Est Sulari Oth Mithas.
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My honor My life. Without Honor there is no life. If there is one lesson in life tis the lesson of honor and truth. Pity some choose to remain ignorant in thier rage.

There is no honor in terrorism.... Yer message of hate has been received Osma Bin Laden. Yer do nae know my people ye animal, In yer igorance ye do nae know what ye have started. To yer demise ye are about to learn.. God Bless America!!!

A 5' 11" lady walks out into the court yard. She sits upon the stone bench. The breeze stirring her shoulder length hair. She looks to you with guarded sea green eye then speaks confidently: "Greetings Please have a seat, so we may begin. I am known as Jennifer Segal. Jennifer was chosen by Drakos. I chose the name Segal because it means thinking before acting." As she folds her hands and places them in her lap you notice she is wearing a lavendar silk dress, black silk stocking, and italian pumps. Her brow arches watching you, "So many centuries so many changes yet I survive. I suppose yer curious about my mortality. I was born to Tristan and Isobel in the year 1065 deep within the mount Snowdon of Cymru.

Upon my brother Jamie's 18th birthday the peace and harmony of my family came crashing down. Cymru plunged into constant turmoil fighting against the Sassenach of Britain, who sought to enslave my people. The fighting was fierce, but thur the grace of the christian god, my papa, Tristan prevailed. Until like a thief in the nyte Drakos decesended upon them. I was embraced into darkeness.

Ansel Adaeria gave me back the light, for that I will be eternal grateful to him. I have willingly embraced the light which he served in life and in his death. I am a mercurian, an angel of God.

That was then and this is now...I have lived many lives and seen many things. Sometimes tis best to let go of the past..". She shrugs, "But them tis always important to learn and remember. Perhaps life is only a paradox. I currently belong to the guild Honor in the forum of IZ.

There are a few I care to remember. Luan sister.. Where are ye? Ameckil brother? .... I miss thee

In my time I have had many childer. They are nae forgotten.

Black Nite - He was my first,and my worst. I understand now why parents speak of grey hairs.

Simon - known as NiteWars - He was my heart long long ago, and So proud was I of him. He was strong, noble, and a Ventrue of the first order. He was my awakening and my strength.

James Bordelon Darkwolf - He was my third son. I protected him and love him. Some say too much. He is a strong man who loved many, and is loved by many. He lives on somewhere. I pray he returns some day.

Malysa Bordelon Segal - My daughter my joy. She was truth and Honor. My knight and my friend. I still have the silver locket with her painting of the women in our family. A true artist. I pray she one day finds her way home.

Arkus - He was my friend. I sired him to save him. He roams the realms, and I am sure he is living one adventure after another. Live long my friend and live wisely.

Luke Segal - No words for this child except mistake. He was disowned. I should have destroyed him.

My last childer and my most beautiful is Aurora. There is nae a rose to rival her beauty. She is smart, strong, and independant. Tyr, her husband, has found his kindred spirit in her. I pray she hurries home to us all.

I have even borne a few children. They were the gifts of the dracon gem. They too are never forgotten.

Wynter Segal\Connor was my first child. She is long gone from this world. Urged to her death by her father upon his return.

Xavier Connor my first son. He did nae live long. He died soon after his father left. He was nae a strong child. Truly his father's son.

Damaris Connor was my sweetling. She reminded one of strawberries. She went mad after her father left, and soon died. Tis sad to see yer child turn into a rapid beast She was found dead in a pool of blood. My daughters and I buried her along with her brother Xavier on the peeks of Snowdon.

Hawk Segal - My golden son. I love thee and will keep yer secret to my death. Know my son yer mother loves thee and is here for thee.

Lyra Hebert -She was music and sunshine. Her name is music. She lived with Michael, and died at the hands of his other children. I have not seen her since her father allowed the slaughter upon my blood in Louisana in the realms of RAF. I was not as her grave site. I pray she was happy and knew true love. I heard she hated me. I pray Michael never told her she was his political move to keep me. Such a waste of beautiful and pure child. I love ye as a mother, and I shed tears over yer loss. I wished I could have protected ye. Please forgive me for failing ye.

Leonardo Nicholas Rage -I remember his birth,and how I prayed he was a son. For in Vipers words only sons matter. Viper hides my son in VOL and his Family. He was told I never loved him and wanted to kill him. I have seen him from afar. I miss holding my son. I do not know if he still lives.

Mirabella Rage - My daughter ran away after her father told her boys were more important, and he did not have time for her. Kamron of Jackal is her god mother. I miss my daughter and I love her. I wish to hold her again. Do ye live on somewhere my daughter?

Hope Adaeria - My beautiful sweet angel is truly her father's daughter. She and her brother Honor my hope for the future. She is sunshine laughter peace and love. On her 18th birthday I gave her my wedding ring it is a precious possesion, because it came from Ansel, her father on our wedding day. Learn from me my daughter. Love is fleeting, and enjoy what time ye are granted.

Honor Adaeria - My handsome honorable angel is truly my son. Ansel would have been proud of him. He understand the words Est Sulari Oth Mithas. He and his sister Hope are our hope for the future. He is truth honor laughter and love.

Augustus Apollo Reign - Ye took my breathe away when I first saw yer face. Ye are the mirror reflection of yer father Apollo. Ye are strong and I look upon ye with such awe and wonder. What a man ye will be...

Harmony Celeste Reign - Ye like yer twin brother claimed my heart. Heavenly music my daughter and I find ye pure beyond words. Perhaps tis time for a new song... or to blend the old with the new...

Let me be perfectly clear. I love all of my children and childer with all that I am.

Jennifer sighs and looks at you. "Why do ye wish to know this? I cannae say much of love, save in the past it has been hurtful. For me Love has never been true, until Ansel Adaeria. He taught me I could be loved. Apollo Reign shows me I can love unconditionally, and be loved in the same manner... no matter what the fates bring upon our shoulders. I can be loved for who and what I truly am. False love makes ye an easy target for manipulation. I know the joys of true love.

I have been married many times.

Hu Mei - I loved him. He was threatened and bought off by my sire. He took the money and ran.

Barishi - I think he was my transiton realtionship. There was never real love. He married me for my sire's postion and power. Too Bad he was the puppet of Lady Kass. Tis my fondest wish he rots in hell. I have deep hatred for Barishi. Instead of saving my daughter Wynter he urged her to commit suicide. I hope he dies a slow painful death.

Michael Hebert - I loved him beyond reason, but he could not stay faithful. He took Lyra, allowed the slaughter of my family, and killed any feelings I had for him.

Rhygar Roulston - For the first time a man love me for me. The Sabbat drove him mad.... He faked his death.

Viper Rage - Not much to say here except a pathetic puppet. A little dog.

Ansel Adaeria - I loved him beyond reason. God and the fates took him from our family. I married him on 10/10/00 with a joyful heart. His children and I honored him with a funeral on 10/10/04. Ansel... Ye will never be forgotten, and ye will always be loved. Ye were a gift from God, and I cherished every moment I was granted with thee. I pray ye have found peace and rest easy.

Apollo Reign - I know we are not man and wife. We are handfasted, to give our twins yer name... I do love ye with each breathe I take, and I pray someday ye will have faith in me. Ye have reawakened me Apollo.. and have brought me back to myself. Our song started long ago... only to continue again in this age. Please let our dance never end...

As for the future who knows. Mayhaps adventure is around the corner. I have my family and my work. ::a sad smile:: I have talked much to ye this eve, and perhaps more than I should have. This interview is now done.

I only accept Forum Dm, AA's, and the like! NO FC!



4d91 - 271,705217,705exp,

Breast Implants +3 Attack RGI^E~05

Green Sapphire Gem +2 Stealth

Silver Dragon Tattoo +3 Defense

Ring (+2RGI, +3) Perception

I guard and am guarded by the following

Apollo Reign

All of my Childer and Children

All of Honor

Yer problems are yer own till ye make them mine... What is mine... I KEEP...

If ye wish to leave me a missive click on Enjoy.