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Date: Sat. May 18, 2002 -- Time: 3:14pm
And here ya have it. The very first update of the Star Wars: Jedi Force web page. The time stamp says 3:14pm, but I don't know what time I'll actually get this up. This just happens to be the time I started writing this :D Anywho, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Aaron Pierce. I'll be the illustrator of this fine comic. Working with me are some of my best friends: Jason Parrott, who'll be helping with Story movement and plot, Lee Ramse, who'll be working with that, and helping me design Characters and places, and finally Andi Teters-Peterson, she and I have been connected through Star Wars for a looooong time. She'll be helping with Web Site layout, as well as story and plot movement in the Jedi Force series. So what is Jedi Force? :S Probably should have told you from the start ;) Jedi Force is an online Cyber comic. It will take place in the Star Wars galaxy (obviously), but it won't take place around Luke, Leia, Han, and the late, great Chewie. **mumble mumble** they should've never killed him off >_< **mumble mumble** ahem... anyway... This story will take place around characters that me and my friends have made for ourselves. In the comic, I'm Agron Dyrce, Jedi Knight, Jason is represented by Jasar Parlion, Lee is represented in the form of Rall La'Reen, and Andi... well... we're still working on her ;). I know the three guys are Jedi, and I have a feeling Andi will be too, but that remains to be seen. We're fighting against the likes of Yujal Kolik, and Mavich Dalunn, their ultimate goal is conquest of the galaxy, and a complete Sith rulership. Meh, never happen ;) Anyway... I'm working toward having the first installment of the FanFic, The DataLink, Contact, Links, Staff, and Gallery running before I finish today, but I'm not sure I'll pull it off :D Oh well. With the Jedi there is no try, only do. But then... I'm not a Jedi ;) That's it from this end. MTFBWY!


"Star Wars" and all related characters and themes are Copyright © 1977-2002 George Lucas, and LucasFilm. All Rights reserved. All characters in "Star Wars: Jedi Force" Are Copyright © 2002-2003 to the Jedi Force Team, except for those represented in the original movies.

"Star Wars: Jedi Force", and the Jedi Force Team give full credit to George Lucas for his idea, and his movie. All rights reserved, used under authorization.