Dr. Kasturirangan, Chairman  ISRO (left) and Prof. Bensoussan, President CNES sign the MOU.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and CNES, the French space agency, signed  a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 9 May 2001 to develop and launch a satellite for atmospheric and climate research. Called 'Megha-Tropiques', the satellite is due for launch in 2005. The satellite is to carry a Multi-frequency Microwave Scanning Radiometer (MADRAS); a Multi-channel Microwave Instrument (SAPHIR) and a Multi-channel radiation measuring instrument called ScaRaB. MADRAS will provide information on rain above the oceans, integrated water vapor content in the atmosphere, liquid water in clouds, convective rain over land and sea. SAPHIR will provide data on vertical humidity profile in the atmosphere. ScaRaB will transmit data on the earth's radiation environment. MADRAS will be developed jointly by CNES and ISRO while the other two instruments will be contributed by CNES. Megha-Tropiques will use the Proteus spacecraft platform developed by CNES. ISRO will launch the satellite on its Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) into a 867 km orbit with an inclination of 20 degrees. In this orbit, Megha- Tropique can collect data repetitively over the tropics and supplement data obtained from other geostationary and polar orbiting satellites. The satellite will be controlled in orbit by CNES, and scientific data will be received and distributed by ISRO from Bangalore.

The exchange of energy in the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) influences the global climate. The ITCZ interacts with the atmosphere in ways that are yet to be fully understood, reducing the reliability of weather forecasting.

In addition to Indian and French scientists who will be taking part in the data analysis, international teams of scientists working on global climate related studies have also expressed keen interest in the Megha-Tropiques satellite program.

The MOU is a milestone in the long-standing relationship between Indian and French space agencies. ISRO and CNES have collaborated on several joint research projects.