
Coexisting 1/?

Disclaimer: I do not own this characters they belong to the WB and others who own it.

Summary: would NEVER guess. It's is going to be a surprise.

Rating: PG-13

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Part 1

"You know I never thought about jumping into another one like me, I mean why would I, I always thought I was the only one left. But now!" he yelled excited. "There's three of you! I actually have a choice. Of course if I where to want one of the others the choice is gone now. You three and your little humans have managed to find a way to kill me"

"With pleasure." Michael growled out. Of course he was hardly in the position to be having an attitude. This one was more powerful. Most likely because it came more easily yo him because of his anger. He wasn't that much older from what the man had said. He was probably in his late 20's. But Michael couldn't seem to even be able to free himself from something as simple as some rope.

"But in the end I chose you. You would be the least missed." he stated. It was true. The other boy and the girl had more friends a family, this one had them and the other two humans. To him there was no comparison.

The comment struck Michael deep at his heart. He knew it was true And he did seem like the most logical choice he had to admit. "Don't you think they'll know something is wrong when my body disappears?"

He laughed. "Yea they will. They'll think you killed me and ran. For what reason youd run I don't know, there are a dozen, let them choose one. Look I've had enough of this. The poison you so lovingly put in my drink is kicking in." the man stood up and walked towards Michael. "I think it's time to switch."

Michael tried to resist with every power in his body, but after a while he wore down and he felt his spirit being moved. It flowed through him into that other body. Then everything went black.


"Dammit." Maria cursed. Michael had her promise her not to tell anyone. And the only reason she knew was because she saw him take the poison and she had confronted him. But she had not promised him she wouldn't follow. So after sitting outside for what seemed like forever she had decided to go in. She saw the bottle of poison laying on the floor of the empty room and she bent down. A hand snaked out around her arms.

"Maria." he gasped.

Maria jumped back. It was that man. That evil evil man.

"No Maria!" he yelled out, although he sounded week. "It me, Michael."

Maria shook her head quickly. "No, your not Michael"

"Maria....he took...my body."

Maria couldn't believe it. And she wasn't sure what it was she couldn't believe. "No, no, no." she said and shook her head with each word.

Michael knew he couldn't hold on for much longer. She would need convincing. "The kiss."

"What?" Marias head shut up.

"Remember 'That was to calm you down?'" he asked her, trying to make her believe him.

"Yea." she said softly. She couldn't forget it.

"And during that heat wave. The Crashdown." she had to remember that. It was impossible to forget that. He took in a deep breath. "And the rave. What I told you. I lied."

"What?" Maria asked confused.

"I liked more about you then just kissing you." he admitted.

"NONONONONONONO!" she screamed and brought her hands to her ears. She couldn't think. "You," she started, "Michael," she corrected herself, "would never say that! I don't know how you know what happened, but he didn't like me!" she screamed through the tears running down her face.

If he ever got his body back or at least got out of this body into another he would take time to review the reasons why she refused to believe that. But for right now she was pissing him off. "Dammit Maria! For once just shut up and believe me!" Something must have cut through to her because she stop her hysteria and looked pointedly at him and started inching closer.

"Michael?" she asked unsure.

"Yes Maria." Later he would also review why she only recognized him when he was pissed at her. "I need you."

"What?" she asked and kneeled down next to him.

"Your body... I need one....we share." he gasped out."Please Maria."

Marias thoughts swam. From what she understood she would be sharing her body with Michael. But from the urgency of his voice she guessed that he needed one now. Little thought went into the decision. She couldn't let him die.

"All right."

Michael wasted no time. He reached out and touched Maria.

Memories, feelings, swam in front of Marias eyes. All unknown to her. All Michael. Then she passed out.


*Maria get up!* Michael annoyed voice echoed through her head.

Maria groaned and pushed herself up. "Michael?"

*Yea I'm in here.* he grumbled. *Now come on! We have to go get my body!*

"Michael-" Maria started but soon she found her arms and legs moving against her will. "Stop it!" she screamed and pushed him away. "Lets get one thing strait! My body! You are just a guest."

*Well then get up and lets go find my body if you don't want me stuck in here.*

"Alright." she said and pushed herself off the ground. *Bossy the cow*

*I heard that.*

"What?!?!" she screamed. "Now you can hear my thoughts? Oh no mister you can just jump back into that dead body."

*Maria stop being ridiculous. The more time you waste the farther he gets.* he scolded her. Sometimes she seemed like she would rather bitch that actually do something.

"Fine." she grumbled and stared moving. *I hate you.*


*So can you hear all my thoughts then? Because if you do then when we do get your body I'm going to run away from embarassment.* she said. She caught sight of her car and hurried to it.

*No. Only what you want me to hear. You have to speak it in your mind directly to me.*

*Good. I don't want you knowing what I really think about you." she thought snottily.

*It always seemed obvious to me.* he said.

Maria wasn't sure what he meant by that. His tone wasn't has harsh and it almost sounded a little gentle. *Well considering earlier, I'm judging a lot of things aren't obvious.*

Michael didn't respond to that. He didn't know how. But now wasn't the time to get into that discussion. Why on earth he had to get stuck in her mind of all people he would never know. *South.*

*How do you know?* Maria asked.

*He's in my body. He's not going north back through Roswell.* Michael explained.

"Michael, shouldn't we go back and get help from the others?" she found the silence unbearable. Even if it was her own voice speaking out loud it made her feel better.

*No that wastes time. We'll never find him if we do. We'll call them when we need to stop for gas.*

Maria let out a defeated sigh. She started her engine and drove south.


"Max what's going on?" Liz asked as she jumped into the jeep that had just stopped in front of her house.

"Michael is missing." Max said firmly and gripped the steering wheel.

"Oh god. Did he take the-" Liz started but Max nodded. "Oh no."

"Where's Maria?" Isabelle asked as she turned her head.

"I don't know. I called her house. Her mom said she had been gone for at least five hours." Liz told them.

"Something is wrong." Max said lowly.


*Michael I can't drive anymore.*

*You have to, Maria. You stop and he gets further away. Do you want me to lose my body?* he didn't want to lay a guilt trip on her but he wanted his body back.

"Michael if I fall asleep at the wheel I die, meaning you die, and we get no where." she said, her voiced strained.

Michael knew it was the truth. They had been driving for hours. And it was night when they left. *Alright Maria only for a few hours.* he relented. *But here in the car.* he told her firmly.

Maria sighed. *Can I call now?* After about an hour of driving she had discovered she had her cell phone. But Michael refused to let her call until they where farther from Roswell. She noted how he paused. She had noticed a lot. She didn't hear the anger in his voice she felt it. And now she could feel him debating.


Maria grabbed her phone and plugged it into the cigarette lighter.

*Call Max.*

*Alright.* Although she wanted to talk to Liz she knew that Max was the most logical choice. The phone rang only once then it was picked up.

"Hello?" Maxs voice asked quickly.


"Maria where are you?" Max asked her quickly. He grabbed his jacket and his keys.

"I-I" she didn't know where to begin.

*Maria jeez just tell him.*

*You shut up.*

"Maria?" Max asked worried.

"Sorry. Something happened Max. He took Michaels body." Maria said.

"Maria what are you talking about?" Max asked confused.

"He jumped into Michaels body cause he was dying from the poison. And he pushed Michael into his body." Maria said.

"But if his body was dying that would mean Michael is-" Max said as the world came down around him.

"No." Maria said quickly. "He's not dead."

"Then where is he?"

"In me." Maria pushed out.

"What!?!?" Max yelled. Moments later Isabelle came running into his room.

*Never heard that kind of reaction out of him before. But I'm not switching bodies to get it out of him again.*

Maria let out a little laugh.

"What?" Max asked confused.

"Oh um not you. Michael. He uh made a funny." she said.


*Shut up! You're driving me crazy!*

"Now you know how I feel.*

"Maria! Say something!" Max yelled into the phone.

"Oh sorry." she said and grimaced.

"What where you doing?" Max asked.

"Talking to Michael." she said.

"But I didn't hear-"

"No. In my head." she explained.

Max sighed. "Maria where are you?"

"We're going south." she told him. "We're going to get his body back."

"Maria come back here." Max said softly.

*Maria, no.* Michael said.

"I can't." They did have to find Michaels body. And if she turned back now they would never find it.


*Maria I'm going to dreamwalk.*

"How can you do that? This isn't your body." she asked as she jumped into the back.

*How do you think he switched? That wasn't his original body. I can still do it. I'm going to find where he is.* At least he hoped it would work.

*Well don't you need an object to touch or something?* she inquired. This whole thing was confusing.

*Maria, he is in my body. I think it'll work.*

*Okay.* she said and curled up.

Michael paused for a moment. *You cold?* It was a dumb question. He could feel what she felt. And right now she was cold, tired, and scared.

*Yea.* she admitted.

*I'm sorry.*

Maria sighed. *Go ahead Michael.*

It wasn't the response he was hoping for but her tone held no contempt.


Michael found himself back in Maria. He knew what he needed to know. There was silence though. He thought that since she was asleep that he should be.


Michael found himself turning around. In a body.

"What's going on?" Maria asked confused, unsure, she wasn't sure of anything anymore.

"I think I'm still dreamwalking. I'm just in your dream now." he explained to her.

Maria nodded. "Did you find what you needed?"

"Yea." he said simply. But she didn't respond, only nod. After a moment he spoke. "I'm going to go now Maria."

"No." she said quickly. She didn't want him to go. This was the only way she could see him and she wanted him to stay. She wanted to see him. The way he really was.

"No?" he asked. Why she would want him to stay he didn't know.

"No. I want you to stay. This is the only way I can see you now." she said sadly.

Michael closed the distance between them slowly. "Maria we'll get my body back."

"Yea." Maria nodded. Maria knew she was telling herself that, not him.

"I'm sorry Maria. For putting you through this." he told her, he hoped this time she actually forgave him.

"It isn't your fault. It's his." Maria told him kindly.

Michael wasn't sure of what to say. He really had nothing more to say. So he took a bold move. Every part of him screamed at him to stop. Michael wrapped his arms around her waste and pulled her close. He needed to feel her. In her mind it seemed more like he was touching himself. Like he was her. But him touching her was different.

Maria threw her arms around Michaels neck and refused to let go.


To be continued