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Soul Retrieval

I am sure that many of us have lost bits and pieces of our souls for one reason or another. We tend to give them away be it for love, money or through physical or emotional abuse. It is when we cannot get these missing pieces back that our lives stay dysfunctional. When two people love one another, and one changes their mind, you are still in love, and you allow that person to still retain a piece of your soul, and you must get that piece back! The same goes for abuse, get away from the abuser and when you do, take back the missing soul pieces that were taken from you. Many women (and men) in abusive situations insist on leaving their soul pieces behind when they finally get away, but by doing this, you can never be whole again! Some believe that even away from the abuser, there is still love left, that is one thing that has to be taken care of immediately! There is no LOVE in any abusive situations, only control. And you must take control of your life, so getting back that soul piece is of the utmost importance!

By going to counseling for help after getting out of an abusive situation, or going to a healer, (Reikki is great for this) or doing both, is an excellent start in retrieving your missing pieces! Just because you got out of this dangerous situation doesn't mean you are automatically whole again, it will take a lot of effort and work on your part, but believe me when I say it is definitely worth it in the end!!!

Giving of oneself to another is what makes the world go round, but giving too much to someone that truly doesn't want it, is both painful and illogical. When you loose the person you loved, you have to find a way to let go, and retrieve the piece that person took with them. There are several excellent meditations and rituals you can do to accomplish this, asking the goddess for her help in a ritual to let go is a good idea, when this is over you will feel better inside then you did before, is it a miracle cure?? not hardly! but it will give you a good start to being whole again!

