*The Dance*

Title: The Dance

Author: Courtney Lynn Leiphart

Rating: PG to perhaps a bit of Smut, so I'll say NC 17 is possible...*Evil Grin*

Disclaimer: So far none of the characters belong to me. They are property of Warner Brothers and the author of the Roswell High book series.

Main Characters: All of them, actually!

Synopsis: The events surrounding the annual Roswell High Homecoming events.

* * * * *

Part One:

As they rode home from the Bio. study group, Max Evans and Liz Parker were relatively quiet. Other than a comment here and there, the two didn't seem to have much to say to one another. Liz was deep in thought and anticipation.

She was waiting, rather impatiently, for Max to ask her to the upcoming Homecoming Dance at school. That was all she had been thinking about since she got 'THE' phone call from Maria...

About halfway through the scheduled time to study, Liz got a telephone call from her best friend Maria. Maria said it was urgent, so Liz went into a vacant room for some privacy. Maria was talking a mile a minuite and Liz could not keep up.

"Maria! SLOW DOWN! Is something the matter? Are you ok?" Liz was beginning to get concerned about her friend. "Oh, Liz! Liz, Liz, Liz! I can't believe this is happening-to me! I just can't believe it!" Maria sounded either extermely upset or extremely happy, Liz was having a hard time discerning which it was at this point.

"Maria-just tell me what's going on, ok?!"

"Ok, okay..." Maria replied, then took a few deep breaths to control herself.

"Is everything ok at the Crashdown, Maria? Did you and Isabel have a fight or something? Do you need me to come in?" Liz was getting very paranoid at that point.

"Oh, Liz, No!! Everything is fine here at that Cafe. Isabel is great, she does a really good job and as long as we don't spend too much time around each other, we're fine."

"Liz! I am so happy right now! I can hardly even think! This is totally unbelievable! Before she had a chance to express her enthusiasm any further, Liz cut in.

"WHAT, Maria! What is it?? Tell me, so I can get back to the study group! They're going to wonder what happened to me!"

"Oh, right, you're studying with Ma-ax" said Maria in a joking/mocking tone.

"Shut Up, Maria," Liz replied playfully. "Besides, I'm not studying ONLY with Max." Liz smiled, because she knew as well as Maria that to Liz, Max was the only person that really existed in that study group.

Max and Liz had been getting increasingly closwe since the day Max saved Liz's life. They were in love with each other; some would say they were soulmates; but both were holding back their true feelings. 'Too dangerous', Max would say. With the circumstances-him being not exactly human, and all, he would not put Liz in the kind of danger a relationship would surely bring. So, he avoided it by attempting to fool everyone, including himself, that he and Liz were only friends.

"LIZ! You-who! Liz!" Maria's impatient voice jolted Liz away from her thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Maria. My mind went wandering agian. What is it? What is your news?"

"Well, about 6:30 pm, Michael came into the Crashdown. I thought he was there to either talk to Isabel, or harass me, and when he headed in my general direction, I tried to avoid him. He wouldn't let me, in fact, he grabbed my arm, told Isabel that I was taking 10, and basically pulled me into the back stockroom.

"When we got there we stood in silence for what seemed like forever, and I got fed up and told him that if he wasn't going to tell me what he wanted, I was going back to my job. He blocked the doorway, and I could see by his face that he was nervous. I thought something was up with you and Max, but he finally began to try and talk to me.

"He was kind of stuttering, but I made out what he was saying, and this is it: 'Maria, I, um, I, uh,' and then he mumbled a bit, and I told him he had to speak up a bit. He said 'ok, I want you to go to the dance with me.'

"He said it so fast, I didn't believe my ears, but I knew it wasn't a dream by the look on his face. I told him that I would, and he said 'cool' with that adorable smile and walked out of the Crashdown. Isn't that great! I am sooo happy, Liz!"

"Michael? and You? Going to the dance together? As a couple? Maria, are you sure that is a good idea? I mean-" Liz was cut off by Maria's sharp reply.

"Liz, I thought you, of all people, would understand! I thought you would be happy for me! What is your problem?" Maria sounded hurt and angry.

"Maria, I am happy for you, it's just, well, it's nothing. Congratulations, Maria." Liz sounded distant.

"Liz, I'm sorry! You're upset because Max hasnt't asked you yet. Well, I'm sure that if Michael asked me, Max will ask you. Don't worry about it!"

"Yeah, I guess. Oh, Maria! I hope you are right. I want to go to the dance with Max more than anything else in the world.

"Listen, I have to get back to the group. Call me later?"

"Oh, I will! I have to go help Isabel close up anyways. See you soon Liz."

"Bye Maria."

Since that conversation, Liz had a hard time concentrating on Biology. Or anything else for that matter, other than Max asking her to the dance.

"Liz, Hello, you awake over there?" came Max's soft voice.

"Max-I'm sorry, I was just thinking. I'm sorry. What did you want?"

"Thinking about Biology, huh? Think you're ready for that test on Friday?" Max knew darn well what she was thinking about, but it was easier to avoid that particular subject for the time being.

"Not exactly." Liz & Max caught each other's eyes and stared longingly for a moment, until a horn from the impatient driver behind them broke the moment.

"What were you thinking about, then?" Max decided to inquire.

"Just about my call from Maria." said Liz with a sigh.

"What, did she and Isabel have a fight and trash the crashdown?" Max said with a serious voice, even though he was totally kidding.

"No, worse. Max, Michael asked Maria to the Homecoming Dance. They are going together. Like as in a couple."

"Ok." came Max's short reply as he pulled the jeep up in front of the Crashdown. He didn't sound surprised or concerned, a little nervous maybe.

Liz looked over at Max with a look of disbelief on her face. "Max, isn't it dangerous? I mean, it's not right, it's well, aren't you even the least bit concerned? You said that we..." Liz's words were cut off by Max's index finger gently resting upon her lips...

Isabel saw Max and Liz pull up in front of the Crashdown, so she went to the back stockroom to gather her things and to tell Maria that she was leaving.

“Hey, Maria, my ride’s here, I’m going to go.” Isabel said. “Oh, yeah, what did Michael want earlier, anyways?”

Maria peeked out behind the shelf where she was getting Ketchup bottles to restock at the counter and gave Isabel an awkward look. “He, um, well…”

“Oh, come on, I don’t have all day. Max is out front waiting for me.”  Isabel smirked, she knew darn well what Michael wanted, she just wanted to hear Maria say it, and see what she said.

“I was getting to that Isabel,” said Maria rolling her eyes. “He asked me to the Homecoming dance.” Maria was beaming, but her face was hidden to Isabel, but Isabel could hear the excitement in Maria’s voice. Besides, Isabel had seen how Maria was acting all night. That only meant one thing: that Maria liked Michael as much as he liked her. Isabel rolled her eyes and mumbled “Later Maria” as she moped out of the stockroom. Why? Why her? She was the prettiest, most popular girl at school, yet she couldn’t find the one true thing that she wanted: love. All she wanted was someone to love her like Max loved Liz and how Michael seemed to love Maria. Isabel was jolted from her own thoughts when she glanced out the window into the Jeep to see Max leaning toward Liz. Isabel just rolled her eyes and groaned as she headed out the door of the restaurant.

Meanwhile, in the Jeep, Max took his finger away from Liz’s lips and they stared deeply into one another’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity. They started to lean toward one another, when the passenger door opened and Liz almost fell out.

“Have a good study group?!” Isabel said sarcastically.

“It was fine.” Replied Liz, obviously disappointed by Isabel’s untimely interruption. She was sure that Max was about to kiss her, maybe even invite her to the dance. Liz was about ready to kill Isabel.

“Yeah, it was fine.” Echoed Max.

“Well, Max, we’d better get home, it is getting late.” Said Isabel in her sweet innocent tone as she crawled into the back of the Jeep.

“I have to go study more for Bio.” Remarked Liz as she stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of the Crashdown. “Max, if you find anything you need to talk to me about, call me. I’ll be up late.”

“Ok, Liz, I will.” Came Max’s reply. He seemed distant, like he had something else on his mind. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

“Night Liz” said Isabel in a mocking tone.

“Night Is, Max.” Liz turned and walked toward the door to her home, when she saw that Maria was still in the Café. Liz was in NO mood to study Biology, Chemistry, maybe, but not Biology, so she walked to the restaurant to have a tete a tete with her best friend.

“Hey Maria!” Liz said as she walked back toward the counter.

“Oh, hey Liz! You scared me!” I was just finishing up the closing stuff. Isabel didn’t do much, she kind of stormed out of here after I told her that I was going to the dance with Michael.” Maria shrugged her shoulders. “My guess is that she is jealous.”

“Ha! Maria, you think that Isabel likes Michael??” replied Liz.

“No, Liz, duh, I meant that she is jealous because she dosen’t have someone.” Said Maria.

“What do you mean, Maria? She goes out on dates all the time. She could go to the dance with any guy she wanted.”

“Liz, think about it. Yes, Isabel could have any guy in the world that she wants, but that isn’t the point. She is always the one to persue the guys, and most of them are out for her looks, not for her. You have Max, not in terms of being his girlfriend, but you own his heart. And I think that I may have Michael. You see, she is jealous. Not only because we have something that she only dreams about, but because we are taking some of the attention of the people that love her away from her. Do you know what I’m saying?” Maria surprised herself with the insight that she just had about Isabel Evans. Woah, what was she becoming, some type of psychoanalyst or something?!

Liz was looking at Maria with wide eyes and surprise. “Maria! I never took you for being able to figure others out like that. Now that you say it, though, it makes all the sense in the world, and I understand where Isabel is coming from. You are right, I kinda picked up on that myself. I wasn’t thinking when I asked if you thought she liked Michael. I can’t think right now, anyways.” Liz sighed audibly. She was so disappointed that Isabel cut in on her and Max, and even though she understood a little bit how Is must feel, Liz was still a bit angry.

“What’s up, Liz? What happened to make you so depressed?” Questioned Maria.

“Well, when we pulled up in front of the Crashdown, I was arguing with Max about the ‘safety’ factor of you and Michael going to the dance together. I was upset and jealous that Max hadn’t asked me yet. Max silenced me by putting his finger to my lips and I am sure that he was going to either kiss me or ask me to the dance, or both.  

“Just then, Isabel opened the passenger door, and not only did I almost fall out, it also broke whatever connection Max and I were having at that moment. Maria, I know she did it on purpose and I could just smack her! She is so rude.” Liz was clenching her fists and rolling her eyes in disgust.

“I’m sorry, Liz.” Maria went over to her friend and gave her a loose hug.

"Wanna make a couple of rootbeer floats and go watch last week’s episode of ‘Friends’?” Maria offered.

“Maria, that would be great, but I really have to study for this Biology exam tomorrow.” Liz smiled shyly “I didn’t exactly get much studying done this evening. My mind was on other things, if you know what I mean.”

“Yes, Liz, I do know what you mean. Exactly what you mean.”

**Switch to the Evans’ Jeep just after Liz went into the Diner**

“Isabel, what is your problem?” Max questioned his sister, obviously annoyed.

Isabel rolled her eyes at her brother. From his tone of voice, Is knew he was about to either ask Liz to the dance or kiss her when she interrupted. She almost felt bad about what she had done. That passed quickly. She silently congratulated herself for a mission accomplished and smiled to herself. If she couldn’t have love, she wasn’t going to make it easy for the people around her. Of course they were her friends and she cared about them, but sometimes she just couldn’t help herself. She stared out the window to the houses passing by the street, trying to ignore Max’s question.

“Is, c’mon, I’m waiting.” Max was really getting edgy. Isabel had never heard him so upset.

“What? What are you talking about, brother?” Isabel was putting on her best ‘innocent’ act.

“Isabel, you knew that I was going to ask Liz to the dance tonight after the study group. You interrupted right as I was about to ask her.” As he spoke and thought of Liz, Max’s annoyance at his sister began to fade.

“Oh, I thought you would have already asked her.” Replied Isabel shortly.

“Well, I didn’t, Is.”


Max and Isabel rode home the rest of the way in silence, both deep in their own thoughts. Max pulled the Jeep into the driveway at their house and Isabel got out.

“Max, what are you doing, aren’t you coming in?” questioned Isabel.

“No, Is, I’m going for a drive. I’ll be back later.” Max pulled out of the driveway and headed back toward town…

“The Dance” part 3

As Max was driving down the main street in Roswell, he was playing a scenerio over and over in his head: how was he going to ask Liz Parker to the homecoming dance?? He wanted to with all his heart and soul, but every time he tried to ask her, there was an interruption. Maybe they weren’t supposed to go together? After all, he is an alien. But Michael was going with Maria, and Michael was an alien, too.  

“STOP IT” said Max out loud.

“I must be going crazy…”mused Max to himself, as he neared the Crashdown café for the 4th time. He had been driving around the ‘loop’ in town for 20 minuites now, each time wanting to climb to Liz’s window like Romeo, and ask her to the dance, and each time, he chickened out.  

Finally, after circling for the 7th time, he decided that it was now or never. He would just pull into the alley, climb up the fire-escape and ask her. As he entered the alley, he said “This is it, Evans, don’t be a coward” and turned off the engine to the Jeep. He looked up to make sure that Liz was still up, and found the light in her bedroom window still on. Max was nervous as any teenage boy asking the girl of his dreams out on their first real date, so it was difficult climbing for him. He finally reached Liz’s open window and peered inside, not wanting to scare her. To Max’s dismay, Liz was asleep. “Way to go, Max! You drove around so long preparing to ask her, and now here she is, asleep!” She was beautiful, though, sitting at her desk with her head resting on her open Biology book and notes. He thought about waking her and moving her to her bed, but then decided not to. Max blew a kiss to the slumbering Liz and whispered “See you tomorrow.” And smiled as he began descending to his car. As he was approaching the jeep, Max failed to notice a figure sitting in the passenger’s side. Max climbed into the Jeep and almost jumped right back out again when he discovered his companion. And then Max heard a familiar laugh.

“Michael! You idiot! You scared me half to death. Don’t do that again!” exclaimed a stunned Max.

“Maximillion! Calm down.” Michael chuckled. “Still can’t ask her, my friend?”

“For your information, I was going to ask her just now, but she was sleeping and I didn’t have the heart to wake her up. She looked so sweet.” Came Max’s short reply.

“Mmm hmm” Michael was not convinced. “I saw you driving around here, what, 7 times before you even pulled into the alley!! At least I asked Maria the first time I tried.” Michael had a cocky grin on his face. Max punched him playfully in the shoulder.

“Well, I’m working on it. I will do it tomorrow in school. I’ll like have her meet me in the Eraser room to eavesdrop on Topolsky, and I will ask her then.” Said Max with resolve.

“I’ll believe it when I see you two at the dance together.” Said Michael sarcastically.

“You will. So you need a ride to your house?” Max inquired. He pretty much knew that if Michael was out at this hour of the night, he was headed to the Evans’ to sleep on Max’s floor.

“Would you mind?” came Michael’s reply.

“You know I don’t.” said Max.

They rode the rest of the way to Max’s in silence. Both were deep in thought. As they got settled down for the night in Max’s room, Michael spoke up with what he called a ‘brilliant plan’.  

“Michael, can it wait till tomorrow at school? I have a Bio test tomorrow morning, and I really need to get some sleep.” Came Max’s plea.

“Ok, just hear me out, Max. It’s for your own good anyways. I don’t care if you never get the nerve to ask Liz to the dance…” Michael knew that that would stimulate his friend’s curiosity.

“Alright, Michael, but make it quick.” Max rolled his eyes and laid on his side waiting for Michael’s hair-brained idea.

“You should go into her dream. Ask her to the dance there, and then you won’t be so nervous about doing it in real life.”

“Michael, I can’t just go into Liz’s dream like that. It’s an invasion of privacy!” said Max, although he was seriously considering the possibility.

“C’mon, Maximillion!! What do you have to lose? It makes it a LOT easier to do it for real if you have practiced first.”

“Michael,” max said with a knowing chuckle, “you went into Maria’s dream to practice asking her, didn’t you?!?!” Max shook his head in both amazement and amusement. “You are a genuous!!”  

Max turned on his bedside light and picked up the yearbook from their Freshman year in high school. It may only have been a few months old, but it was worn. Max had scoured it for pictures of Liz many times. When he sat it on it’s spine and let the pages fall open, it inevitably fell to one of Liz. The one that it fell to this particular time was a candid shot of her. She was concentrating on a test, and she had that serious face on. Max smiled as he put his hand on her picture…

Part Four:

Instantly, Max was inside of Liz’s dream. He looked around him, wondering where they were, and saw that it was at school. It was early in the morning and he could see his likeness standing close to Liz at her locker and talking to her. Then, the dream Max and Liz kissed, a slow, passionate, loving kiss. The real Max hid around a corner, trying to catch his breath.

“So, this is what she dreams about!” he said to himself, amused. The warning bell rang and everyone started heading off to their homerooms. The real Max decided to have Liz meet him after school in the eraser room, to practice asking her to homecoming. He scribbled a note on an index card and dropped it into her locker, and this is what it said:


Meet me in the eraser room directly after school.


Max wandered around the school as it appeared in Liz’s dream. It seemed the same as their school. Only one thing was different: there was no Kyle anywhere to be seen. Max had to chuckle to himself. At last, it was time for school to let out, so the real Max ducked into the Eraser Room to wait for Liz. He hoped that she didn’t tell the dream Max about the note. He didn’t have a long wait. Liz entered the room alone, and closed and locked the door behind her.

“Hi, Max!” She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. “What’s up?”

Max was startled by the kiss that Liz had given him. “Um, well, I, uh, wanted to ask you something!” blurted Max.

“Well, what is it?” she was standing so close to him that he could smell her.

“I, um, wonderedifyou’dgotothedancewithme” said Max, running the whole sentence together.

Liz got an amused look on her face. “Max, I’m afraid that you will have to speak a bit slower if you want me to understand what you are saying!” Liz chuckled.

The smile on Liz’s face was all the courage Max needed to ask her to the dance. “I just wanted to ask you to the Homecoming Dance.” He said.

“Um, ok,” Liz seemed a bit confused, “but I thought we had already decided to go together.”

“Oh, yeah, we did,” said Max, trying to cover, “I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t just dreaming.” It seemed that Liz bought it, because she walked over and gave him a hug and kiss.

“I know how you feel, Max. It took us forever to finally get together!”  

Liz said with a sigh. “Well, I have to go, I have to help out in the Bio. Lab for a few hours. I will catch up with you guys later at the Crashdown, ok?”

“Sounds good to me. See you later, Liz” Max ran his hand through her hair and then walked her to the door.

Max woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm clock. Michael was already dressed and ready for school.

“So, you going to ask her today, scardey cat?” joked Michael.

“Yes, I am going to ask her today, Michael!” remarked Max as he headed to the bathroom for a shower.

After eating breakfast with the Evans’, Max, Michael and Isabel hopped into the jeep and headed off to school.

“Max, where in the world were you last night?” said Isabel in an annoying tone. “I needed to go to the mall for a dress for the dance, but I had no car.”

“Sorry” mumbled Max.  

“Whatever,” said Isabel “but I get the car tonight, GOT IT?!!”

“Fine with me.”

Max glanced in the rearview mirror to see Michael making cat motions at Isabel behind her back. He just got a grin on his face.

The threesome were soon in the parking lot of Roswell high, and Max was on his way to Liz’s locker to have her meet him in the Eraser Room after school. As he went around the corner toward where Liz’s locker was, he was caught by surprise seeing Kyle talking to Liz. Max decided to keep walking, because he didn’t like Kyle. He didn’t trust him, especially with Liz. Plus, he was also the slightest bit jealous. Kyle’s back was to Max, but Liz saw him approaching. She looked at him briefly with a pleading in her eyes. Max overheard Kyle asking Liz to the dance, ‘as friends’ he said.

“She’s already going to the dance,” interrupted Max “with me.”

Kyle turned around to see Max Evans standing right behind him. Kyle wondered how long Max had been standing there. “God, I hate this guy!” said Kyle to himself. He pushed by Max and headed to his own locker. Kyle was furious. “How dare he! How dare he steal Liz from me. I will make him pay. Somehow.” Kyle began punching his locker, but was stopped by someone grabbing his arm from behind.

Meanwhile, back at Liz’s locker, Liz was gazing deeply into Max’s eyes.  “Max, you really didn’t have to do that. I can handle Kyle myself. You didn’t have to say we were going to the dance together, I mean…” Liz didn’t have a chance to finish her sentence.

“Liz, I want to go with you. To the dance.” Said Max uneasily. “I just didn’t know how to ask you. I was planning on asking you after school, but Kyle didn’t give me the chance to follow through with my plan.”  

“Max, that is sweet. I was wondering when you were going to ask.” Liz smiled sweetly and just looked at Max.

He was perfect, perfect hair, perfect smile, perfect eyes! She just loved looking at him. And that gaze, when they looked directly into each other’s eyes, she was mesmerized! It was like he had some kind of spell over her. And from the time that he ‘connected’ with her, she knew she had the same hold on him. It was perfect. All except for one thing, the fact that Max was a ‘Chechezlovakian’ as she and Maria called them. But that didn’t matter now, she was going to the dance with him. She couldn’t think of anything more perfect in the world.

Max was looking deep into Liz’s soul. He thought she was so beautiful. She was perfect, his angel, and he was finally able to be with her. He had waited so long for this! She knew the truth about him, and it didn’t matter. She looked at him with adoration in her eyes. The only fear that he could see was the fear of him leaving her. Nothing else. It was wonderful to have her finally an active part of his life.

Liz and Max’s thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing. “We’d better get to homeroom.” Liz spoke up first “Yeah, I guess we better!” said Max with a grin on his face. They walked down the hall to homeroom together…

Part 5

Kyle was taken off guard as his father grabbed his hand. Kyle was trying to beat the locker he was hitting to a pulp, but instead was injuring himself.

“Kyle, calm down, boy!” said the perplexed Sheriff to his obviously upset son. “What’s got you all riled up?”

“Wh-what are you doing here, Dad?” Kyle was wondering what the hell his father was doing at his school. Today was the day Sheriff Valenti was supposed to be driving out to Phoenix on ‘police business’ for a few days, or so he had told Kyle. So why was he here?

“I forgot to give you this, for emergencies,” Valenti handed Kyle his Visa card, “but it looks as though I might need to take you into the station.” He tried joking to attempt to lighten his son’s mood. “Anything you need to talk about? I have a few minutes before I need to get on the road.”

Kyle gritted his teeth, trying to calm his anger down. “No, Dad, I’ll be fine,” Kyle lied, “besides, I have to get to homeroom. I’m going to be late.”

Sheriff Valenti knew his son well enough to see right through the lie.  “C’mon, Kyle, I know you need to talk.” The sheriff led Kyle toward the guidance counselor’s office.

* * *

After Max ran off to ask Liz to the dance, Michael went to find Maria.  She was standing at her locker, getting her things together for the morning. To Michael, she was perfect. She was the most beautiful creature that he had ever seen. And she was HIS date to the Homecoming Dance. He couldn’t wait! As he got closer to her, he felt the need to just grab her and kiss her, but he dare not do it in front of the whole school-it would ruin his reputation! So, he formulated a plan in his mind. He walked up behind Maria and went to whisper into her ear, but she was startled and jumped away from him as she screamed.

“Michael! I’m going to kill you! NEVER do that again!” Maria reprimanded him, but secretly she loved feeling him so close to her.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Maria, c’mon.” Michael grabbed her arm and began dragging her down the hall.

“MICHAEL! Let go of me!” Maria jerked her arm away. “What are you doing?!” he was REALLY getting on her nerves.

“Maria, we, uh, we have to go spy on Topolski!” Good one, Michael, he congratulated himself at the good excuse he thought up to get alone with Maria. “Yeah, um, Max and Isabel think she’s up to something.”  

“So, you go spy.” Maria snapped. “Why should I go with you?” she gave him a challenging look.

Michael looked her square in the eyes and gave her his best pleading look. Maria just shook her head and rolled her eyes. ‘He knows just how to get to me,’ she thought. She marched off toward the eraser room, Michael on her heels.

They went inside, and Michael locked the door behind them without Maria noticing. As they settled by the grate overlooking the counselor’s office, to Michael’s dismay, something was going on.

“Great,” mumbled Michael to himself with annoyance.

“What?!” Maria asked. She HATED it when he mumbled.

“I said ‘great’, looks…like Max and Is knew what they were talking about.”  Michael was not amused. He had led Maria here to make out, and that damned Topolski woman just HAD to go and ruin it by being up to something. He wanted to strangle the wench.

* * *

The sheriff knocked on the counselor’s door, then opened it and went inside, Kyle in tow. The school guidance counselor, Kathleen Topolski, was putting her laptop into her briefcase, as if she was preparing to leave.

“Miss Topolski,” the Sheriff tipped his had “would you mind giving Kyle and I a few minutes to talk alone?”

Topolski looked at the grimace on Kyle’s face and knew that something was up. “Sure, Sheriff,” she said “ I was just about to leave anyway. I’ll lock the door, just make sure you turn the lights off and pull it closed behind you.”

Valenti & Topolski exchanged a brief glance meant to stay between themselves. Although Kyle didn’t notice it, the spying Maria did and took a mental note. ‘Something is going on between those two’ she thought, just as Michael whispered it to her.

“Quit that,” Maria whispered to Michael.

“Quit what? What did I do?” he gave her a questioning look.

“Quit reading my mind!” God, he was the most annoying person on the face of this earth!

“Whatever, Maria. Now HUSH, we’re here to SPY, remember?”

At that, Maria was about ready to walk out. This man was encouragable! No wonder he didn’t have many friends. No one could stand to be around him for more than five minutes at a time. She would have gotten up to leave, but she knew that this was important for not only Michael, Isabel and Max, but for herself and Liz also.

“Thank-you, Miss Topolski” said the Sheriff in a tone of voice one would use on a child, “and you have yourself a nice, long, relaxing weekend.” She knew that Valenti was just trying to get to her, and she gave him a sarcastic smile as she exited the office. She wasn’t very amused by the ‘arrangement’ he had come up with for not reporting her to her superiors, but it was worth it to not get thrown off the case and chastised by her boss. She would do just about anything to avoid that kind of humiliation. JUST ABOUT anything, she thought to herself as she walked down the halls of Roswell High school. If he even goes there, she mused, he’ll wish he never met me. With that, she got a very evil grin on her face and sped off to the rendevous point just west of town.

* * *

“So, Kyle, what is bothering you, son?” Valenti turned his focus back to his troubled son.

Kyle sighed. He was not only angry, he was hurting too. He really loved Liz, and they had a good relationship, until Max Evans entered the picture. And that is where the hurt faded and the anger ignited. He wasn’t quite sure what to say to his concerned father. No, his father had enough of his own problems, let alone his son’s. Kyle decided to just try and blow it off and deal with it himself. Before he had a chance to come up with a good lie, his father spoke again.

“And don’t try to give me one of your stories about getting beat at a game of 2 on 2 this morning” said Valenti, seemingly reading his thoughts, “ I know it’s more than that. Kyle, you can talk to me, I’m your father, remember?”

“Dad, you have your own problems to worry about” blurted out Kyle, “let alone mine.”

“Kyle, I’m your Dad; it’s part of my job as a father to worry about you, and your problems. Whether you want me to or not, I do it by nature. So, what happened?”

“Well, Dad, to tell you the truth, it’s that Max Evans kid. I swear, there’s something off about him. I hate how he’s always hovering over Liz. “I mean, she’s not my girlfriend anymore, but I still care for her! I don’t want her to get hurt, and I don’t trust Evans.”

The sheriff sat across from his son listening intently and taking mental notes. His son might unknowingly give him some important information about Max Evans and his cohorts.

“Ant the thing that really made me lose it,” Kyle continued “was this morning. I was asking Liz to the dance as friends, and Evans walks up behind me and says ‘She’s already going to the dance…with me.’ He is just always around her. It just makes me so mad! I want to get back at him in any way I can.” There was a flicker of malice in Kyle’s voice.

Maria and Michael looked at each other with worried expressions. It seemed that Max had really ‘stirred up the hornet’s nest’ so to speak. After locking eyes briefly, the couple returned their attentions to what was going on in the office below them.

Sheriff Valenti sensed the rage within his son and became instantly concerned. He knew that he had to do something to quell the anger within Kyle. He knew how bad things would get if the anger got out of hand…he knew from experience.

The sheriff walked over to his son, and looked him right in the eyes. “Kyle,” he said, “you have to calm down. You need to try to tunnel your anger elsewhere. Go to the gym and hit the punching bag. Don’t mess with the Evans’. Or Guerin, or Liz and Maria for that matter.” Before Kyle could interrupt, Valenti continued. “Son, I don’t know what is going on with those five kids, YET, but I don’t trust them, and I don’t want you messing with them.  They could be dangerous. Understand?” Kyle knew by his father’s expression that ‘no’ was not an option. Kyle sighed. “Alright dad, but I want to protect Liz from them…” Kyle was cut off by the sheriff’s sharp retort.

“No, Kyle. Whatever is going on, Liz is an integral part of it. I know she is perfect to you, but she is just as dangerous as Evans himself. You need to stay away from them all. Including her.” Sheriff Valenti was like a proverbial ‘mother protecting her cubs’ where Kyle was concerned. His son was the only family that Valenti had left, and he wasn’t going to sit back and let Kyle enter into the line of fire blindly. And by trying to ‘protect’ Liz, in the sheriff’s mind, was what Kyle was doing.

“Dad, come on-Liz is not dangerous.” Kyle wanted to believe what he had just said, but his father was beginning to make him doubt her. Maybe she was a part of it, but not under her own accord! No, the Liz Parker that Kyle knew wouldn’t hurt a fly. But she was different now…ever since she started hanging out with Max, Isabel and Michael. Maybe his father was right; maybe she was dangerous.

Sheriff Valenti could see the hurt in Kyle’s eyes as he began doubting Liz. He was sorry to have provoked the pain that he saw in his son, but there was no other way. He needed Kyle to stay away from those kids. ‘The sooner he gets over her and moves on, the better’ thought Valenti. He didn’t know what that fivesome was up to, but it was no good, he was sure of that.

“Alright, Dad,” Kyle conceded. “I’ll stay away from them.”

Valenti smiled. “Thank-you son. Now, here’s a pass, you’d better get to class.”

Kyle got up and walked toward the door. “Have a good trip dad, take care.” They shook hands but his dad pulled Kyle into an embrace.

“I love you son.”

“I love you too dad. See you Monday.” Kyle pulled away from his father and left the office to head to homeroom, only to hear the bell ring.

“Great,” said Kyle to himself, “Let the games begin.” He walked down the hall with a mischevious grin on his face.

Title: The Dance

Author: Courtney Lynn Leiphart

Rating: PG-13 to perhaps a bit of smutty NC-17 for my special readers out there lol But this part will be like a ‘sub part’ that will only be distributed to appropriate lists.

Disclaimer: So far none of the characters belong to me. They are property of Warner Brothers and the author of the Roswell High book series.  

Main Characters: All of them, actually!

Synopsis: The events surrounding the annual Roswell High Homecoming events.

Distribution: Please ask first

* * * * *

“The Dance” part 6

Maria and Michael sat by the grate overlooking the guidance counselor’s office dumbfounded. They couldn’t believe all of the information they had gathered in the last half hour. ‘Who knew this would turn out to be important’ Michael thought to himself. He was still mad about not getting to make out with Maria, but what they had heard could be critical to his survival. His, and Max’s and Isabel’s. They had to tell everyone.

When the bell rang signifying the end of homeroom, Maria looked at Michael and whispered “Shit! We missed ALL of homeroom!! We gotta go!”

“Ssshhh!” Michael hissed, “Valenti’s still in there. He’s making a phone call. We have to stay and listen!”

Maria conceded and ducked back down by the vent with Michael. They heard the sheriff say “Kathleen, I’m on my way. Don’t go anywhere.” With that, Valenti high tailed it out of the office. Michael and Maria looked at each other in shock.

“My God” whispered Maria more to herself than anything.

“They are working together.” Michael finished her sentence for her.

“Michael, this is REALLY bad. We have to let everyone know. PRONTO.” Maria sounded worried. “If they find out, I couldn’t stand if-if…” Maria broke off. What was she thinking? What had come over her?! Yeah, she was going to the dance with Michael, but so what? They weren’t a couple. She didn’t even feel anything for him…or did she?

“Maria-get a grip.” As soon as he said it, Michael knew he souldn’t have.  He knew that he had made a huge mistake when he saw the look of adoration in Maria’s eyes turn to annoyance. Before she had a chance to comment, Michael spoke again. “Didn’t you hear Kyle say ‘see you Monday’?we have time, Maria. We have time to formulate a plan.”

Maria sighed. “I guess you’re right…” Maria’s voice trailed off. She didn’t seem convinced. Before Michael knew what he was doing, he cupped the side of Maria’s face with his hand and locked eyes with her. Then, slowly, he leaned in and kissed her sweetly.

* * * * *

After the bell rang to end homeroom, Max, Liz and Isabel gathered in the hallway.

“Max,” said Liz, “did Michael ride with you today?”

“Yeah.” Said Max, “I don’t know where he is. Did Maria make it today?” quired Max.

“Yeah, she picked me up this mor…” Liz didn’t even finish her sentence. She looked from Max to Isabel and they all said at once: “ERASER ROOM!” They wasted no time in heading up the nearest stairway to the second floor. Isabel waved her hand over the lock and was about to barge in when Liz stopped her.

“Um, Isabel?” Liz mused, “shouldn’t we knock first? I mean, if they’re doing something, I sure don’t want to witness it.”

“Good point.” Exclaimed Isabel as she knocked on the door. “Maria, Michael, we know you are in there and we are coming in. So, if you are doing anything, STOP!” with that said, the trio entered.

Michael and Maria quickly pulled away from each other and stood at different sides of the room attempting to portray innocence.

“So THIS is where you guys have been.” Max said in his nonchalant way.

Maria looked at Max. “Yeah-you told Michael to bring me here to spy on Topol--" Maria stopped mid sentence and glared at Michael.

Max got his characteristic half smile on his face as he looked at Michael and said “Oh, I did, did I?”

Michael looked from Max to Maria and when he saw the fiestyness in her eyes, he knew that he was in for it. But that wasn’t important right now.  What they had inadvertently witnessed was.

“Maria-I’ll explain later.”

“No, Michael, you won’t” said the outraged Maria. “Because I’m never talking to you again.” Maria turned on her heel and stormed out. Michael looked at the group one by one. His gaze rested on Max.

“Thanks for covering for me man.”

“Michael!” Isabel interrupted, “don’t blame Max. This is all your fault. She had it figured out, she’s not stupid. I swear, you guys are all the same!

You come in here to ‘eavesdrop’ and oops! There is no one to eavesdrop on, so you make out instead. Really! Do you think that we are complete idiots or what?” Isabel rolled her eyes and turned toward Liz “C’mon, let’s go find Maria.” Liz was floored at Isabel’s sudden interest in Maria, but she was glad. Liz gave Michael the ‘hairy eyeball’ and walked out with Is. Michael was obviously perturbed and Max’s next statement didn’t help his mood much.

“So, Michael, how was your eavesdropping?!” persued Maz with a subtle sarcasm in his voice.

“Shut up, Max.” Michael was just pissed now. He pushed past Max and sped down the hall toward Isabel and Liz. As he walked past Isabel, he said: “And for YOUR information, there WAS someone to eavesdrop on.” He was gone before either of the girls had a chance to interrogate him. Max came up behind the bewildered girls.

“What?” he asked.

“We HAVE to find Maria!” They spoke in unison and started running towards the girl’s bathroom. Where else would a heartbroken teenage girl be? As they raced away, lthey left and utterly confused Max in their wake. He decided to just head to class. He would figure out just what was going on eventually.

Part 7

Michale Guerin walked the streets of Roswell all morning, wondering how he could be so stupid. What did he do to deserve this?! He didn’t need this kind of shit. He would just stop caring again. That was it. He would just build up the wall again. Against her. Against the whole world. This time, he wasn’t going to let anyone in. Then he saw her, wandering the streets just as he was. Her golden hair, her pouty lips-that perfect body…and he knew. He knew he could never build up a wall against her. He loved her-needed her.  

“STOP IT GUERIN” he scolded himself out lout…a little too loud, though, because she turned and began staring at him. Maria stopped in her tracks as soon as she heard Michael’s voice.

She wanted to hate him, push him away. That would be best, easiest. She tried to convince herself that she didn’t care, but the minuite she heard his voice and looked at that longing in his eyes, her heart melted and her resolve with it.  ‘NO!’ she thought ‘NO MARIA! Don’t give in!!’

It was then that she noticed him walking toward her. He was so perfectly imperfect…his spikey hair, his sloppy appearance-it all drew her to him. But what she loved, no, LIKED, she corrected herself, what she LIKED most about him were his beautiful eyes. ‘Eyes are the windows to the soul’ Maria once heard a preacher say that. She hadn’t believed it until she met Michael Guerin in the 3rd grade. She could really ‘see’ him. From day one, she could see into his soul, and what she was seeing this time almost madder her forgive him completely without an ounce of apology…almost.

* * * * *

Liz and Isabel split up and searched every bathroom in the school to no avail. They met at their designated area and looked at each other and shrugged. It was then that they realized that they had missed most  [BUZZZZZZ], make that ALL of first period.

“Oh, great!” exclaimed Liz “we just totally skipped first period! What are we gonna do?” Liz Parker didn’t go around just skipping class like that!

Isabel sighed and handed Liz a piece of paper-it was a pass. “Here.” She said and turned to go “see you at the Crashdown after school.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Whenever anything was going on, they always met at the Crashdown to make their plans, and this time would be no different.

“Thank you, and see ya!” said Liz as she hurried off to apologize to her first period teacher.

“Mrs. Baker-here is my pass-I’m sorry that I missed class!” Liz wasn’t sure what story Is had come up with so she quickly glanced at her pass. “We were working on the decorations for the Homecoming Dance on Saturday night and didn’t realize what time it was.”

“It’s ok this time, Ms. Parker,” the old woman peered over the rims of her half glasses, “just don’t let it happen again! Now hurry up so you are not late to your next class.” The woman smiled at her in a good natured way. She seemed a bit gruff, but she just liked her kids and looked out for them all. Liz nodded at her teacher and hurried out the door where Max was waiting to walk her to Geometry.

“Did you find Maria? What is going on?” Max was more eager than usual.

“No, Max, we didn’t find her,” Liz replied, “but we will find out what is going on. Don’t worry,” she quickly added and flashed Max a comforting look.

They walked the rest of the way to class engrossed in their own thoughts. Max unconsciously took Liz’s hand while they were walking down the hall. She glanced up at him and smiled, he smiled back after realizing what he had done.

* * * * *

When Michael reached Maria, he was a bit shocked at himself. He hadn’t meant to cross the street to talk to her! It was her fault, damn woman! She just drew him to her. He didn’t know how, but that’s exactly what she was doing. Drawing him in. But the more he tried to convince himself it was Maria’s fault, the more aware he was that he was lying to himself and cheating her.

‘Great!’ Maria thought, ‘here he comes. He’s going to find some way to blame this all of me! Well, NOT THIS TIME!’ Nope, she was going to stand up for herself this time. Michael Guerin was not going to win, Maria De Luca was going to come out the champion!

“So.” Said Michael when he reached Maria. ‘Good goin, Guerin. That was real swift,’ he chided himself.

“So what? What do you want, Michael?” Maria’s tone was harsh.

“Can we go in there,” he pointed to the Crashdown, “to talk?” His tone and his eyes pleaded with Maria to say yes.

Maria rolled her eyes and silently scolded herself for letting him get to her. ‘It must be a spell he has on me’ she mumbled under her breath. And she knew that it WAS a spell, but not one Michael the Czechoslovakian had over her. It was a spell that Michael the MAN had over her.

“Alright,” she said trying not to sound like she was giving in. They walked over to the diner and before Maria had a chance to find her keys, Michael had unlocked the door and held it open for her.

“After you,” he said motioning toward the doorway. Maria went in and Michael locked the door behind them. Michael walked over to Maria and put his arms around her from behind. She turned around and met his gaze. She could see he was sorry from those ‘windows’, but this time she needed to hear it. She needed to hear his voice telling her what she was seeing in his eyes. Michael so wanted to say something to heal Maria’s hurt. But he didn’t know how to put into words what he wanted to relay to her; he only knew how to show her. So, he leaned in close to kiss her. When he did, he felt her pull away. Michael looked deep into Maria’s eyes questioningly.

“No, Michael, please,” her tone was tender and sweet, “I need to hear you say it. Please?”

“What?” he became suddenly defensive. “What do you want me to say, Maria?”

“I want you to tell me in words what you told me with your eyes. Please, Michael, Please?”

“Maria,” his tone softened and he looked down at the floor, “I d-don’t know,” he paused, “I don’t know how.”

Maria took her hand and lifted Michael’s chin up so that her eyes met his. “Try; just look at me and try. You can do it Michael. Just let yourself-let yourself speak your mind.”

“Ok, I’ll try.” Michael stared into Maria’s eyes for what seemed an eternity. He then looked away. “I c-can’t. Maria, I just can’t.” Maria walked closer to him and picked up his hands.

“Yes, you can.” She said firmly. “If you can’t do it for you, do it for me.”

Michael met her gaze again. “God, you are beautiful,” he heard himself say. “I-I-Damnit Maria! You do something to me-you-you have this spell over me. You drive me crazy! Before you, my life was so easy, and lonely. And now-now I can’t imagine it without you. You make my life here in Roswell…bearable. I want you in my life.” ‘There,’ he thought, ‘I spoke my mind.’ Michael looked at Maria for any kind of response.

Maria put her hand on Michael’s cheek. Her mind was trying to digest what he had just said. He had admitted that cared for herloved her even. Not word for word, but it was the closest that Michael could come to saying it, and Maria recognized that. She knew that he may never come right out and say those three words, but what he had said to her just now went way beyond that.

“What? Isn’t that good enough for you? Not what you wanted to hear?”  Michael began to pull away, but Maria stopped him. He saw tears beginning to form in her eyes.

“Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but it’ll do.” She smiled and leaned up to kiss him. When their lips met, sparks flew everywhere…literally. Maria pulled away in shock. “Wh-what was that, Michael?” Michael had a mischevious grin on his face.

“You,” he replied and laughed slightly, “You make me lose control of my powers, Miss De Luca! What do you have to say for yourself?!” He looked at Maria intently to catch her first reaction to his comment.

Maria grinned and got as close to Michael as she could. “Well, Mr. Guerin,” she began whispering into his ear, “you’re going to have to practice controlling your powers when you are around me!” Maria started kissing Michaels neck. They made their way to the nearest table, and Michael pinned Maria down and started kissing her passionately.

* * * * *

The bell signifying the end of 4th period and a ½ day at West Roswell High rang and the halls became flooded with excited teenagers. Liz Parker hurried toward the Evans’ jeep where Isabel was already waiting impatiently in the driver’s seat.

“Any sign of Maria?” she inquired casually as she filed her nails. Liz smiled to herself at Is’ comment. Liz knew that Isabel tried to keep walls of safety up, but she could tell that Is was concerned about Maria.

“No,” said Liz as she climbed into the back seat of the Jeep, “she wasn’t in History.”

“Oh,” said Isabel, putting her file away & turning to face Liz. “We NEED to find out what she and Michael was this am.”

“I know,” said Liz, “maybe they’re waiting for us at the crashdown.”

“Yeah, I hope so. By the way, where’s Max? Don’t you two have History together 4th period?”

“Yeah,” said Liz, “but he had to go fill some forms out for Wrestling or something, and Mr. Sanders excused him early. He told me to just meet him out here.” Just then Max arrived at the car.

“Hey,” said Max as he climbed into the backseat with Liz.

“Hey,” said the girls in unison as Isabel sped off toward the Café…

* * * * *

To Be Continued