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Hello everyone this tutorial was just a spur of the moment design.
And if you can do better, by all means you have my permission and create a better one.
(use your own pictures if you do so)

First lets Get supplies!

1. Pencils (your local Art Store should carry)
2. Sketchbook or loose paper
Clean work area
4.  Erasers (Staedtler or Factis soft are good ones)


Just draw this stick figure to start, as you see it’s very simple and easy to draw.
It’s just a bunch of circles and lines.

2. Next we’ll just add triangles and minor modifications. Keeping the same form, but we’ll give a complete makeover. Use a soft pencil to start, preferably a H type or 2-5H. Because if mistakes are made, the lines won’t be to hard to erase.

3. Now as you can see the whole character took on the circular look. That’s what we need for this concept character. Remember nothing is written in stone at this point, we can keep modifying a little further.

4.  Now here we get more detail and changed the look of the whole character, just follow along, if I went to fast look at the first 3 and the jump back to this one. You can be totally creative at this point, adding antenna’s is up to you. Try to imagine the character in your mind, the style of gloves, boots, breathing holes, weapons.

5. Now this is the final picture. It can use some more fixing, but if your 3d modeler needs a concept picture, give him this one. The Character can use some color and maybe black ink edged to make it sleek and not so fuzzy. A game studio will need one with color and inked if desired by them. Keep up with the concepts and practice on your own, and best of all come up with your own style. My advice to you young people; let people see your work but don’t be discouraged if they find mistakes, always try to improve your work. And practice, practice, practice….

This is by no means the professional way to Draw, this is just one method that I use to teach people. Keep reading books and take some Life Drawing classes. The nude body is Art, don’t be afraid to draw the nude figure. The organic lines and curves are used in 3d games and other art entertainment fields. If you have questions you can contact me at:

©1997 nrg wave graphics, inc. Manuel Ponce Graphic Designer