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Steeping Herbs

                    This is something that is very easy to do. Herbs that have been steeped in water are
                excellent to use in baths. All you need is the herb of choice, a glass jar with a lid, a
                piece of cheesecloth to strain the water through, although some like to have bits of
                the herb left in their water, personal choice here.

                 Add water to a pot and get it boiling, add the herbs enough so that you can get a
                 good scent. After adding the herbs let it come to an immediate boil then remove
                 from the burner and let sit, cover and leave it for several hours.

                 When done, strain through the cheese cloth and pour into containers. It is done!
                 Now that was easy, right? Use these when you are doing a spell that requires a dip
                 in the tub, BUT make sure first that the herbs you use are SAFE on skin!!! Please
                 read up on the herb you wish to use, if you don't have the books, call an herbal or
                 occult shop and ask questions, please be safe here!!

                 One of my favorites to steep is Patchouli, it has an incredible earthy scent to it!!