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Swope Park - the Palatinate
Jarl Michael Darius
bids you welcome to the Gangrel Palatinate. We ask that all visitors observe the Rules of the Domain.
The Six Traditions:
1. All Cainites must observe the Tradition of Masquerade whenever possible. Failure to do so may be punishable by Final Death. 
2. The word of the Jarl is Law. 
3. None shall Embrace in the confines of the Palatinate, or the Domain of Necropolis, without permission. Transgression may be punishable by Final Death of both Sire and Childe. 
4. Sires are responsible for their Childer.
5. All new Gangrel must present themselves to the Jarl. All non-Gangrel who wish to enter the heart of the Palatinate Domain must first request permission of the Jarl. 
6. The killing of another Cainite without the permission of the Jarl is forbidden. Only the Jarl may call Blood Hunt. 
Rules of Conduct:
1. The Six Traditions will be strictly observed. 
2. Mortals enter the wilds of the Park at their own risk. The park is CLOSED at dust.
3. Shifters are not permitted to enter the Park, nor are they permitted to consider or use the Zoo as a "breeding ground." Any that do so shall be killed. This is Gangrel Sovereign Domain. It is within our rights to destroy intruders. 
4. Sabbat will be killed on sight.
5. Ghouls are not permitted to enter without the permission of the Jarl. This permission must be secured by the Domitor and their domitor must accompany them except in extreme circumstances. Unsecured ghouls found in the Park will be destroyed.
6. All Visitors to the Domain will conduct themselves with courtesy, restraint, and decorum at all times. Transgression will result in expulsion and banishment from the Domain. 
7. Certain areas of the Park are off-limits to all but the Gangrel and those approved Guests of the Jarl. Respect those limits. Trespass may be punishable by Death. 
8. First and foremost, this Park is for the Independent Gangrel of Necropolis. Their wishes and needs come above all others. 
Laws of Elysium as upheld by the Palatinate
1. No violence is permitted on the premises.
Only in the secreted Challenge Circle is violence permitted.
(No Weapon shall be openly displayed. Only Gangrel may ever draw a weapon within the Clearing)
2. No art is to be destroyed on pain of Final Death.
(The term "art" here extends to the natural features of the park, including trees.)
3. Elysium is neutral ground.
(Move quarrels to the Challenge Circle. Do not disturb the peace of Elysium on threat of death)
4. Remember the Masquerade at all times.
(While not in force in the Clearing, be sure you are never seen entering the closed park by others.)
5. Remember the Laws of the Palatinate at all times.
By my hand and Seal,
 Michael Darius, 
Jarl Palatinus
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