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Teen Page


                       I decided to do this page for teen wiccans after talking with my close friend and
                       witch Ameythst Moon Flower, who's web page addy will be on this page also,
                       because we both have been receiving email from teens that are either practicing
                       or are interested in being involved with Wicca.

                Once of the main questions we have received is,*How do I tell my parents?*This
                       is actually one of the most difficult questions to answer. For the most part all of
                       the teens are under 18 years of age. Legally they are still bound by their parents
                       dictates and that includes their religious upbringing. If this happens to be the
                       situation you find yourself in, the first thing I will tell you is to talk to your
                       parents about Wicca or Paganism. See what their reaction to this is. If it is
                       favorable continue the discussion. If it isn't and they become seriously upset over
                      this drop the discussion immediately!! DO NOT get into an all out fight with them
                      about this!!  You see what you believe is already in your heart, no one can take
                     that from you, BUT you should be aware or at least learn a bit about all religions
                      not just Christian or Wicca or Hindu, look at them all. Then choose your path
                      from their. Myself, I am a Christian Wiccan, and I have been able to incorporate
                      both my beliefs together and it has worked incredibly well for me. This path is not
                      always right for everyone, you must choose your own. If you live in a household
                      where the idea of learning about or practicing more than one faith isn't allowed
                      then keep your beliefs to yourself, until you are of age, then make the decision
                      about what you wish to do.


                        Another part of this is if your parents don't want you involved with Wicca, do
                      you practice it anyway?? I can tell you this, if your family is Catholic, do not
                      make even the attempt to practice, or if your family is Born Again.
                      Both of these religions have very strict beliefs and backgrounds and to go against
                      them at a young age will do nothing more then end up hurting you. Keep your
                      beliefs close to your heart and wait until you are of age.

                               Now please don't everyone think that I am bashing the above religions because I
                       am not, I am only saying this because of what I have read and what I have also
                       experienced, again their beliefs are their own and  I wish them all the best in their
                       beliefs because for them it is right. No one is wrong or right in what they believe,
                       its when others interfere with your own personal beliefs is when I have a problem
                       with them.


                             Ok enough about that LOL  I have listed several links to Teen Wiccan Pages, that
                        I think you will find helpful, also I have a few spells that I am putting up to help
                       you get started. Just remember the Rule of Three also applies to young witches as
                       well as the other ones, in other words Harm None, I do not care how angry some-
                       one may make you, or you want revenge because someone stole your boy or girl
                       friend!  All the laws of practicing apply to you also, so please make sure you read
                       up on all of them! I have them on my pages so please read them! (yep can you tell
                       that I am a mom??? LOL I do good lectures)


                                              Ok here are the links to some teen wiccan sites.

               All the following sites are excellent, but i have to say some of
                    are extraordinary!!!!!!!

extwixcy's site 

Wild Fyres Site 

This is an excellent teen site highly recommended!!!!!

Faerie's Being A *Teen Witch* Page 

Teen Wiccan Page 

Moonlit Grove 

Soulbleeders Cave 

Nightshades Wiccan Realm 

Pagan Teen Resource Page 

My Wiccan Journey 

Raven's Light Coven 

Teen Sites 

The Wiccan Teen Realm 

Artemis Silver Raven 

Teen Site 

Lady Lynx's Page 

Teen Witch.Com 

Teen Circle 

The Purple Raven Teen Site 


                  When you get to the above links check their pages for more
                teen links!


                                                Here are a few spells to start you off!!

Study Spell


             Use a yellow candle to represent yourself, carve your name into it. Anoint it
                        with Vanilla or Sage Oil. Burn Sage incense and say:

Goddess of Wisdom I pray to you
All through my study, my mind stay
Open, receptive and clear to me
As my will so mote it be!

For a Productive School Day


             Before going to school, sit cross legged and face east and say:

Goddess of Wisdom be with me this day
As I go forth to seek knowledge
Guide my path and let my mind be open
So mote it be!

Another Study Spell


                 Anoint two yellow candles with Lemon Oil and anoint them. Take a Citrine stone
                         and anoint with Lemon Oil also. Now place it in front of the candles to the light
                         shines on it. Then say:

Charge the stone with candlelight
To fill my mind with wisdom bright
To keep my mind alert and clear
So that no bane can interfere
With the process of my brain
So what I read is knowledge gained
For all my life to stay with me
This is my will, so mote it be!


             Let the candle burn while you study and keep the stone on the papers nearby. You
                        can also keep the stone with you to help you when doing work in school.

Help With Test Scores


                 Take a walnut and write your name on it, concentrating on what you would like
                         to see on your upcoming test scores. Keep the walnut with you. Do this during a
                         full or waning moon.

                Now this I found on the web, and I thought it would be excellent to put it here, it
                        is the Just Say No Spell. NOT that only teens need to do this, but adults need it

Just Say No Spell


                     Items needed: A Picture of Yourself, salt

                     Moon Phase: Any time preferably Waning

               Place your picture on your alter, surround the picture with a circle of salt, then

Goddess loves me this I know
For the Spirit tells me so
Little ones to her belong
Addicts are weak, but I am strong!!


                  carry the picture with you until you feel strong enough to do without it!


                              Remember, NOTHING will take the place of studying, these spells are merely used
                         to assist you, not do it for you!!


                                Now if you are interested in the Tarot, I would strongly suggest you visit my
                           friend Amey's page. She is very gifted in this field and I am sure you would enjoy
                           it! She also has an excellent Teen Page up also!!


If you would like to email me.......send it to this addy