History of the Daimajin
Many have seen the movies, but few know the legend, of the mighty Majin. It was long ago in a village in feudal Japan. The village had been unlucky. Bad crops, drought, locusts, and other misfortunes had ruined the harvest and many people of the village died of starvation. But in the end the village banned together to save itself, with neighbor helping neighbor to conserve food and survive. Then, in the midst of the crisis in the village, a large group of bandits attacked the village; they destroying homes, killed villagers, and stole what was left of the crops.

A girl, whose parents had been killed by the bandits, ran to the mountain of the Haniwa (a clay statue of a warrior that looks over the village). She prayed to the Haniwa with all of her heart to stop the bandits and began to cry A single tear dropped on the Haniwa's head. Then, the skies turned dark and the earth began to shake, and the Haniwa began to grow. It quickly grew from the tiny clay Haniwa into the enormous Majin. It passed its enormous arm in front of it's face and showed its anger.

The Majin walked in giant thundering steps into the village. The bandits were shocked and frightened and tried to stop him with arrows, swords and spears; but the Majin simply stepped on them like ants or tossed them aside. The bandits eventually fled the village in fear of the Majin. It then walked back to it's mountain and shrank into the Haniwa, and continued to watch over the village.