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Charge of the Dark God


                                               Listen to the words of the Dark God, who of old was called Anubis, Donn,
                            Hades, Sestar and so many other names.

                            I am the shadow of the bright day, I am the reminder of mortality at the
                            height of living. I am the never ending veil of night where the Star Goddess
                            dances. I am the death that must be so that life may continue, for behold, Life
                            is immortal because the living must die.

                            I am the strength that protects, I am the power that says no, and no further
                            and that is enough. I am the things that can not be spoken of, and i am the
                            laughter at the edge of death.

                            Come with me into the warm unfolding dark, feel my caress in the hands, in
                            mouth, in the body of the one you love, and be transformed.

                            Gather in the moon less night and speak in unknown tongues, and the Dark
                            Mother and I will listen. Sing out and cry out and the power will be  yours to
                            wield. Blow me a kiss when the sky is dark and I will smile, but no kiss will
                            return, for my kiss is the final one for mortal flesh!