*In Your Eyes*

"In Your Eyes"

part 1/2

by Court


Pairing: M&M

Rating: R

Summary: Okay, we've all seen the preview for Heatwave. Is anyone feeling a fever like me? I had to write something about it before it aired. So this is my own take on that hot scene at the Crashdown. It's through Michael's eyes.

Disclaimer: Not mine unfortunately. I only own the story.

Thanks to Mel and Courtney!!!


"Love, I get so lost sometimes

days pass and this emptiness fills my heart

when I want to run away

I drive off in my car

but whichever way I go

I come back to the place you are

All my instincts, they return

and the grand facade, so soon will burn

without a noise, without my pride

I reach out from the inside

In your eyes

the light the heat

in your eyes

I am complete

in your eyes"

-Peter Gabriel, "In Your Eyes"


I feel something weird in my stomach. My heart races as I touch the cool exterior of the metal handle to the Crashdown Cafe. I've never felt like this... I've never done anything like this.

There was one girl a few years back. Oddly, she hadn't seen me the way everyone else does. Not an alien of course, just alienated... The first kiss in a dark closet at school, was sweet and new, but nothing more. I hadn't been sure of what I was looking to feel. The next day she had forgotten I existed. So, I, in turn forgot her. Better to cover up the hurt than have a hollow feeling down deep in the pit of my stomach.

But, here I was feeling something I know I shouldn't... Doing something which I'd forbade myself from doing.

The door opened easily. She hadn't locked up yet. Was that a sign? Watching her for the past two hours smile brightly at the customers and Liz in that oddly sexy costume made it tough for me to turn away like usual. Before I knew it an hour had passed with me just staring from the outside. I could try to kid myself and say that didn't mean anything, but maybe I'm just tired of not feeling.

Suddenly, I hear movement in the back and I fumble around the cafe. Should I pretend I want something other than what I came here for?... What did I come here for?

Then, she appears and we both draw in a sharp breath.

Maria's a goddess. Her hair is spun gold, I swear. And her mouth... If she could be put on mute, my life would be a whole lot easier. I wouldn't have to listen to her blab about feelings and what she thinks of me. I wouldn't have to build up the walls between us. She'd be like the girl in the dark closet.

There's a beautiful woman in front of me. Her hair has been fluffed to compensate for wearing the stupid alien antennae's with her uniform. And her uniform had been exchanged for a sexy matching silky skirt and slinky curve hugging top. I can't help myself. I have to look,...and then look again.

I wish she didn't look so damn delectable.

I realize her eyes are on me too. Sliding up and down my body making my skin grow hot. I'm already hot enough.

Our eyes meet. "We're closed," she challenges. I've always loved and hated that about her. She's a stubborn princess.

"Do I look like I care?" She knows I don't. It's like a game we play, and the end is always the same. But lately I've wanted more.

She purses her red hot lips and sizes me up. "You look like hell," she snaps. She's right. What does she want? I stood outside for an hour, transfixed on her...damn her.

I open my mouth to sling back a razor sharp retort, but instead I end the game. "Do you want me to go?" I ask evenly, not showing her I care either way. I don't.

Not really.

I'm giving her a chance. Save yourself Maria. You don't want to live in my fucked up world. I don't want to hurt you. You need protecting I can't provide.

Protection from me. Run for your life.

She must not have thought of these things because before I know it she's closer than before. Now there's no turning back. No way out for her.

My passion is unstoppable. I've repressed these feelings for so long, they're much too strong now for me to control. Her hand touches my chest and any semblance of control I had is lost.

My hands snake around her petite waist and I pull her tight against me. She gasps and I take the opportunity to lean down and kiss her. I can't breathe now. She's all around me...her scent...her essence.

Sweet Maria why didn't you save yourself?

Our lips mesh together hungrily, licking and sucking at each other. I need to taste more. My tongue slides into her mouth with a small moan escaping the both of us. My blood is on fire.

My hands keep moving. This time down her sides and up under her shirt. Her skin is baby soft, and warm. Her breasts press against me and eagerly fill my palms when I touch them. Her head rolls back and I see a beautiful expanse of skin. I need to touch and taste her everywhere.

I trail my lips down the side of her neck and latch onto her collarbone, sucking firmly. That keeps me happy for a while, but when I look back at her, I realize there's so much of her I want to touch, and so little time.

Her pulse is beating fast, and I move my mouth up to it, applying pressure with my tongue and lips.

"Shouldn't we like talk or something," she half says, half moans. Only Maria would want to talk at a time like this. She answers her own question when she moves her face back toward mine, this time attacking my own sensitive neck. It feels incredible. Better than a dream. Maybe it is a dream. Both end too soon. We know this can't last too long.

Her hands are up in my hair, combing through my wild tresses, and her lips move toward my ear. Oh God, Maria. Warm and damp sensations run through my ear as she swirls her tongue around my lobe. I can't stand this woman. But I can't get enough of her either.

I remember my hands inside her shirt. Her bra is getting in my way. I reach for the clasp and in the process, brush her sensitive nipples straining through the fabric. Suddenly, kissing is not enough for both of us.

Something hard hits my back and I realize her fingernails are digging into my back, and we're also pressed up against a counter. She's trying to pull up the bottom of my shirt as I kiss her. Surprising her with a low growl, I grab her ass firmly, effortlessly holding her up in the air against me. We spin around and I hoist her up onto the counter, positioning myself between her hot thighs.

Staws, napkins, and plates crash to the ground but all I can hear is Maria.


*** Our lips continue to drink of each other. She has an amazing mouth. I have to pull back and look at it. Her full lips are incredibly swollen and I bet that most of her lipstick has rubbed off on me.

Oh god, why does she have to be so beautiful?

I can't pull my gaze away from her face. I have to touch the soft skin. It feels wrong. She shouldn't be with someone like me. But neither of us are pulling away.

The back of my palm caresses her cheek and she gives me a strange look through her heavy lidded eyes. I think I surprised her. Hell, I surprised myself. I'm getting lost in Maria.

My fingers trace her jawline and finally her luminous lips. She darts her tongue out to wrap around my finger. Oh god... She'll swallow one of my rings if she keeps that up. More than that will happen if she keeps that up.

Pulling away, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer. Her bare thighs scrape against my jean pants. I'm sorry I can't feel her nakedness against mine.

Maria must sense this because as I move my hands up to cup her face, she catches one and interlocks our fingers. I can feel her watching my reaction as she glides our hands over her body. Finally, my hand meets her warm thigh and I caress her gently.

Swish swish. The material of her skirt swishes up and down her legs as I move my hands over her. Ankle...knee...thigh...

Swish swish. "Michael," she lets my name out in a ragged breath.

I can't remember a time I felt this good.

Suddenly, she claws at my shirt again and I remove my hand from her thigh to hastily pull it over my head. It lands next to the fallen straws and broken plates.

I can feel her eyes on me and start to shake slightly. Why am I so nervous? I catch her eyes and she smiles at me before leaning down to kiss my chest. Oh shit, Maria. My hands slide up into her silky hair and urge her on.

Her tongue strokes up and down my chest but all I can see is a curtain of blonde brushing against me. When her lips latch onto my nipple I know I'm done for. I've wanted this for so long, but never knew it until this moment. My groin tightens with each sweet lash of her tongue against me. I can't hold myself back anymore.

My hands are at her waist again pushing up her shirt, brushing her navel and rib cage along the way. Before either of us know it, her shirt joins mine on the floor.

I never would have guessed that Maria DeLuca could do other things with her mouth besides whine and blather about nothing. I think this is the only time I'm glad that I was wrong when it comes to her.

Her tongue darts in and out of my navel, and I'm quickly losing my mind. I need control, but right now...I don't want it.

I push her back gently and bring her face up to mine again. She has that look on her face... Like she's questioning me. I know she's going to pull away if I don't do something now. I don't want this to end.

I lean in to kiss her again, quieting any words that were going to escape her. I can't deal with that now. She soon agrees, and our tongues brush against each other inside her mouth.

Sweet Maria.

I can't get close enough. Her warm legs encase me as they wrap around my back, sliding up and down my bare skin. She arches her head back and I take the opportunity to kiss down her tight body.

Skin against skin is amazing. I know mine must be kind of rough against her softness, but she doesn't seem to mind.

I reach her lacy purple bra and kiss around the cleavage it offers. Her thighs lock around me even tighter. I take that as my cue and unfasten her bra in the front. The sides give away and reveal her perfectness.

What is she doing with me?

"Maria," I choke out. It's all I can say. I don't have words for what I'm feeling. I don't know them. I never wanted to learn.

She leans forward and kisses me passionately. A smile quirks at her lips.

"If you pour Tabasco sauce on me now, you'll be one dead alien."

She smiles at me shyly. I still can't believe I'm here, and grinning now. This wasn't supposed to happen to Michael Guerin. Maybe some other Michael Guerin, but not the one that has always been dealt the shitty hand in life.

We sober quickly from the laughter, but not the desire. I lean down and after a few tentative kisses around her breasts, I wrap my lips around one of her firm rosy nipples. All jokes are forgotten.

"Oh god..."

She's so damn sweet. What she doesn't know is that I don't even need Tabasco sauce for this.

Her thighs around my waist begin to burn my skin. I move a hand down to her skirt and slowly slide it up her smooth legs again. "Yes," she whispers.

I increase suction on her breast and let my tongue slide back and forth over the stiff peak. She presses her chest against me. I can't breathe. And I know she can't either.

I bunch her skirt around her waist, revealing her panties. I glance down... Purple. I should have known. My hands slide around her backside and I pinch one of her cheeks lightly. She moans and I move my hands to the front of her panties. After a long moment where I give her time to stop me, when she doesn't, I slip my hand inside and find her most sensitive spot.

Now, we're both trembling.

I slowly build up the pressure until she's tilting her ass upward on the counter so she can feel my stimulation more. She's so warm and I am too.

Then, her nails and heels dig into my shoulder and back, and I know she's let go.

So have I. Thank you Maria.

She shakes for a few moment and I remove my hand, smoothing down her skirt. Her eyes are glazed over and she can't see me pulling my shirt back over my head. I turn back to her and kiss her gently, scooping her up into my arms. I carry her to a booth and lie her down there. Looking around, I glimpse an unused tablecloth nearby and carefully spread it over her.

I want to say something but her eyes are drifting closed. Her throat is still making sounds, though... Satisfied sounds. I can't help but smile at that.

I have to go now, though half of me wants to stay. But, I know my leaving is for the best. She'll probably wake up and have no recollection anyway.

I give her one last glance and head for the door. The cool metal handle sends chills through my body.

I know it's better this way. But, I can't figure out why that hollow feeling  from before, is now stronger than ever.


The End

I'd love feedback ;o) I know this begs of sequel... we'll see