one, well...I can't, no, I won't tell you...Ever." Maria said stumbling over her words.

"Okay then, I'll just pop into your dreams tonight and find out."

"What!" Maria looked back at Michael only to realize he'd left as quietly as he'd come. Oh! All day I've waited for the moment to sleep and now if I do he's going to find out exactly who I've been dreaming about and what I've been dreaming about.

With that a flush spread out across her face. I'll never be able to face him again. As she walked into the house she was chanting "No naughty dreams, No naughty dreams." She took a shower and got ready for bed all the while chanting and those were her last thoughts as she fell into a deep dream-filled sleep.

Michael threw his jacket onto his bed as he walked into his room. All the while deciding whether or not to go into Maria’s dream. "I wonder who she has been dreaming about. It must be someone important if she’s going through all this trouble to hide it. Oh well. I’ll know soon enough," Michael said to an empty room.

He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. When he opened them again he was sitting in a back booth at the Crashdown Café. He looked around for Maria, but couldn’t see her. About a minute later she walked out of the kitchen carrying a plate full of food. Oh great this is it? She dreams about work? He sat up straighter though when he saw himself walking into the café and up to Maria. They were having a heated discussion about something, but he wasn’t close enough to hear.

He almost fell out of his seat when he saw himself grab Maria and start kissing her.

He smiled, “So this is her lil’ secret, no wonder she was so insistent I didn’t come into her dreams.”

Michael looked back at the two figures making out in the middle of the diner and realized they were taking off each other’s clothes. He smiled devilishly and decided to leave Maria to her dreams, he’d deal with her tomorrow.

Maria woke up late the next morning. “Damn it, it’s 11:00, I only have an hour to get ready for work.”

Her memory came flooding back of the night before and the dream she had as she was getting dressed. “Ohmigod!” Maria almost screamed. Was Michael in her dream? No only one Michael had been in her dream and that was what he was totally a dream.

Maybe he didn’t go into my dream after all,” she said trying to reassure herself.

But what if he did? I’ll never be able to face him again, but maybe he didn’t. Calm down Maria it’s most likely he didn’t come into your dream at all and your just overreacting.

She almost fell over with shock when she walked into the diner and saw Michael, Max, and Isabel sitting at their usual table. “Get a hold of yourself Maria, he wasn’t in your dream,” she said trying to convince herself.

She made a hasty escape to the kitchen. She leaned against the door trying to catch her breath.

“Hey Maria, your late,” Liz said as she walked up to her best friend.

“Only by a few minutes,” Maria said still trying to calm her breathing.

“Are you alright? You look a little peaked,” Liz said in concern.

“Oh, who? Me? No, I’m perfectly all right. As a matter of fact, I’ve never been better,” Maria said hurriedly.

“Are you sure?” Liz asked still unconvinced.

“Yes I’m sure, now get back to work.” Maria said with a fake smile.

“Alright,” Liz said, “if you’re sure.

As Liz walked out of the kitchen Maria let out a sigh of relief.

I’m glad that’s over with. Maria went and picked up her worksheet for the day.

“Oh just great!” Maria exclaimed. Mr. Peters had assigned them their table. ‘Their’ meaning the threesomes table.

“Okay, you can handle this, just remember ‘he wasn’t in your dream’ and you ’ll be fine.” Maria said repeating the words in her head. She took a deep breath trying to calm her erratic heartbeat as she stepped out of the kitchen doors.

Maria slowly walked for their table and the thought of running out of the Diner’s door and running home had crossed her mind more than once before she reached their table.

“Umm… hey you’ll,” She said nervously avoiding Michael’s gaze as best as she could.

“So…um…what can I get for you’ll?” She asked stumbling over the words as she went along, while trying to cover the tell-tell signs of a blush that was spreading across her face. Max and Isabel ordered the Galactic Lunch Supreme, which included a Cheeseburger, fries, chips, and a large drink.

She slowly turned her gaze on Michael for the first time since she’d arrived at the table. ‘He knew’, was the first thought that entered her brain as her eyes meet his. His dark eyes, which were now focused on her, were hidden with questions and a tell-tell sign of laughter was evident there in his eyes.

"Good morning Maria,” He said quickly concealing the look he’d just given her and making his face blank. Maybe he didn’t know. Maria thought as relief washed over her, but was taken away again as soon as the next sentence left Michael’s mouth, “I hope you slept well.” He said with a sardonic grin.

Oh God, if you have any mercy, strike me dead right now. “No umm actually I had a very BAD dream last night.” Maria said confident that let his ego down, but all he said was “Really?”

“So what can I get for you?” Maria said, trying to get away as quick as possible

“How ‘bout a lil’ bit of what I had last night.” Michael said with a grin. “Okay, two Galactic lunch supremes, a Mars burger and… Maria finally realized what he had meant and swallowed as she felt her face turning red.

“Maria, are you alright?” Isabel asked.

“Oh… um yes I’m fine. I’ll be back with your food in a little bit.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, she was practically running towards the kitchen.

“Oh damn it! I’m sorry Liz,” Maria said as she ran into Liz who was leaving the kitchen.

“It’s alright Maria. Are you sure you’re fine?” Liz asked looking worried at how strange Maria was acting.

“Actually, I don’t feel so well. Do you think I could leave?”

“Sure. I don’t see why not.”

“Thanks a lot. I’m gonna go,” Maria said heading to the back door to avoid Michael.

“Maria, the door’s that way,” Liz said pointing in the direction of the front.

“I know, I thought I’d try something different today, like going out the back door,” Maria said trying to sound quirky, but the way it came out sounded lame.

“Sorry Maria, but they’re unloading food through the back. You’ll have to try it some other day,” Liz said to Maria as though she was a child.

“Oh, yeah. Um right,” Maria said looking at the kitchen door as though a demon was waiting on the other side.

You can do this Maria, she thought to herself. Just walk out there, grab your purse and leave. It won’t be that hard. Just don’t look at his table.

Just leave.

“Maria! Your order’s up,” one of the cooks yelled.

“Liz, could you get that for me? I just wanna go.”

“Sure. You just go home and tomorrow you’ll feel all better’” Liz said still talking to her as if she were eight.

Liz grabbed the plates and walked over to the three-somes table.

“Hey guys,” Liz said, “still wondering what’s wrong with Maria?”

“Where did she go?” Isabel asked looking around.

“Oh, she’s not feeling to well I guess. She’s going home in a minute,” Liz said.

“Yeah, she was acting a little odd now that you mention it. I needed to ask her something though,” Isabel said.

Liz turned around looking for Maria, who at that moment was getting her purse. “Hey Maria,” she yelled across the restaurant. ”Come over here for a minute.”

Oh God! I knew I shoulda hurried up and left.

Maria walked slowly over to Liz. She could feel Michael’s eyes boaring into her as she walked to their table.

“Yeah, what’d you want?” Maria asked trying her best to sound calm.

“Are you alright Maria? You look, I don’t know, sorta nervous.” Isabel said.

“Ohmigod this is the most horrible, most awful, and most embarrassing day of my life.”

“What?” Isabel said looking confused.

“Did I just say that out loud? Ugh forget this, I’m leaving Liz” Maria said looking as though she was about to break down as she hurriedly walked out of the diner.

Isabel looked at Liz “What’s up with her?”

“I have no idea, what do you’ll think?” She said turning to Michael and Max only to realize Michael wasn’t sitting there anymore.

“Where’d Michael go?” Liz asked Max.

“Huh?” Max said looking beside him, “I have no idea I didn’t even see him get up.”

Maria made it two blocks before she realized Michael was following her. She turned around, but couldn’t see anything out of place; he was out there though she could feel him.

“You can stop hiding Michael ‘cause I know your there.” Maria called out angrily.

He stepped out of the shadows less than ten feet away. “What do you want? To embarrass me some more?” Maria asked angrily. Well too bad, ‘cause at this point I don’t think I could get anymore embarrassed than I already am, so Leave Me Alone!” Maria turned away and started walking angrily in the direction of her house.

She didn’t realize that Michael was walking with her ‘til she saw him out of the corner of her eye. She stopped and turned towards him. “What?” She said. He looked at her with a piercing gaze and shrugged his shoulders, “What?” He said back.

“Do I have to spell it out for you? Why are you following me?” Maria said trying to keep her anger in check.

Thank god for anger or right now I’d be dying of embarrassment. Maria thought to herself as Michael kept staring at her.

“Well?” Maria asked impatiently.

“Oh nothing, I just want to know exactly what Isabel saw when she was in your dream.” Michael said with a blank look on his face.

“Don’t worry it was nothing compared to what you saw!” Maria said flushing.

“If it makes you feel any better I didn’t stay that long.” Michael said flashing her one of his sardonic smiles.

“Really? Umm… how long did you stay?” She regretted asking the second it came out of her mouth.

“About to the part where we started ripping each others clothes off.” He said seriously, but laughter was dancing in his eyes.

“ Michael saw her face turn bright pink before she looked the other way and picked up walking again.

Damn it Michael, can’t you say anything without embarrassing her? He reprimanded himself mentally

“Hey, listen I’m sorry for getting in your dream last night, but it was really driving me crazy.” He said looking totally serious.

Maria had stopped and he realized they were at her house. “So, you mind if I come in?”

“ Michael I don’t know…”

“Come on Maria, I promise I won’t stay that long.” Michael said flashing a smile that made her melt at the knees.

“Alright, but not long, my mom would freak if she came home and a guy was here.”

“You have my word that your mother will not find us ravishing each other.” He said smiling, remembering her dream and wondering how much he did ravish her.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed two Dr. Peppers and some pop-tart out of the fridge, handing Michael one of the Dr. Peppers, and walked into the living room and turned on the TV

“So what are we watching?” Michael asked.

“The Rosie O’Donnell show she said while chewing on some of her pop-tart.

“Oh, he said as he stretched out along the floor in front of the couch that Maria was sitting on.

Maria looked down at his face, which was now fixed on the TV set. God, he is so sexy… this is so crazy. Here I am, sitting in my living room with Michael, watching the Rosie O’Donnell show, and tossing in the fact that he knew I was having naughty dreams about him and the whole scene seems totally surreal. None the less, here we are.

I wonder what she’s thinking, Michael thought as he looked at Maria and found her in deep thought.

God! What am I doing here? This is crazy… I’ll just stay until this is over and then leave.

The phone started ringing. Maria pulled herself away from her thoughts and reached over and grabbed the phone.


“Oh hey Grandpa.”

“No she’s not home right now, she’s at work.”


“Is she alright? Yes, of course I’ll call mom, but I doubt she can get off of work. But I will be there in about two hours, all right?

“I love you.”


“What happened?” Asked Michael his curiosity peaked.

“My Nana was in a car accident, she lives about 2 hours away from here, if I hurry I can make it there by 6:00!” Maria said hurriedly after talking to her mom, who at this moment was freaking out, but couldn’t get off work.

“Maria your way to nervous and worried to be driving anywhere.” Michael said calmly.

“Shove it all right, go do some alien-thingy or whatever it is you do, I have to go!” Maria said while grabbing her keys.

“Just give me the God damn keys and shut up!” Michael said getting pissed.

“Um…Okay.” Maria said in a tiny voice, which made Michael bad for being so forceful.

He groaned and grabbed the keys outta her hands and walked out the door with Maria following.

Michael got in the car and started the engine as Maria slammed her door, “So where are we going?”

Just follow south on 285, but Michael I don’t think you going is such a good idea, I’ll probably end up staying the night.” Maria said, while thinking about what a night with Michael would be like.

“That’s all right, I’ll just stay too then.” Michael replied, his devilish smile appearing on his face.

They pulled up at the hospital around 5:30, thanks to Michael’s speeding.Maria got out and stretched her legs. “Come on lets find out which room she’s in.” Michael called over his shoulder, already heading towards the entrance. Maria hurried to catch up. “What room number is Alicia Burman in?” Michael asked stopping at the front desk.

“Room 348, 3rd floor.” The nurse replied after checking on the computer. “Thanks.” He tossed flippantly as he headed toward the elevators and ushedthe button.

“God, I hope she’s alright.” Maria moaned in a pained voice, while wiping her sweaty palms off on her jeans.

“I’m sure she’s fine Michael said trying to make the scared look in Maria’s eyes go away. The elevator doors opened and they stepped in.

“Thanks Maria said as the doors slide closed. Michael’s dark gaze lifted and met hers.

“For what?” Michael asked raising an eyebrow.

“For driving me here, I really appreciate it, I don’t think I could have handled driving.”

“Your welcome.” He said as the doors opened and they stepped out.

They walked to her Grandma’s room in silence. Her Grandpa was standing outside the door talking to the M.D.

“Hey Grandpa.” Maria said, her voice filled with sympathy.

“Hey precious, your grandma’s gonna be fine. She cracked her wrist and her hip got knocked outta place and besides a slight concussion from a bump to the head, she’ll be fine.”

“Thank god!” Maria said, as she let out a breath that she didn’t realize she’d been holding.

“Could I see her?” Maria pleaded.

“Of course, but don’t stay long she needs her rest.” Her Grandpa said with a smile.

“I won’t.” Maria said already heading towards the door with Michael following.

“Hey Grandma! How are you feeling?” Maria asked her voice quivering.

“I’m fine, I just wanna get outta this stupid bed and go home, but no, I gotta stay over night for observations in this rock hard bed.” Her grandma said angrily.

Maria laughed. “You’ve always hated not being able to do anything. Her Grandma mumbled a reply as her eyes set on Michael.

“And who is young man?” She questioned.

“Oh…this is Michael Guerrin, he’s a friend of mine.”

“Michael Guerrin.” She said rolling the name on her tongue, “where have I heard that name before?…Oh yes I remember isn’t that the young boy you had a crush on in…what was it 5th? 6th grade?”

A blush spread all the way down to Maria’s toes.

“Umm…yeah that’s the one Grandma.” Maria said, not even glancing in Michael’s direction.

“Why, I remember when you use to…”

“I’m sure Michael isn’t that interested Grandma.” Maria said cutting her Grandma off in mid-sentence.

“Sure I am.” Michael said his voice laced with laughter.

Maria threw him a dirty look before turning to her grandma. “Listen Grandma you need your rest so I’m gonna stop by in the morning before I go, alright?”

“Alright dear, tell your Grandpa I’m going to sleep and I’ll see him in the morning.”

After relaying the message to her Grandpa, they all left. Maria and Michael got in the car. “I’ll give you directions.”

Maria said wearily, tired after all that happened. Michael started the engine and pulled out of the hospital.

Maria glanced over at Michael, taking in his profile. God he is so sexy, I wonder if he’s a good kisser and if his hands… bad, bad thought.

Maria stop it would you! You can’t be alone with him for five minutes and you start thinking about THAT, get a hold of yourself. She reprimanded herself at least 10 more times before they got to her grandparent’s house. It was only 7:00, although it seemed later. She got outta the car and walked towards the house passing her grandfather’s car, who had already made it home.

“Hey Grandpa where you at?” She called out walking through the den with Michael in tow.

“Oh, there you are. Hi Uncle James, what are you doing here?” She said as she walked into the living room and spotted her grandpa and uncle sitting on the couch.

“Oh, just came for a visit when I heard what happened to mom.” He replied.

“Ohh… what are you’ll doing?” She asked looking at the t.v.

“This documentary on aliens, it’s really interesting!”

“Really?” She said trying not to laugh at the look that crossed Michael’s face.

They all sat down and watched it. Maria laughing at the parts that now seemed outrageous since she knew the truth, while her grandpa and uncle kept giving her strange looks. Michael just watched with an amused gaze, his eyes more on Maria’s laughing figure than the television screen.

By the time it was over it was almost 10:00 and everyone decided to turn in for the night.

“You’ll don’t mind sharing the guestroom do you’ll?” Her grandpa asked. “Your uncles got the couch so that just leaves the guestroom.”

Maria’s mouth hung open for a mere second before snapping closed. “No, we don’t mind sharing.” Michael said before Maria could even think coherently.

Ohmigod! Me and Michael all night in one medium sized bed. On, no! What am I going to do? It won’t be that bad I’ll just stay on my side of the bed. It’s that simple.

They walked up the stairs to the guestroom and tossed a coin to see who got the bathroom first. Michael won. As soon as he closed the bathroom door Maria’s eyes closed in on the bed. Which stuck out like a sore thumb with its silk sheets and lavender silk comforter. You can do this Maria, just remember to stay on your own side of the bed. She spent the next 15 minutes worrying so much about it that she didn’t even notice Michael’s presence in the room until he told her it was he turn.

“Oh, yeah right.” Maria said grabbing the big shirt her Grandpa had given her to wear. She slowly took a shower, putting off the moment when she ’d finally have to get in bed and sleep next to Michael, who was only clad in a pair of boxers from what she saw.

She finally, after 30 minutes got out and dressed. She entered the room, which to her surprise was already dark. She laid on her side and had to cling on to the side to prevent her body from sinking into the dip in the middle. After laying like that at least for an hour clinging on, she heard Michael groan.

“Alright, I can’t do this.”

“Do what?” Maria whispered.

“Sleep like this, come here.” He commanded


“Just come here.”

She slid over next to him. “Alright, now roll over.” He said.

He slid his arm around her body after she rolled over, his body pressing intimately close to hers.

“There, isn’t that better?” He said on a sigh.

“Much.” She said trying to sound calm.

“Great, G’night.” He said his voice barely above a whisper.

“Yeah, ‘night” She replied.

After a few minutes her body drifted off to sleep in the safety of Michael’s arms.

She woke up to the sight of his lips directly in front of her eyes. Sometime during the night she must have rolled over, ‘cause now the front of her and Michael’s body were molded together. Maria laid still trying to control her breathing. God he has such kissable lips. I wonder what it’d be like to kiss him, were his lips as soft as they looked?

She suddenly noticed his lips twitch and she looked up to see his piercing gaze was hooked on her. They laid like that a few moments neither looking away. “5th grade, huh?” He said quietly before his lips came down on hers tenderly. The moment was suspended in time, before Michael groaned with longing and depend the kiss. Yep as soft as they look, Maria thought just before losing all coherent thought and just giving into Michael’s demanding lips.

It seemed an eternity before Michael slowly pulled away, taking a much needed breath. Maria whimpered missing the feel of his lips on hers. He leaned back down and captured her lips in a soul-searing kiss.

“Marie um…goodness I’m sorry, I’ll um… come back later.” Maria’s grandpa rushed, hurriedly closing the door. Maria pulled away from Michael and ran to the door swinging it open. She found her grandpa standing in the hallway with a confused look on his face.

“It’s not what it looked like, I didn’t…, I mean we didn’t…, I mean we never…”

“Of course not, it’s none of my business anyways.” Her Grandpa said cutting her off, he turned around and walked back down the hall with a smile playing on his lips.

Maria walked in the room and leaned back heavily against the door groaning. She looked up to find Michael’s devilish gaze resting on her and remembered the kiss that they’d just shared and felt the color of her cheeks rise.

God I’m so embarrassed. What came over me? I’ve never acted so wantonly in my life.

“So you wanna get dressed so we can go visit your grandma?” Michael asked, picking up on her embarrassment.

“Um…yeah.” Maria said, glad he didn’t bring up the kiss. They took turns getting dressed in the bathroom. Maria was fixing her hair when Michael walked out of the bathroom. She turned around and smiled, his hair was sticking out wildly everywhere.

“Please tell me your going to brush your hair.” Maria said frowning.

“What’s wrong with my hair?” Michael asked totally clueless.

“Well, I happen to love my Grandma and one look at you might scare her to death!”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Fine” He picked up a brush and ran it through his hair a few times. “Happy now?” He asked exasperated.

“Not really, but I guess it’ll have to do.” She said, taking in his hair, which was still awful, but an improvement.

“Let’s go.” He said picking up her keys and walking out the bedroom. Maria followed him into the kitchen, where her Grandpa was making coffee.

“Morning!” He said to Michael and Maria with a knowing smile.

“Sorry for barging in this morning, I didn’t mean to interrupt ya’ll.” He said.

Maria face turned 3 shades of red while Michael’s remained blank. “So…um how’s Grandma doing?” Maria said hoping to change the subject and fast.

“Fine, oh by the way your mother called about 9:00, she said she’ll be here around 12:00. It’s 10:30 right now, are ya’ll leaving?” He asked

“Actually we’re gonna stop by and see Grandma before we go.”

“I’m not going ‘til your mother gets her so give me a hug before you leave.” He said with a grin.

“Oh…alright.” She dragged out the words with a smile. She gave her Grandpa a hug and said goodbye

“Maria!” her Grandpa called as they were walking out the door.

Her and Michael turned around. “Yah!” She asked.

“Umm…don’t forget to use protection, alright?” He replied.

Maria’s mouth fell open and words refused to come out.

“Don’t worry, we won’t.” Michael said. Maria hit him in the ribs with her elbow and continued walking to the car furiously.

“Don’t tell my Grandpa that,” She said angrily.

“Well, what was I suppose to say? ‘Don’t worry we never do?’ He was obviously under the impression that we had had sex, and according to your dreams we already have.” He shot back.

“Ohh, are you going to hold that against me for the rest of my life? It was only a dream, get over it” She said, pissed off.

“Yeah, well what about last nights dream?”

“You asshole, you got into my dream again? Wasn’t once enough for you? You…you…you pervert!” She yelled.

“Who said I got into your dream last night?” He asked with a devilish smile.

“But you said…” Her faced turned red as she shut up and looked out the window.

After visiting her Grandma for about 30 minutes and avoiding Michael’s gaze at all cost they finally left.

The trip back was quiet neither saying a word. Maria because she didn’t want to embarrass herself further and Michael because he was pondering over what last nights dream had been about.

Michael broke the silence about 10 minutes before reaching Roswell. “So you never did tell me exactly what Iz saw in your dream.” He said keeping his eyes on the road.

“Yeah, well she only saw you in a tux, so don’t worry.” She said willing her heart to slow down.

“A tux?” He said laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Maria asked offended.

“Wouldn’t it have been just easier to tell me that?” He said grinning.

He was right of course; if she’d told him he’d never had found out anything else. It would be saving he a lot of embarrassment.

They pulled up outside her house about 10 minutes later.

“You need a lift home?” She asked.

“No, I’m going to Max’s place."

“Alright.” She said, reaching for the door handle. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward him. His mouth descended upon hers with a wild abandon. He depend the kiss slowly, never wanting it to end. God she tastes so good he thought as he ran his fingers through her hair.

The kiss went on endlessly, each wanting more. Michael finally pulled away reluctantly.

“Why’d you stop?” Maria asked, her eyes dazed.

‘Cause if I don’t stop now, I won’t be able to at all.” He said raggedly.

“Oh, I’ll umm... see you later.” She said, as she got out of the car.

Michael watched her walk in the house. Yep, he thought, this week is going to be very long.

To be continued